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Resolutions and Decisions
Summary records
[01] Agenda of the 2000 Session of Council
[02] New Initiatives and Strategic Planning Workshops
[02Add1] IP Telephony Workshop - Chairperson's Report
[03] World Telecommunication Policy Forum
[04] World Telecommunication Day
[05Rev1] Contributory shares of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for defraying Union expenses
[06] Contributory shares of the Republic of Seychelles for defraying Union expenses
[07] Criteria applicable for the choice of Class of Contribution
[08] Changes in conditions of service under the United Nations Common System
[09] Cooperation agreement between ITU and WTO
[10] Contributory shares of Swisscom for defraying Union Expenses
[11] Financial Operating Report for the Biennium 1998-1999
[12] Reduction of the cost and volume of documentation for ITU Conferences, Assemblies and the Council
[13] New BDT Structure
[13org] New BDT Structure - ORGANIGRAMME
[14] Follow-up on the external auditor's recommendations on the accounts for voluntary funds for the financial year 1998
[15] Accounts of Africa Telecom
[16] Amendments to the Financial Regulations of the Union
[17] Gradual lifting of interim limitations on the use of official and working languages of the Union
[18] TELECOM activities
[19] Strengthening the ITU regional presence
[20] Arrears and special arrears accounts
[20A1] Repayement of amounts owed by the Republic of Bolivia over a period of 10 years
[20A2] Amounts owed by Net.Net Limited, United Kingdom
[20C1] Arrears and special arrears accounts
[21] External Audit of the Union's Accounts
[21Add1] External Audit of the Union's Accounts
[21Add2] Reports on External Audit of the Accounts of the Union
[22Rev1] Provisional participation in the activities of the Sectors
[23] Joint Inspection Unit
[24] Status report to the Council on the work of the Working Group on ITU Reform
[25Rev1] Programme of ITU meetings and conferences
[26] Date and duration of the 2001 session of the Council
[27] Internet Protocol (IP)-based networks and management of Internet names and addresses
[27A] Comprehensive Version - Part I
[27B] Comprehensive Version - Part II
[28Rev1] Exemption from payment for Organizations of an International character
[29] New mechanisms for the involvement of the membership in policy-related and regulatory-related activities of the General Secretariat
[30] Use of TELECOM surplus funds
[31] International Telecommunication Regulations
[32] Progress report on implementation of the Geneva Diplomatic Community network (GDCnet) and business plan for its long-term future and sustainability
[33] Participation of Associates in the work of ITU
[34] World Summit on the Information Society
[34A] WSIS Feasibility study
[35] Report on the Activities of the Union
[35A] Annexe A au Document C2000/35
[35B] Annexe B au Document C2000/35
[35C] Annexe C au Document C2000/35
[36] Inclusion of the gender perspective in the work of ITU
[37] Council Resolutions and Decisions
[38] Operational Plans
[39] Review and improvement of the management, functioning and structure of ITU
[40] Report by the Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Finance to the Plenary Meeting
[41] Report by the Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Staff Matters to the Plenary Meeting
[41Cor1] Report by the Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Staff Matters to the Plenary Meeting - Corrigendum 1
[43] Financial Impact of WRC-2000 Decisions
[44] Plenipotentiary Conference, 2002
[45] Universal International Premium Rate Numbers (UIPRN) and Universal International Shared Cost Numbers (UISCN)
[46] Online access to ITU Recommendations
[46Add1] Sources of funding by Sector
[47] World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-03) and Radiocommunication Assembly (RA-03)
[48] Contributory shares of Teleglobe Inc. for defraying Union expenses
[49] Contribution by the Russian Federation
[50] Contribution from Denmark
[51] Chairpersons and Vice-Chairpersons
[52] Secretariat of the Council
[53] Letter from the Joint Inspection Unit
[54] Summary record of the inaugural Plenary Meeting
[55] Summary Record of the First and Last Meeting of the Standing Committee on Staff Matters
[56] Summary Record of the First Meeting of the Standing Committee on Finance
[57] Summary Record of the First Plenary Meeting
[58] Summary Record of the Second Plenary Meeting
[59] Contribution from the United States of America
[60] Summary Record of the Third Plenary Meeting
[61] Summary Record of the Fourth Plenary Meeting
[62] Summary Record of the 2nd meeting of the Standing Committee on finance
[63] Summary Record of the 3rd and Last Meeting of the Standing Committee on finance
[64] Contribution from the United States of America
[65] Res. 1150: Accounts of activities related to Africa TELECOM 98
[66] Res. 1151: Financial Operating Report for the biennium 1998-1999 and the financial year 1999
[67] Res. 1152: External audit of the ITU accounts for the biennium 1998-1999 and the financial year 1999
[68] Res. 1153: Amendments to the Financial Regulations of the Union
[69] Res. 1154: Contributory shares for defraying Union expenses - Democratic People's Republic of Korea
[70] Dec. 491: Cancellation of irrecoverable debts in the amount of CHF 754 520.75
[71] Dec. 489: Repayment over a period of ten years of amounts owed by the Republic of the Congo
[72] Dec. 490: Repayment over a period of ten years of amounts owed by the Republic of Bolivia
[73] Res. 1155: Implementation of cost recovery for the UIPRN and UISCN registrar functions
[74] Contribution by Morocco
[75] Res. 1157: Contributory shares for defraying Union expenses - Republic of Seychelles
[76] Dec. 492: Repayment over a period of ten years of amounts owed by the Republic of Kazakstan
[77] Dec. 500: Use of the term "chairman"
[78] Summary Record of the 5th Plenary Meeting
[79] Contribution from several Members of the Council
[80] Summary Record of the 6th Plenary Meeting
[81] Dec. 493: Special account for the "GDCnet PROJECT"
[82] Res. 1159: ITU reform process
[83] Res. 1160: Amendments to the staff regulations applicable to appointed staff in the Union
[84] Res. 1161: Conditions of service of ITU elected officials
[85] Res. 1162: Membership of the ITU Staff Pension Committee
[86] Dec. 494: Conclusion on a provisional basis of the Cooperation Agreement between ITU and WTO
[87] Res. 1158: World Summit on the Information Society
[87Rev1] Res. 1158: World Summit on the Information Society - Revised version concerns the Arabic text only.
[88] Res. 1156: Agenda for the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-03)
[89] Dec. 495: Publication of Council documents
[90] Dec. 496: Guidelines for Strategic Planning Workshops
[91] Dec. 497: Convening of the next ordinary plenipotentiary conference
[92] Dec. 498: Third World Telecommunication Policy Forum
[93] Dec. 499: Date and duration of the 2001 session of the Council
[94] Summary Record of the 7th Plenary Meeting
[95] Summary Record of the 8th Plenary Meeting
[96] Summary Record of the 9th Plenary Meeting
[97] Summary Record of the 10th Plenary Meeting
[98] Summary Record of the 11th Plenary Meeting
[99] Resolutions and Decisions
[100] Final list of participants
[101] Final list of documents
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