INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION RADIOCOMMUNICATION ADVISORY GROUP GENEVA, 23-25 JANUARY 1995 Document RAG95/9-E 9 December 1994 Original: English Radiocommunication Study Group Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen LIAISON BETWEEN STUDY GROUPS, TASK GROUPS AND WORKING PARTIES 1 Introduction The pace and complexity of studies required to meet the rapid evolution and development of radio systems and services, and to respond to the agendas for WRCs, continues to place great pressure on SG, TG and WP activities. These urgent tasks, together with the pressure on the radio spectrum and the GSO, make it inevitable that work in one group has to take full and immediate account of emerging results from other groups. This need has been recognized, and a solution is currently found in the proliferation of liaison statements. Such liaison statements play an important part in the current activities, but they are not formally recognized as part of the working methods. The style and method of transmission of statements varies with the groups concerned and in some cases the information may not be transmitted in a timely way or it may be overlooked. Moreover, the content of statements, and of the statements prepared in response, have to include background information which adds to the length and thus to the processing time of the texts. It is proposed that the format and intent of liaison statements should be clarified. 2 Liaison statements and information Three kinds of liaison statement may be identified and the following categories are proposed: 2.1 Liaison question A liaison question originates from a SG, TG or WP requesting information from another group or groups. The recipient group(s) respond and there may then be a need for an iteration if the originating group needs further information. This process is important and a format for the documentation is proposed in Annex 1. 2.2 Liaison statement A liaison statement is produced by a SG, TG or WP and is directed to another group with the expectation that the recipient group will wish to act upon the information contained: e.g. such a statement may state that studies on a topic have progressed and that a revised version of a Recommendation should now be taken into account, etc. (see Annex 2). 2.3 Liaison information Liaison information is produced by a SG, TG or a WP, where it is anticipated that the recipient group will wish to know of developments, but where no specific action is expected: e.g. drawing attention of another group to a completed study, such as a revision of a Recommendation. This kind of information is usually handled by a remark that "this Recommendation is drawn to the attention of ...". In such cases, it is proposed that the Counsellors concerned should ensure that the information is reported to the next appropriate SG, TG or WP meeting and that the Bureau maintains a list of such actions. No other copying of texts or other documentation is proposed. ANNEX 1 Liaison question It is proposed that a single document, preferably on a single sheet but with annexes as required, should contain both the initial question and the response. The document should have a heading along the following lines: Liaison Question No. xxx From: TG X/Y To: WP AB Date: yyyy Question What information is available ... end of Question. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Reply: Date: zzzz Recommendation ZZZ indicates that ... (see Annexes 1 ...) - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - There may need to be further questions and replies if additional clarification is needed. The purpose of this form is intended to provide all the information in a single document, avoiding the need to repeat introductory remarks and references. It is proposed that liaison questions should be numbered in a single series for all Study Groups and that the Bureau should maintain a list of the series, indicating the SGs, etc., concerned, the dates of initiation and reply and a brief indication of the topic. Note that the references to documents or annexes should include cross-references to document numbers, including temporary documents where appropriate. If an iteration is required where the originating Study Group needs further information and a further response is then prepared, the annexes would not be reproduced again, but the cross-references would enable the information to be accessed as necessary. ANNEX 2 Liaison statement A liaison statement should be produced in a similar standardized and numbered format to a liaison question, giving the source and recipient SG, TG or WP, and the date. In this case however, the recipient group is not expected to respond to the statement, but may be expected to take action in some way. Currently the recipient group produces a document to acknowledge the statement. However, it is proposed that acknowledgements should not be sent but that the list maintained by the Bureau should indicate the date on which the recipient group took note of the statement. ******