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Contributions to WP 9C (1996-97)

[9C/2] Preparation by WP 9C for the CPM-97 (Chairman SG 9)
[9C/3] Liaison statement from WP 8A concerning Rec. 720 (WRC-95)
[9C/5] Liaison statement from WP 3L to WPs 1A, 8A, 8B and 9C concerning WRC-97 agenda item 1.5 on adaptive MF/HF systems
[9C/6] Evaluating fields from broadcasting transmitting systems operating at frequencies below 30 MHz for assessing exposure to non-ionizing radiation
[9C/7] Liaison statement from TG 1/4 to all ITU-R Study Groups, CCV and the special Committee
[9C/9] Report of the meeting of WP 1A and SG 1, Santa Rosa (USA) October 1996
[94A/40 - 9B/52 - 9C/10] Section 7.3, "Spurious emissions", in the draft CPM Report
[9C/11] Editorial corrections to Rec. ITU-R F.763-2
[9C/12] Draft new Question: Simulation of HF transmission through an ionospheric channel
[9C/13] Preliminary draft new Rec.: Wideband high frequency channel simulation system
[9C/14] Preliminary draft new Rec.: Methodology for frequency management of adaptive radio systems and networks in the HF band
[9C/15] Draft new Annex to Rec. ITU-R F.1110: System for HF radio automatic link establishment
[9C/16] Proposed draft modification of Rec. ITU-R F.1110-1: Adaptive radio systems for frequencies below about 30 GHz
[9C/17] Proposed modification of Rec. ITU-R F.613: The use of ionospheric channel sounding systems operating at frequencies below about 30 GHz
[9C/18] Use of adaptive spread spectrum communications in the HF bands by the fixed service
[9C/19] Preliminary draft new Rec.: Use of adaptive spread spectrum communications in the HF bands by the fixed service
[9C/20] Spurious emissions from SSB transmitters operating below 30 GHz
[9C/21] The monitoring of spectrum occupancy in HF fixed service bands
[9C/22] Part 1 - Report of the meeting of Working Party 9C
[9C/22] Part 2 - Report of the meeting of Working Party 9C
[9B/36 - 9C/4] Interference from other services to sound broadcasting in the tropical zone

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