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Contributions to SG 11 (1996-97)

Questions assignées à la Commission d'études 11 des radiocommunications
[11/1a1] Add.1: Questions attribuées à la CE 11
Questions assignées à la CE11
[11/2] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation [11-3/AA] Principau éléments d'une catégorie universelle de systèmes de Radiodiffusion télévisuelle numérique par voie hertzienne de terre
[11/3] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation [11A/AB] Système NTSC de transmission de télévision amelioree à écran large
[11/4-1] Part 1: A guide to digital terrestrial television broadcasting in the VHF/UHF bands
[11/4-2] Part 2: A guide to digital terrestrial television broadcasting in the VHF/UHF bands
[11/5] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation [11-3/AC] Services de données en radiodiffusion télévisuelle numérique de terre
[11/6] Projet de révision de la Recommandation UIT-R BT.1208 - Codage vidéo pour la radiodiffusion télévisuelle numérique de terre
[11/7] Projet de révision de la Recommandation 1207 - Méthodes d'accés aux données pour la radiodiffusion télévisuelle numérique de terre
[11/8] Projet de révision de la Recommandation UIT-R BT.1209 - Méthodes de multiplexage des services pour la radiodiffusion de télévision numérique de terre
[11/8c1] Corr.1: Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1209 - Service multiplex methods for digital terrestrial television broadcasting
[11/9] Projet de révision de la Recommandation UIT-R BT.656-3 - Interfaces pour les signaux vidéo numériques en composantes dans les systèmes de télévision à 525 lignes et à 625 lignes fonctionnant au niveau 4:2:2 de la Recommandation UIT-RBT.601(Partie A)
[11/9r1] Rev.1: Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.656-3 - Interfaces for digital component video signals in 525-line and 625-line television systems operating at the 4:2:2 level of Recommendation ITU-R BT.601-5 (Part A)
[11/9r2] Rev.2: Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.656-3 - Interfaces for digital component video signals in 525-line and 625-line television systems operating at the 4:2:2 level of Recommendation ITU-R BT.601-5 (Part A)
[11/10] Projet de révision de la Recommandation UIT-R BT.799-2 - Interfaces pour le signaux vidéo numériques en composantes dans les systèmes de télévision à 525 lignes et à 625 lignes fonctionnant au niveau 4:4:4 de la Recommandation UIT-R BT.601-5
[11/10r1] Rev.1: Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.799-2 - Interfaces for digital component video signals in 525-line and 625-line television systems operating at the 4:4:4 level of Recommendation ITU-R BT.601-5 (Part A) (Question ITU-R 65/
Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.799-2 - Interfaces for digital component video signals in 525-line and 625-line television systems operating at the 4:4:4 level of Recommendation ITUI-R BT.601-5 (Part A)
[11/11] Projet de Révision de la Recommandation UIT-R BT.1120 - Interfaces numériques pour les signaux de TVHD en studio 1125/60/2:1 et 1250/50/2:1
[11/11r1] Rev.1: Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1120 - Digital interfaces for 1125/60/2:1 and 1250/50/2:1 HDTV studio signals (Question ITU-R 65/11)
[11/11r2] Rev.2: Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1120 - Digital interfaces for 1125/60/2:1 and 1250/50/2:1 HDTV studio signals (Question ITU-R 65/11)
[11/12] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BT.[11-2/AD] - Format des signaux de données auxiliares acheminés par les interfaces de studio de type à composantes numériques
[11/12r1] Rev.1: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[11-2/AD] - Format of ancillary data signals carried indigital component studio interfaces (Questions ITU-R 65/11 and 231/11)
[11/12r2] Rev.2: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[11-2/AD] - Format of ancillary data signals carried indigital component studio interfaces (Questions ITU-R 65/11 and 231/11)
[11/13] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BT.[11-2/AE] - Interfaces pour les signaux vidéo numériques en composantes dans les systèmes de télévision à 525 lignes et à 625 lignes fonctionnant au niveau 4:2:2 de la Recommandation UIT-RBT.601 (Partie B)
[11/14] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BT.[11-1/AF] - Interfaces pour les signaux vidéo numériques en composantes dans les systèmes de télévision à 525 lignes et à 625 lignes foncionnant au niveau 4:4:4 de la Recommandation UIT-RBT.601 (Partie B)
[11/15] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation - Somme de contrôle pour la détection des erreurs et les informations d'état des interfaces conformes aux Recommandations UIT-R BT.656 et 799
[11/16] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation - Données numériques audio et auxiliaires en tant que signaux de données auxiliaires dans les interfaces conformes aux Recommandations UIT-R BT.656 et BT.799
[11/17] Modification de la Recommandation UIT-R BT.710-2 Méthodes d'évaluation subjective de la qualité d'image de télévision à haute définition
[11/18] Projet de modification de la Recommandation UIT-R BT.1128-1 Evaluation subjective des systèmes de télévision classiques
[11/19] Projet de modification de la Recommandation UIT-R BT.1129-1 Evaluation subjective des systèmes de télévision numérique à définition normale (TVDN)
[11/19r1] Rev 1: Draft modification of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1129-1 - Subjective assessment of standard definition digital television (SDTV) systems
[11/19r2] Rev 2: Draft modification of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1129-1 - Subjective assessment of standard definition digital television (SDTV) systems
[11/20] Projet de révision de la Recommandation UIT-R BT.1210 Images d'essai à utiliser pour les évaluations subjectives
[11/21] Projet de révision de la Recommandation UIT-R BT.500-7 Méthodologie d'évaluation subjective de la qualité des images de la télévision
[11/21r1] Rev.1: Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.500-7 - Methodology for the subjective assessment of the quality of television pictures
[11/21r2] Rev.2: Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.500-7 - Methodology for the subjective assessment of the quality of television pictures
[11/22] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation [10-11R/AH] - Surface de balayage du film super 16 mm pour applications de production et de post-production dans les systèmes de télévision 16:9
[11/23] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation [10-11R/AI] - Surface de balayage des copies d'exploitation de films 16 et 35 mm destinés à la télévision 4:3
[11/24] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation [10-11R/AJ] - Surface de balayage des copies d'exploitation de films 16 et 35 mm destinés à la télévision 16:9
[11/25,10/2] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation [10-11R/AK] - Radiodiffusion de programmes sur film comportant un son multivoie
[11/26] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation [10-11R/AL] - Utilisation d'enregistrements sur vidéodisque en radiodiffusion
[11/27] Projet de Nouvelle Recommandation [10-11R/AM] - Directives techniques pour la post-production de télévision
[11/28] Projet de Révision de la Recommandation UIT-R BR.779 - Pratiques d'exploitation recommandées pour l'enregistrement de télévision numérique (Question UIT-R 239/11)
[11/29] Projet de Révision de la Recommandation UIT-R BR.265-7 - Normes pour l'échange international de programmes sur film pour l'utilisation en télévision (Question UIT-R 41/11)
[11/30] Projet de révision de la Recommandation UIT-R BR 713 - Enregistrement d'images de TVHD sur film
[11/31] Projet de Révision du Rapport 1230 - Enregistrement de programmes de télévision à haute définition sur bandes vidéo et vidéodisques (Questions UIT-R 108-1/11 et 104-1/11)
[11/32] Projet de Révision de la Recommandation UIT-R BT.1118 - Télévision compatible améliorée à écran large utilisant des systèmes de télévision classiques (Question UIT-R 42/11)
[11/33] Projet de Révision de la Recommandation UIT-R BT.1119-1 - Signalisation "Écran large" pour la radiodiffusion (Question UIT-R 42/11)
[11/33r1] Rev.1: Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1119-1 - Wide-Screen signalling for broadcasting (Question ITU-R 42/11)
[11/33r2] Rev.2: Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1119-1 - Wide-Screen signalling for broadcasting (Question ITU-R 42/11)
[11/34] Projet de Révision de la Recommandation UIT-R BT.1117-1 - Caractéristiques du format studio pour les systèmes de télévision améliorée à 625 lignes de format 16:9 (D-MAC et D2-MAC, PALPLUS, SECAM amélioré) (Question UIT-R 42/11)
[11/35-10/5] Note du Secrétariat
[11/36] Note de liaison adressée au président de la Commission d'études 11 de l'UIT-R - Manuel sur la planification de la télévision numérique par voie hertzienne de Terre
[11/37] Réponse à la note de liaison du Groupe d'action 11/3 sur les protocoles MPEG-2
[11/38] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation [CCC] - Caractéristiques fonctionnelles communes à respecter pour la réception d'émissions de télévision numérique multiprogramme par des satellites dans la gamme de fréquences 11/12 GHz (Question UIT-R 217/11)
[11/39] Projet de révision du Rapport UIT-R BO.2008-Radiodiffusion numérique multiprogramme par satellite
[11/40] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BO.[AAA] - Diagrammes de rayonnement de référence de la p.i.r.e. hors axe pour les antennes de stations terriennes d'émission à utiliser pour la planification lors de la révision des plans de l'appendice 30A
[11/41] Projet de nouveau Rapport [10-11S/R6] - Systèmes du SRS fonctionnant dans la bande 40,5 - 42,5 GHz
[11/42] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BO.[DDD] - Rapports de protection à utiliser pour la planification lors de la révision des plans des appendices 30 et 30A pour les régions 1 et 3
[11/43] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BO.[BBB] - Diagrammes de rérérence d'antenne de réception de station spatiale a utiliser pour la planification dans le cas de faisceaux elliptiques lors de la révision des plans de l'appendice 30A ...
[11/44] Note de liaison à l'intention de la commission d'études 11 de l'UIT-R - Nouvelle terminologie approuvée par le group de travail 1/9
[11/45] Note de liaison à l'intention du Président de la commission d'études 11 de l'UIT-R - Manuel sur la planification de la télévision numérique par voie hertzienne de terre
[11/46] Projet de nouveau Rapport UIT-R BT.[11/3-R2] - Facteurs de planification et stratégie de mise en oeuvre de la radiodiffusion télévisuelle numérique par voie hertzienne de terre (DTTB)
[11/47-1] Part 1: Draft new Report ITU-R BT.[11-3/R1] Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting Service coverage studios and field trails
[11/47-1] Part 2: Draft new Report ITU-R BT.[11-3/R1] Digital terrestrial television broadcasting service coverage studies and field trails
[11/48] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BT.[11-3/XXE] - Méthodes de multiplexage, de transport et d'identification des services pour la radiodiffusion télévisuelle numérique par voie hertzienne de terre
[11/49] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BT.[11-3/XXD&XXI] - Méthodes de correction d'erreur, de mise en trame des données, de modulation et de diffusion pour la radiodiffusion télévisuelle numérique par voie hertzienne de terre
[11/51] Liaison statement from ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC29/WG11 on performance of MPEG 2-NBC multichannel audio codecs
[11/52] Liaison statement from WP 3K on propagation planning factors of Rec. ITU-R BT.[11-3/XYZ]
[11/53,10/15] Liaison statement from WP 3K on the prediction of field strength for low percentages of time
[11/54] Draft new Question [AH/11B] - Use of computer technology in television broadcasting applications
[11/55] Draft revision of Question 207-1/11
[11/56] Draft new Question [AI/11B] - Digital coding for multi-programme television
[11/57] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[XYZ] Criteria required for planning digital terrestrial television services in the VHF/UHF television bands
[11/57r1] Rev.1: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[XYZ] Criteria required for planning digital terrestrial television services in the VHF/UHF television bands
[11/58] Report on the third and final meeting of TG 11/3
[11/59] Final Report of TG 11/1
[11/60] Report of the Chairman of SG 11
[11/61] Future allocation of work from TG 11/3 concerning digital terrestrial television broadcasting
[11/62] Report on the first meeting of WP 11E (Geneva, 25-29 March 1996)
[11/63,10/22] Chairman's report of the first and second meeting of Joint Working Party 10-11S
[11/64,10/23] Report of the first meeting of JWP 10-11R (March 20-22, 1996)
[11/65] Chairman's Report on the meeting of WP 11B (Geneva, 21-27 March 1996)
[11/66] Report on the sixth meeting of TG 11/2 (Geneva, 25 march 1996)
[11/67] Report of the meeting of WP 11C (Geneva, 20-28 March 1996)
[11/68] Report of the first and second meetings of WP 11A - Television systems and data broadcasting - Geneva, 4-8 December 1995; Sydney, 11-15 November 1996
[11/69,11A/90,11B/38,11C/57,11E/41,10-11R/32,10-11S/146,11-2/38] Status of texts of Study Groups 11, Working Parties and Task Groups
[11/70] Past record of contributions addressed to Questions of Study Group 11
[11/71] Report of the second meeting of JWP 10-11R in the 1996-1997 study period
[11/72] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BR.[10-11R/AN] Recording of data in the user bits of the longitudinal time code (Question ITU-R 239/11)
[11/72r1] Rev.1: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BR.[10-11R/AN] Recording of data in the user bits of the longitudinal time code (Question ITU-R 239/11)
[11/73] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BR.[10-11R/AO] Viewing conditions for evaluating television display from telecine reproduction (Question ITU-R 240/11)
[11/73r1] Rev.1: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BR.[10-11R/AO] Viewing conditions for evaluating television display from telecine reproduction (Question ITU-R 240/11)
[11/74] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BR.[10-11R/AP] Use of compression in television production (Questions ITU-R 238/11 and 239/11)
[11/74r1] Rev.1: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BR.[10-11R/AP] Use of compression in television production (Questions ITU-R 238/11 and 239/11)
[11/75] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BR.[10-11R/AQ] Use of wrappers and metadata in television production (Questions ITU-R 238/11 and 239/11]
[11/75r1] Rev.1: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BR.[10-11R/AQ] Use of wrappers and metadata in television production (Questions ITU-R 238/11 and 239/11]
[11/76] Preliminary draft new Question ITU-R BR.[AJ/10-11R) User requirements in the area of file management and transfer protocols for television recording in programme production
[11/77] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[11-2/AR] Transmission of time code and control code in the ancillary data space of a digital television stream according to ITU-R BT.656, BT.799 and BT.1120
[11/77r1] Rev.1: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[11-2/AR] Transmission of time code and control code in the ancillary data space of a digital television stream according to ITU-R BT.656, BT.799 and BT.1120
[11/78] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[11-2/AT] Serial digital fiber transmission system for signals conforming to ITU-R BT.656, BT.799 and BT.1120
[11/78r2] Rev.2: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[11-2/AT] Serial digital fiber transmission system for signals conforming to ITU-R BT.656, BT.799 and BT.1120
[11/79] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[11-2/AS] 24-Bit digital audio format as ancillary data signals in HDTV serial interfaces
[11/79r1] Rev.1: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[11-2/AS] 24-Bit digital audio format as ancillary data signals in HDTV serial interfaces
[11/80] Draft new Question ITU-R BT.[11-2/AK] Serial data transport mechanism for packetized data within a television production studio based on, and compatible with, Recommendation ITU-R BT.656
[11/81] Draft revision of Question ITU-R 64-3/11 - Objective picture quality parameters and associated measurement and monitoring methods for television images
[11/82] Reply to liaison statement from WP 11E to TG 11/3
[11/83-1] Part 1: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[11-2/AU] Jitter specifications and methods for jitter measurements of bit-serial signals conforming to ITU-R BT.656, ITU-R BT.799 and ITU-R BT.1120
[11/83-2] Part 2: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[11-2/AU] Jitter specifications and methods for jitter measurements of bit-serial signals conforming to ITU-R BT.656, ITU-R BT.799 and ITU-R BT.1120
[11/83-3] Part 3: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[11-2/AU] Jitter specifications and methods for jitter measurements of bit-serial signals conforming to ITU-R BT.656, ITU-R BT.799 and ITU-R BT 1120
[11/83-4] Part 4: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[11-2/AU] Jitter specifications and methods for jitter measurements of bit-serial signals conforming to ITU-R BT.656, ITU-R BT.799 and ITU-R BT.1120
[11/83r1] Rev.1: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[11-2/AU] Jitter specifications and methods for jitter measurements of bit-serial signals conforming to ITU-R BT.656, ITU-R BT.799 and ITU-R BT.1120
[11/84] Chairman's Report on the activities of TG 11/2
[11/85] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[11A/AV] - Relative timing of sound and vision for broadcasting
[11/85r1] Rev.1: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[11A/AV] - Relative timing of sound and vision for broadcasting
[11/86] Draft Decision - Luminance and contrast ratio of CRT for evaluation of picture quality
[11/87] Report on the second meeting of WP 11E
[11/88] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[11A/AW] - Worldwide unified colorimetry and related characteristics of future television and imaging systems (Question ITU-R 1-3/11)
[11/88r1] Rev.1: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[11A/AW] - Worldwide unified colorimetry and related characteristics of future television and imaging systems (Question ITU-R 1-3/11)
[11/89] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1197 - Enhanced wide-screen PAL TV transmission system (The PALplus system) (Question ITU-R 42/11)
[11/89r1] Rev.1: Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1197 - Enhanced wide-screen PAL TV transmission system (The PALplus system) (Question ITU-R 42/11)
[11/90] Draft modification to Recommendation ITU-R BT.653-2 -Teletext systems
[11/90a1] Add.1: Draft modification of Recommendation ITU-R BT.653-2
[11/90r1] Rev.1: Draft modification to Recommendation ITU-R BT.653-2 -Teletext systems
[11/92] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R [11A/AX] - Studio parameters of 625 and 525 line progressive scan television systems (Question ITU-R 1-3/11)
[11/92r1] Rev.1: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R [11A/AX] - Studio parameters of 625 and 525 line progressive scan television systems (Question ITU-R 1-3/11)
[11/93] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BO.[EEE/11] - Protection masks and associated calculation methods for interference in to broadcast satellite systems involving digital emissions
[11/93a1] Calculation methods - Protection masks ans associated calculation methods for interference into broadcast satellite systems involving digital emissions
[11/93r1] Rev.1: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BO.[EEE/11] - Protection masks and associated calculation methods for interference in to broadcast satellite systems involving digital emissions
[11/94] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.470-4 - Conventional television systems (Question ITU-R 1-3/11)
[11/94r1] Rev.1: Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.470-4 - Conventional television systems (Question ITU-R 1-3/11)
[11/95] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.709-2 - Parameter values for the HDTV standards for production and international programme exchange (Question ITU-R 27/11)
[11/95r1] Rev.1: Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.709-2 - Parameter values for the HDTV standards for production and international programme exchange (Question ITU-R 27/11)
[11/96] Comments on Doc. 11/4 "A guide to digital terrestrial television broadcasting in the VHF/UHF bands"
[11/97] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT [WP11A/AY] Capture characteristics for high definition images
[11/97r1] Rev.1: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT [WP11A/AY] Capture characteristics for high definition images
[11/98] Draft new Question [AL/11A] - Assessment and optimization of quality of colour reproduction in television
[11/99] Draft new Question ITU-R [AM/11A] - Adaptive image quality control in future TV systems
[11/101] Draft new Report on stereoscopic television MPEG-2 multi-view profile
[11/102] Draft new Question ITU-R [AN/11A] - Auxiliary signals for digital CODECS to assist editing and cascading
[11/103] Draft new Report - Enhanced SECAM television transmission system
[11/104] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1200 - Target standard for digital video systems for the studio and for international programme exchange (Question ITU-R 213/11)
[11/104r1] Rev.1: Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1200 - Target standard for digital video systems for the studio and for international programme exchange (Question ITU-R 213/11)
[11/105] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[11B/AZ] - User requirements for bit-rate reduction systems used in television production studio applications
[11/106] Draft revision of Question ITU-R 206/11 - Standards for the digital encoding of colour television signals
[11/107] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1124-1 - Reference signals for ghost cancelling in analogue television systems (Question ITU-R 55/11)
[11/107r1] Rev.1: Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1124-1 - Reference signals for ghost cancelling in analogue television systems (Question ITU-R 55/11)
[11/108] Draft revision of Question ITU-R 210-1/11 - Planning parameters for television broadcasting using digital terrestrial narrow-band channels
[11/109] Draft Decision - Interactive television broadcasting system
[11/110] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[11C/BA] - Basic principles for a worldwide common family of systems for the provision of interactive television services (Question ITU-R 232/11)
[11/110c1] Corr.1: Draft new Recommendation [11/110] Basic principles for a world-wide common family of systems for the provision of interactive television services
[11/110r1] Rev.1: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[11C/BA] - Basic principles for a worldwide common family of systems for the provision of interactive television services
[11/110r2] Rev.2: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[11C/BA] - Basic principles for a worldwide common family of systems for the provision of interactive television services
[11/111] Chairman's Report on the second meeting of WP 11C - Geneva, 14-18 April 1997
[11/112] The digital terrestrial television broadcasting (DTTB) model
[11/113] Draft new Question [AP/10-11S] Determination of protection requirements and criteria that may allow operatin of NGSO systems in the frequency bands covered by Appendices 30 and 30A
[11/114] Summary report of the third meeting of WP 11A - Geneva, 14-17 April 1997
[11/115] Liaison statement from WP 11C to SG 11 - Proposed additions and amendments to Draft New Recommendation ITU-R BT.[11-3/XYZ]
[11/116] Draft revision of draft new Report [10-11S/R2] - Interference calculation methods
[11/117] Draft new Recommendation [10-11R/BB] - Transfer of film programmes to video tape for programme exchange and for preservation of endangered films
[11/117r1] Rev.1: Draft new Recommendation [10-11R/BB] - Transfer of film programmes to video tape for programme exchange and for preservation of endangered films
[11/118,11C/79] Liaison statement to SG 11 and WP 11C - Newly approved ITU-T Recommendation J.110
[11/119] Chairman's Report on the second meeting of WP 11B (Study period 1996-97), Geneva, 15-18 April 1997
[11/120] Draft liaison statement from ITU-R SG 11 to ITU-T SG 9
[11/120r1] Rev.1: Draft liaison statement from ITU-R Study Group 11 to ITU-T Study Group 9
[11/120a1] Add.1: Liaison statement from SG 11 to ITU-T SG 9
[11/121,10/42] Ad-Hoc group on Questions
[11/123] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT [11B/BC] Interfaces for digital component video signals in 525 and 625-line progressive scan television systems
[11/123r1] Rev.1: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT [11B/BC] Interfaces for digital component video signals in 525 and 625-line progressive scan television systems
[11/124] Reply to liaison statement from ITU-D A2 by ITU-R Study Group 11 - Handbooks on digital terrestrial television broadcasting
[11/126,10/49,10-11/47r1] List of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of 10 and 11 SGs, WPs and TGs
[11/127] Liaison statement to ITU-R SG11 concerning its draft new Qestion [AG/11-3] sent out for approval in ITU-R Administrative circular CAR/31
[11/128] Summary record of the meeting of Study Group 11
[11/129,10/53,10-11S/164] Liaison statement from TG 1/5 to the Study Groups 4, 8, 9, 10, 11 and JWP 10-11S - Determination and measurement of intermodulation products in transmitter using frequency, phase or digital modulations
[11/130,10/54,7/162] Liaison statement to ITU-R Study Groups 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 - Unwanted emissions
[11/131,10/55] Liaison statement to ITU-R Study Groups 10 and 11 - Monitoring of digital broadcasting signals

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