INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION RADIOCOMMUNICATION ADVISORY GROUP GENEVA, 23-25 JANUARY 1995 Document RAG95/5-E 9 December 1994 Original: English Spain ITU-R RECOMMENDATIONS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE IN THE RADIO REGULATIONS 1 Introduction The Voluntary Group of Experts (VGE) on Simplification of the Radio Regulations (RR) has recommended that certain very detailed technical provisions be transferred to ITU-R Recommendations, which would where necessary be incorporated in the RR by reference, so as to retain the same legal status. It may happen that a Recommendation of which a version is incorporated by reference in the RR is revised and approved by a radiocommunication assembly or under the procedure for approval of Recommendations between assemblies, without however being able to be adopted by a world radiocommunication conference. In that case, there would be two versions of the same Recommendation, one incorporated in the RR and the other not. Such a situation may give rise to confusion regarding the valid version referred to in the Regulations. 2 Proposal In order to identify in a clear and unambiguous manner the ITU-R Recommendations incorporated by reference in the Radio Regulations, it is proposed that the abbreviation RR be added to the numbers of such Recommendations as follows: ITU-R Recommendation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _RR series number version *****