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Contributions to SG 11 (1998-2000)

[11/1] Cuestiones atribuidas a las Comisión de Estudio 11 de Radiocomunicaciones - Servicio de radiodifusión (Televisión)
[11/1a1] Cuestiones atribuidas a la Comisión de Estudio 11 de radiocomunicaciones
[11/1a2] Cuestiones atribuidas a la Comisión de Estudio 11 de Radiocomunicaciones
[11/2,10-11R/2,10-11S/5,11-5/3,11A/2,11B/2,11C/2,11E/2] Questions to be brought to the attention of Study Group 11, its Working Parties and Task Groups
[11/3,10-11R/3,10-11S/7,11-5/5,11A/3,11B/3,11C/3,11E/3] Recommendations to be brought to the attention of Study Group 11, its Working Parties and Task Groups
[11/4] Proyecto de revisión de la Decisión [Doc. 11/109] - Sistemas de radiodifusión de televisión interactivos
[11/5] Proyecto de nueva Cuestión UIT-R [Doc. 11/5] - Sistemas de radiodifusión de televisión interactivos digitales
[11/5r1] Draft new Question [Doc. 11/5] - Digital interactive television broadcasting systems
[11/6,10/4,JSC10,11/49] Liaison statement from the Chairman of TSAG to the Chairmen of ITU-R Study Groups 10 and 11
[11/7] Proyecto de adición al informe UIT-R BO.1227-1 - Sistemas de radiodifusión por satélite para radiodifusión digital de servicios integrados
[11/8] Proyecto de nueva Recomendación UIT-R BO.[11/8] - Utilización de las asignaciones al servicio de radiodifusión por satélite para transmisiones del servicio fijo por satélite
[11/8r1] Proyecto de nueva Recomendación UIT-R BO.[11/8] - Utilización de las asignaciones al servicio de radiodifusión por satélite para transmisiones del servicio fijo por satélite
[11/9] Modificación de la revisión de Octubre de 1996 del Informe UIT-R BO.2008 - Radiodifusión digital de múltiples programas por satélite
[11/10,10/7] Chairman's Report on the first meeting of Joint Working Party 10-11S, 15-23 January 1998, Honolulu, Hawaii
[11/11] Report of the first and second meetings of Task Group 11/5
[11/12,11A/8,11B/12,11C/11,11E/11,10-11R/12,10-11S/36,11-5/18] Status of texts of SG 11, WPs and TGs
[11/12r1,11A/8r1,11B/12r1,11C/11r1,11-5/18r1,10-11/3,10-11Q/8,10-11R/12r1,10-11S/36r1] Status of texts of Study Group 11, Working Parties and Task Groups
[11/12r1c1,11A/8r1c1,11B/12r1c1,11C/11r1c1,10-11Q/8c1,10-11R/12r1c1,10-11S/36r1c1,11-5/18r1c1,10-11/3c1] Status of text of Study Group 11, Working Parties and Task Groups
[11/12r1c2,10-11S/36r1c2,11A/8r1c2,11B/12r1c2,11C/11r1c2,10-11Q/8c2,10-11R/12r1c2,10-11/3c2,11-5/18r1c2] Status of texts of Study Group 11, Working Parties and Task Groups
[11/13] Informe del Presidente de la Comisión de Estudio 11
[11/13c1] Informe del Presidente de la CE 11
[11/13c2] Informe del Presidente de la CE 11
[11/14] Liaison statement from WP 7D to SG 11 - Request for information related to planned contributions to the CPM-99 report
[11/15,11A/25,11B/18,11C/22,11E/18,11-5/24] ITU-R patent statements database
[11/16] Draft new Rec. ITU-R BR.[Doc. 11/16 ] - Scanned area dimensions from 16 mm to 35 mm cinematographic film used in television
[11/16r1] Proyecto de nueva Rec. UIT-R BR.[Doc. 11/16] - Dimensiones de la zona explorada en las películas cinematográficas de 16 mm y 35 mm utilizadas en televisión
[11/17] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BR.[Doc.11/17] - High definition television (HDTV) recording (Question ITU-R 108-1/11)
[11/17r1] Proyecto de nueva Rec. UIT-R BR.[Doc. 11/17] - Grabación de televisión de alta definición (TVAD)
[11/18] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BR.[11/18] - Compression families to be used in networked television production
[11/18r1] Proyecto de nueva Rec. UIT-R BR.[11/18] - Familias de compresión que se utilizan en la producción de televisión en red
[11/19,10/13] Report of the first meeting of Working Party 10-11R in the 1998-99 study period
[11/20,10/14] Summaries of draft new Rec. proposed for adoption by correspondence
[11/21R1] Proy. de rev. Rec. UIT-R BT.655-4-Relaciones de protección en radiofrec. para sistemas de televisión terrenal con modulación de amplitud de banda lateral residual interf. por señales de imagen analóg. no deseadas y sus señales de sonido asociadas
[11/21r1] Proy. de rev. Rec. UIT-R BT.655-4-Relaciones de protección en radiofrec. para sistemas de televisión terrenal con modulación de amplitud de banda lateral residual interf. por señales de imagen analóg. no deseadas y sus señales de sonido asociadas
[11/22] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1368 - Planning criteria for digital terrestrial television services in the VHF/UHT bands
11/22r1] Proyecto de revisión de la Rec. UIT-R BT.1368 - Criterios para la planificación de servicios de televisión terrenal digital en las bandas de televisión en ondas métricas/decimétricas
[11/23] Task Group 11/5 Report to Study Group 11 Plenary, 2 April 1998
[11/24] Draft new Rec. ITU-R [Doc. 11/24] - Labelling of video and audio apparatus through-put (processing) delay
[11/24R1] Proyecto de nueva Rec. UIT-R BT.[Doc. 11/24] - Marcado del retardo (procesamiento) del caudal en los aparatos de vídeo y audio
[11/25] Draft new Rec. ITU-R [Doc. 11/25] - Basic requirements for multimedia-hypermedia broadcasting
[11/25r1] Proyecto de nueva Rec. UIT-R BT.[Doc. 11/25] - Requisitos básicos de la radiodifusión multimedios e hipermedios
[11/26] Draft new Rec. ITU-R [Doc. 11/26] - Framing of wide-screen 16:9 and standard 4:3 aspect ratio productions to achieve a common production format during a transition period to wide-screen 16:9 production and broadcasting
[11/26r1] Proy. de nue. Rec. UIT-R BT.[Doc.11/26]-Encuadre de las produc. para pantalla normalizada con formato de 4:3 a fin de conseguir un formato de produc. común durante el periodo de transición hacia la produc. y radiodif. para pantalla grande de 16:9
[11/27] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1359 - Relative timing of sound and vision for broadcasting
[11/27r1] Proyecto de revisión de la Rec. UIT-R BT.1359 - Temporización relativa del sonido y la imagen para la radiodifusión
[11/28] Draft new Recommendation [Doc. 11/28] - Enhanced wide-screen SECAM TV
[11/29] Note from Working Party 11A to Study Group 11 on "Parental Control Signalling"
[11/30] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.470-5 - Conventional television systems
[11/30r1] Proyecto de revisión de la Rec. UIT-R BT.470-5 - Sistemas de televisión convencional
[11/31] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[Doc. 11/31] - Standards for bit rate reduction coding systems for SDTV
[11/31r1] Proyecto de nueva Rec. UIT-R BT.[Doc. 11/31] - Normas para sistemas de codificación con reducción de velocidad binaria para televisión convencional
[11/32] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1120-1 - Digital interfaces for 1125/60 and 1250/50 HDTV studio signals
[11/32a1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1120-1 - Digital interfaces for 1125/60 and 1250/50 HDTV studio signals
[11/32r1] Proyecto de revisión de la Rec. UIT-R BT.1120-1 - Interfaces digitales para las señales de estudio de TVAD de los sistemas 1125/60 y 1250/50
[11/32r1a1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1120-1 - Digital interfaces for 1125/60 and 1250/50 HDTV studio signals
[11/33] Report on the first meeting of Working Party 11C (study period 1988-99) Geneva, 19-25 March 1998
[11/34] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[Doc. 11/34] SDI-based transport interface for compressed television signals in networked television production based on Recommendations ITU-R BT.656 and BT.1302
[11/34r1] Proyecto de nueva Rec. UIT-R BT.[Doc. 11/34] - Interfaz de transporte basada en la estructura SDI para señales de televisión comprimidas en la producción de televisión en red conforme a las Recomendaciones UIT-R BT.656 y UIT-R BT.1302
[11/35] Draft modification of Rec. ITU-R BT.1363 - Jitter specifications and methods for jitter measurements of bit-serial signals conforming to Recs. ITU-R BT.656, BT.799 and BT.1120
[11/35r1] Proyecto de modificación de la Rec. UIT-R BT.1363 - Especificaciones de la fluctuación de fase y métodos para medir la fluctuación de fase en señales de bits en serie conformes a las Recomendaciones UIT-R BT.656, UIT-R BT.799 y UIT-R BT.1120
[11/36] Liaison statement to SG 8 and the Rapporteur for Chapter 2 of the CPM-99 Report - Sharing between MSS and terrestrial television
[11/37] Report on the first meeting of Working Party 11E - Geneva, 23-27 March 1998
[11/38] Proposed modifications of Recommendation ITU-R BT.500-8 - Methodology for the subjective assessment of the quality of television pictures
[11/38r1] Proyecto de revisión de la Rec. UIT-R BT.500-8 - Metodología para la evaluación subjetiva de la calidad de las imágenes de televisión
[11/39] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.710-3 - Subjective assessment methods for image quality in high-definition television
[11/39r1] Proyecto de revisión de la Rec. UIT-R BT.710-3 - Métodos de evaluación subjetiva de la calidad de las imágenes en sistemas de televisión de alta definición
[11/40] Draft new Rec. ITU-R BT.[Doc. 11/40] - Assessment of the picture quality of multi-programme services
[11/40r1] Proyecto de nueva Rec. UIT-R BT.[Doc. 11/40] - Evaluación de la calidad de imagen de los servicios multiprograma
[11/41] Draft new Question ITU-R [DOC.11/41] - Relationship between quality, quality evaluation methodology, and type of application, in a multimedia environment
[11/42] Liaison statement from ITU-R Study Group 11 to ITU-T Study Group 12 - commends on VQEG plans and draft new Recomendation P.AVQ
[11/43r1] Summary report of the meeting of Working Party 11A (Geneva, 23-27 March 1998)
[11/44] Draft Decision - Establishment of a new Task Group on multimedia broadcast evolution and common content format
[11/45] Summary of draft new or revised Recommendations
[11/46] Chairman's Report on the meeting of Working Party 11B (Geneva, 24-27 March 1998)
[11/46r1] Chairman's report on the meeting of Working Party 11B
[11/46r1c1] Chairman's report on the meeting of Working Party 11B
[11/47] Summaried of draft Recommendations prepared by Working Party 11A
[11/48] Proposed modification of Recommendation ITU-R BT.500-8 - Summary
[11/49] Liaison statement to Study Group 11 - Coordination with ITU-R Study Group 11
[11/50] Lista de documentos publicados (11/1 - 11/50)
[11/51,10/25] Proposal for a draft Decision
[11/53] Modifications to Questions assigned to Study Group 11
[11/54,10/35] Summary Record of the Joint Meeting of Study Groups 10 and 11
[11/54r1,10/35r1] Summary record of the Joint Study Group 10 and 11 meeting (Wednesday, 1 April 1998)
[11/55] Summary record of the second meeting of Study Group 11
[11/55r1] Summary record of the second meeting of Study Group 11 (31 March 1998)
[11/56] Draft new Question ITU-R [Doc. 11/56] - Multimedia evolution and common content format
[11/57] Summary record of the third meeting of Study Group 11 (Wednesday 1 April 1998)
[11/58] Summary record for the fourth and last meeting of Study Group 11 - Geneva 2 April 1998
[11/59] Summary record of the first meeting fo Study Group 11 (Geneva, 30 March 1998)
[11/60,11A/48] Position statement on the HDTV production and exchange standard
[11/61] Proyecto de modificación del Informe UIT-R BO.[10-11S/R2] - Métodos de cálculo de la interferencia
[11/62] Proyecto de nueva Recomendación UIT-R BO.[Documento 11/62] - Sistema de transmisión para servicios multimedio avanzados de la radiodifusión digital de servicios integrados en un canal de radiodifusión por satélite
[11/63,10/40] Liaison statement to ITU-R Study Groups 10 and 11 - Deletion of a number of J-Series and N-Series Recommendations and a Supplement to the N-Series
[11/64] Informe del Presidente de la Comisión de Estudio 11 (Periodo comprendido entre abril de 1998 y mayo de 1999)
[11/65,11A/53,11B/32,11C/45,11-5/58,10-11/10,10-11Q/25,10-11R/38,10-11S/114] Status of texts of Study Group 11, its Working Parties and Task Groups
[11/66] Proyecto de nueva Recomendación UIT-R BT.[11/66] - Protocolos independientes de la red para sistemas interactivo
[11/66r1] Proyecto de nueva Recomendación UIT-R BT.[11/66]
[11/67] Proyecto de nueva Recomendación UIT-R BT.[11/67] - Canal de interacción para radiodifusión de vídeo digital a través de la RTPC/RDSI
[11/67r1] Revision to draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[11/67] - Digital video broadcasting interaction channel through the PSTN/ISDN
[11/67r2] Proyecto de nueva Recomendación UIT-R BT.[DOC.11/67] - Canal de interacción para radiodifusión sonora y de televisión digital a través de la RTPC/RDSI
[11/68] Proyecto de nueva Recomendación UIT-R BT.[11/68] - Sistema de transmisión para servicios interactivos de televisión por cable
[11/68r1] Proyecto de nueva Recomendación UIT-R BT.[Doc. 11/68] - Sistema de transmisión para servicios interactivos de televisión por cable
[11/69,10/44,10C/22,11A/57,11B/37,11C/48,11-5/62,10-11/15,10-11Q/29,10-11R/46,10-11S/122] Re-organisation of SGs 10 and 11
[11/70] Report of the fifth meeting (Geneva, 22-24 March 1999)
[11/71] Report of the fourth meeting of Task Group 11/5 (New York, 16-18 September 1998)
[11/72,10/51] Report of the Chairman, First Meeting of Joint Task Group 10-11 (30 November - 1 December 1998)
[11/73,10/52] Chairman's Report - First Joint Working Party 10-11Q Meeting
[11/74,10/53] Report on the Second Meeting of Joint Working Party 10-11S (Geneva, 5-13 October 1998)
[11/75,11/75,10-11/20,10-11S/203] Liaison statement to Study Groups 10 and 11, JWP 10-11S and JTG 10-11 - Draft proposal for a Joint Working Party to deal with all aspects of interactive broadcasting
[11/75r1,10-11/20r1,10-11S/203r1,10/56r1] Liaison Statement to Study Groups 10 and 11, JWP 10-11S and JTG 10-11
[11/75r2,10/56r2] Liaison statement to SGs 10 and 11 - Draft proposal for a Joint Working Party to deal with all aspects of interactive and multimedia broadcasting
[11/76] Proyecto de nueva Cuestión propuesta (Comisión de Estudio 11) - Requisitos de espectro para la radiodifusión de televisión
[11/77,10/58] Report on the second meeting of Joint Task Group 10-11
[11/78,10/59,10C/29,11/78,11B/51] Liaison statement to Working Parties 10C and 11B and Study Groups 10 an 11- Proposed treatment for opinions ITU-R 74-1, 755-1 and 90
[11/79] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BR.[Doc. 11/79] - 16:9 video images transferred to 35 mm film for optical projection
[11/79r1] Proyecto de nueva Recomendación UIT-R BR.[Doc.11/79] - Imágenes vídeo de 16:9 transferidas a película de 35 mm para proyección óptica
[11/80] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BR.[Doc. 11/80] - Compromise scanned area dimensions for television from 35 mm wide-screen films
[11/80r1] Proyecto de nueva Recomendación UIT-R BR.[Doc.11/80] - Compromiso con respecto a las dimensiones de la zona explorada de las películas para pantalla ancha de 35 mm utilizadas en televisión
[11/81] Proposed draft new Question [Doc. 11/81] - Recording formats to be used in international tape exchange for HDTV programme evaluation
[11/82] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BR.602-3 - Exchange of SDTV recordings for programme evaluation
[11/82r1] Proyecto de Revisión de la Recomendación UIT-R BR.602-3 - Intercambio de grabaciones de televisión para la evaluación de programas
[11/83,10/60] Draft revision of Opinion ITU-R 16-3 - Organizations qualified to set standards on sound and television recording
[11/84] Report to Study Group 11
[11/85,10/61] Report of third meeting of JTG 10-11, Geneva, 18 May 1999-05-18
[11/86] Report of sixth meeting of TG 11/5, Geneva, 17-20 May 1999
[11/87] Suppression of Recommendation ITU-R BR.1354
[11/87r1] Propuesta de supresión de la Recomendación UIT-R BR.1354
[11/88,10/69] Liaison statement to Study Groups 10 and 11
[11/89] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BR[Doc. 11/89] - User's requirement for high-definition digital tape cassette recorder
[11/89r1] Proyecto de nueva Recomendación UIT-R BR.[Doc.11/89] - Necesidades de los usuarios en relación con el magnetoscopio digital de alta definición
[11/90,10/70,JSC 10-11/68] Statement of WBU-TC
[11/91] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BR.1355 - Viewing conditions for telecine transfer of film images on a television display
[11/91r1] Proyecto de revisión de la Recomandación UIT-R BR.1355 - Condiciones de visualización para la transferencia de telecine de imágenes de películas en una pantalla de televisión
[11/92,10/72] Summaries of draft revised and draft new Recommendations
[11/93,10/73] Note by the Secretariat
[11/94] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[Doc.11/94] - Coordination distances for terrestrial digital television broadcasting (DVB-T) stations in the European broadcasting area
[11/95,10/74] Report on the Second Meeting of Working Party 10-11R in the 1998-99 Study Period
[11/95a1,10/74a1] Proposed structure for ITU Recommendation on the use of film in television
[11/96,10/75] Proposed revision of all the Questions assigned to WP 10-11R
[11/96a1,10/75a1] Proposed revision of all the questions assigned to Joint Working Party 10-11R
[11/97] Draft new Recommendations proposed fro transmission to the ISO
[11/98] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.655-5
[11/156, 10/98] Proposed suppression of Recommendation ITU-R BO.566-3 on terminology relating to the use of space communication techniques for broadcasting
[11/98r1] Proy. de rev. de la Rec.UIT-R BT.655-5-Relaciones de protec. en radiofrecuencia para sistemas de TV. terrenal con modulación de amplitud de banda lateral res.interferidos por señales de imagen analóg. no deseadas y sus señales de sonido asociadas
[11/99] Proposed suppression of Recommendation ITu-R BR.703-1
[11/99r1] Propuesta de supresión de la Recomendación UIT-R BR.713-1
[11/100] Lista de documentos publicados (Documento 11/51 al 11/100)
[11/101] Draft Revision of Question ITU-R 233/11 - Unified identification data for international exchange and archival of recordings and of films for televison
[11/102] Proposed draft new Question ITU-R [Doc.11/102] - Spectrum requirements for television broadcasting
[11/103] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1368-1
[11/103r1] Proyecto de revisión de la Rcomendación UIT-R BT.1368-1 - Criterios para la planificación de servicios de televisión terrenal digital en las bandas de ondas métricas/decimétricas
[11/104] Report of the second meeting of Working Party 11C
[11/105] Draft new Question ITU-R [Doc. 11/105] - Sharing criteria for BSS networks in the 17.3-17.8 GHz band in Region 2, and in the 21.4-22 GHz band in Regions 1 and 3, and their assoiated feeder links
[11/106] Draft new Recommendation [Doc. 11/106] - User requirements for coding for multi-programme transmission
[11/106r1] Proyecto de nueva Recomendación [Doc. UIT-R 11/106] - Requisitos de usuario para la codificación digital de múltiples programas de televisión
[11/107] Draft revision of Opinion ITU-R 90 - Equipement interconnection in professional programme production installations
[11/108] Draft revision of Opinion ITU-R 75-1 - Systems for signal interface connection between television receivers and associated equipment
[11/109] Draft revision of ITU-R Recommendation BO.1293 - Protection masks and associated calculation methods for interference into broadcast-satellite systems involving digital emission
[11/109c1] Draft revision of ITU-R Recommendation BO.1293 - Protection masks and associated calculation methods for interference into broadcast-satellite systems involving digital emission
[11/109r1] Proyecto de revisión de la Recomendación UIT-R BO.1293 - Límites de protección y métodos de calculo correspondientes para la interferencia causada a los sistemas de radiodifusión por satélite en los que intervienen emisiones digitales
[11/110] Draft revision of Section 3 of new Report ITU-R BO.[10-11S/R2] on interference calculation methods
[11/111,10/76] Comments on the re-organization of Study Groups 10 and 11
[11/112] Summaries of draft new or draft revised Recommendations
[11/172, 10/112] Merger of SG 10 and SG 11 into a single broadcasting Study Group
[11/113] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1120-2 - Digital interfaces for HDTV studio signals
[11/113a1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1120-2 - Digital interfaces for HDTV studio signals
[11/113r1] Proyecto de revisión de la Recomendación UIT-R BT.1120-2 - Interfaces digitales para las señales de estudio de TVAD
[11/114] Proposal for a draft new Question - Reference signals for the component digital studio
[11/115,10/77] Comments on the reorganization of Study Groups 10 and 11
[11/116] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BO.[Doc. 11/116] - Improved patterns for fast roll-off satellite transmit antenna of the Regions 1 and 3 BSS plan of Appendix S30
[11/116r1] Proyecto de nueva Recomendación UIT-R BO.[Doc. 11/116] - Diagramas mejorados para antenas transmisoras de satélite con caída rápida para el plan del SRS del Apéndice S30 en las Regiones 1 y 3
[11/117] Proposed modification of Section 2.2 of new Report ITU-R BO.[10-11S/R2] - Interference calculation methods
[11/118] Draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R BT.500-9 - New method: simultaneous double stimulus for continuous evaluation (SDSCE)
[11/118r1] Proyecto de modificación de la Recomendación UIT-R BT.500-9 - Metodología para la evaluación subjetiva de la calidad de las imágenes de televisión
[11/119] Draft new Recommendation - Subjective assessment of stereoscopic television pictures
[11/119r1] Proyecto de Recomendación UIT-R BT.[Doc. 11/119] - Evaluación subjetiva de las imágenes de televisión estereoscópicas
[11/120,10/78] Draft new Question - Methodologies for subjective assessment and optimisation of audio and video quality
[11/121] Chairman's Report on the meeting of Working Party 11B (Geneva, 24-27 May 1999)
[11/122] Draft new Recommendation - Measurement methods applicable in the analogue television studio
[11/122r1] Draft new Recommendation - Measurement methods applicable in the analogue television studio and the overall analogue television system
[11/122r2] Proyecto de nueva Recomendación UIT-R BT.[11/122(Rev.1)] - Métodos de medición aplicables en los estudios de televisión analógica y el sistema de televisión analógica global
[11/123,10/79] Draft Chairman's Report - Joint Working Party 10-11Q - Second meeting
[11/124,10/80] Draft new Report on objective quality assessment technology in a digital environment
[11/125] Summary Report of the meeting of Working Party 11A (24 - May 1999)
[11/125r1] Summary report of the meeting of Working Party 11A (24-28 May 1999)
[11/125r1a1] - Summary Report of the meeting of Working Party 11A (24-28 May 1999) - Additional Notes on the ITU-R BT.709-3 Revision
[11/126,10/81,JSC10-11] Report to Study Group 11 - Reorganization of Study Groups 10 and 11
[11/127] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1300 - Service multiplex, transport, and identification methods for digital terrestrial television broadcasting
[11/127r1] Proyecto de revisión de la Recomendación UIT-R BT.1300 - Métodos múltiplex de servicio, transporte e identificación para la radiodifusión de televisión terrenal digital
[11/128] Draft new Question - Digital systems for the production of enhanced television and for emerging applications
[11/129] Draft new Question - Broadcasting of copy protection signalling for television
[11/130] Draft new Question - Flexibility and interoperability in digital television broadcasting applications
[11/131] Draft new Question ITU-R TMIQ/11 - Television and multimedia images quality levels
[11/132] Draft new Question - Broadcast data systems to facilitate "Client Storage"
[11/133] Draft new Question XXX/11 - Round-trip time delay tolerances for television broadcast programme inserts
[11/134] Revision to Recommendation ITU-R BT.709-3 - Parameter values for the HDTV standards for production and international programme exchange
[11/134r1] Proyecto de revisión de la Recomendación UIT-R BT.709-3 - Valores de los parámetros de la norma de TVAD para la producción y el intercambio internacional de programas
[11/135,10/82] Summary report to Study Groups 10 and 11 on the third meeting of Joint Working Party 10-11S
[11/136] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BO.[Doc.11/136] - Functional description to be used in developing software tools for determining conformity on non-GSO FSS networks with limits contained in Articl S22 of the Radio Regulations
[11/136r1] nueva Rec.UIT-R BO.[Doc.11/136]-Desc. func. que ha de utilizarse en el desarrollo de herram. de soporte informático para la determinación de la conformidad de redes de sat. no geoest. del SFS con los límites cont. en el Art.S22 del RR
[11/137] Draft new Recommendation - Reference BSS earth station antenna patterns for use in interference assessment involving non-geostationary satellites in frequency bands covered by Appendix S30
[11/137r1] Proyecto de nueva Rec.UIT-R BO.[Doc.11/137]-Diagramas de antena de ref. de estación terrena del SRS para utilizar en la evaluación de la interfer. entre satélites no geoestacionarios en las bandas de frec. a las que se refiere el Apéndice S30
[11/138-1] Part 1 - Draft new Recommendation - Protection of the broadcasting-satellite service in the 12 GHz band and associated feeder links in the 17 GHz band from interference caused by non-GSO FSS systems
[11/138-2] Part 2 - BSS System characteristics (Excel file updated in October 99)
[11/138r1] Proyecto de Rec.UIT-R BO.[Doc.11/138]-Protección del servicio de radiodif. por sat. en la banda de 12GHz y de los enlaces de conexión asociados en la banda de 17GHz de la interfer. causada por sistemas no geoestac. del servicio fijo por satélite
[11/139] Summaries of Draft New or Draft Revised Recommendations
[11/140] Final list of participants - 31 May - 2 June 1999
[11/141, 10/87] Review of the Questions adopted at the May 1999 meeting of Study Group 11
[11/142] Summary record of the first meeting of SG 11 - Monday, 31 May 1999 9:30-12:30
[11/143] Summary record of the second meeting of Study Group 11 - Tuesday June 1st, 9:00-10:45
[11/145, 10/89] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1348 - Service requirements for digital sound broadcasting to vehicular, portable and fixed receivers using terrestrial transmitters in the LF, MF and HF bands
[11/146, 10/90] Summary Record of the Joint meeting of SGs 10 and 11 - Tuesday, 1 June 1999, 10:45-17:00 and Wednesday, 2 June 1999, 9:00-10:45
[11/147] Summary record of the third and final meeting of Study Group 11
[11/148, 10/91] Resolución 974 - Conartel-99
[11/149, 10/92] Proposal for the terms of reference and workplan for a new joint Working Party, JWP 10-11M - Interactivity and multimedia
[11/150] List of documents
[11/151, 10/93] Proposed text for inclusion in Study Groups 10 and 11 Charimen's Reports to RA-2000 - Cooperation of SG10 and SG11 With the IEC and the ISO
[11/152] A methodology to evaluate the impact of solar interference on GSO BSS link performance
[11/153] Proyecto de nueva Recomendación UIT-R BO.[Doc.11/153] - Descripción funcional que ha de utilizarse en el desarrollo de herramientas de soporte informático para la determinación de la conformidad de redes de satélites no geoestacionarios del ...
[11/154, 10/95] Review of Questions assigned to Joint Working Party 10-11S
[11/155, 10/97] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BO.[11/155] - Coordination procedure for assignments of space operation service in the guardbands of Appendices S30 and S30A plans
[11/155r1] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BO.[DOC. 11/155] - Coordination procedure for assignments of space operation service in the guardbands of Appendices S30 and S30A plans
[11/156r1,10/98r1] Proposed suppression of Recommendation ITU-R BO.566-3 on terminology relating to the use of space communication techniques for broadcasting
[11/157, 10/99] Proposal for the extraordinary meeting of Study Groups 10 and 11
[11/158, 10/101] Reorganization of Study Groups 10 and 11
[11/159, 10/102] Extraordinary meeting for re-organization of Radiocommunication Study Groups 10 and 11
[11/160] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1306
[11/161, 10/103] Proposed extended definition for the term "Broadcasting"
[11/162, 10/104] Plan of activity for the Ad Hoc Group on Questions
[11/163, 10/105] Re-organisation of Study Group 10 and 11
[11/164, 10/106] Chairmen's report on the reorganization of Study Groups 10 and 11
[11/165, 10/107] The future structure of the ITU-R Study Groups 10 and 11
[11/166, 10/108] Statuts of Work on consolidation of requirements for digital multi-programme broadcasting-satellite systems; and their evaluation as developed by the Special Rapporteur JWP 10-11S/SRG 6
[11/167, 10/109] Report of the fourth meeting of Joint Working Party 10-11S (Geneva, 18-27 October 1999)
[11/168] Report of seventh meeting of TG 11/5, Geneva, 4 - 8 October 1999
[11/169, 10/110] Request for consultation on the future chairs and vice-chairs of the combined ITU-R Study Groups 10 and 11
[11/170, 10/111] Comments on the draft ITU-R definition of broadcasting
[11/171, 11A/105] Report of the meeting of SRG-720P - Ottawa, 30 Sep. - 1 Oct. 1999
[11/173, 11A/107] Comments on the draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R 1306
[11/175, 10/114] Report of the meeting of TG 10/6 - September 1999
[11/177, 10/116] Interim strucutre of activities for Study Groups 10 and 11
[11/177r1, 10/116r1] Interim structure of activities for Study Groups 10 and 11
[11/178, 10/117] Text for a section of the meeting report
[11/179,10/118] Working Procedures
[11/179r1, 10/118r1] Working procedures
[11/179r1] Working procedures
[11/180, 10/119] Final report of the extraordinary meeting of ITU-R Study Groups 10 and 11 (Geneva, 15-17 December 1999)
[11/181, 10/120] Reply to liaison statement from the TSAG
[11/182, 11A/110] Studio standard for production and international exchange of HDTV programmes
[11/183] Past record of contributions addressed to Questions to Study Group 11
[11/184, 10/123] Summary record of the first joint meeting of Study Groups 10 and 11
[11/185, 10/124] Summary record of the second joint meeting of SGs 10 and 11
[11/186, 10/125] Summary record of the third joint meeting of SGs 10 and 11
[11/187, 11A/116, 10-11/35, 10-11Q/61, 11-5/92] Status of texts of Study Group 11, its Working Parties and Task Groups
[11/188] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[Doc. ] - Draft new Recommendation for an interaction channel using digital enhanced cordless telecommunications systems (DECT)
[11/188r1] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[Doc. 11/188] - Interaction channel using digital enhanced cordless telecommunications systems (DECT)
[11/189] Report of the Chairman of Study Group 11 (period June 1999 to February 2000)
[11/190, 11A/121] End-to-end studies of broadcasting
[11/191] Part 1 - Draft new Report on development and implementation of interactivity in broadcasting systems and services
[11/191] Part 2 - Draft new Report on progress on development and implementation of interactivity in broadcasting systems and services
[11/192] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[Doc. ] - Draft new Recommendation for an interaction channel using global system for mobile communications (GSM)
[11/192r1] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[Doc. 11/192] - Intereaction channel using global system for mobile communications (GSM)
[11/193] Error-correction, data framing, modulation and emission methods for digital terrestrial television broadcasting
[11/193r1] Error-correction, data framing, modulation and emission methods for digital terrestrial television broadcasting
[11/194] Progress during 1999/2000 - Report to SG 11
[11/195] Chairman's Report - Joint Working Party 10-11Q: Third meeting
[11/196] Draft revised Report on Objective quality assessment technology in a digital environment
[11/197] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1210-1 - Test materials to be used in subjective assessment
[11/197r1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1210-1 - Test materials to be used in subjective assessment
[11/198] Summary report of the meeting of Working Party 11A, 7-9 February 2000
[11/199] List of participants
[11/200] List of documents issued
[11/201] Report to Study Group 11
[11/202, 10/126] Liaison statement - Multimedia studies - Potential overlap
[11/203] Summary record of the first plenary meeting (10 February 2000)
[11/204] Summary record of the second plenary meeting (11 February 2000)
[11/205, 10/127] Proyecto de revisión de la Recomendación UIT-R BS.1348 - Requisitos de servicio de la radiodifusión sonora digital para frecuencias inferiores a 30 MHz
[11/206, 10/128] System Recommendation for digital sound broadcasting at frequencies below 30 MHz

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