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Pagina Principal : Publicaciones
Comments on Contributions (last delay 15 July 1996)

[1] AUS (D. Hartley): Comments on inputs to SC Rapporteur Groups SC-4 and SC-5
[2] LUX: Comments on documents submitted jointly to SC4 and SC5
[3] LUX: Comments on SC5 documents
[5] USA: Comments on SC RG4 and SC RG5 contributions
[6] Japan: Comments on contributions to RG SC-4 and SC-5
[7] INTELSAT views on Resolution 18 issues
[8] USA: Additional comments (DTH use of FSS bands)
[9] CME (S. Zanga Yene): Comments on Resolution 18 issues
[10] PNG: Discussion paper on Resolution 18 issues
[12] Brazil: Other issues on Resolution 18
[13] USA: Location of the BSS Plan Procedures

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