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Contributions to SG 9 (1998-2000)

[9/1] Questions assignées à la Commission d'études 9 des radiocommunications par l'Assemblée des radiocommunications
[9/1a1] Questions assignées à la Commission d'études 9 (Service fixe)
[9/1a2] Questions assignées à la Commission d'études 9 des radiocommunications - Service fixe
[9/2] Projet de révision de la Question ITU-R 127-2/9 - Dégradations maximales admissibles de la qualité de fonctionnement et de la disponibilité des faisceaux hertziens sous l'effet des différentes sources de brouillage
[9/3] Projet de révision de la Question UIT-R 142-1/9 - Réseaux locaux hertziens (RLAN)
[9/3r1] Draft revision of Question ITU-R 142-1/9 - Radio local area networks (RLANs)
[9/4] Projet de révision de la Question UIT-R 125-3/9 - Systèmes de radiocommunication point à multipoint
[9/5] Projet de révision de la Question UIT-R 212/9 - Systèmes du service fixe utilisant des stations placées sur des plates-formes stratosphériques fixes
[9/5r1] Draft revision of Question 212/9 - Fixed services systems utilizing high altitude platform stations (HAPS)
[9/6] Projet de révision de la Question UIT-R F.635-4 - Disposition des canaux radioélectriques fondée sur un plan homogène pour les faisceaux hertziens fonctionnant dans la bande des 4 GHz
[9/7] Projet de révision de la Recommandation UIT-R F.1099-2 - Dispositions des canaux radioélectriques pour les faisceaux hertziens numériques de grande capacité fonctionnant dans la bande des 5 GHz (4 400-5 000 MHz)
[9/8] Projet de révision de la Recommandation UIT-R F.383-5 - Disposition des canaux radioélectriques pour les faisceaux hertziens de grande capacité fonctionnant dans la partie inférieure de la bande des 6 GHz
[9/9] Projet de révision de la Recommandation UIT-R F.384-6 - Disposition des canaux radioélectriques pour les faisceaux hertziens analogiques ou numériques de moyenne et grande capacités fonctionnant dans la partie supérieure de la bande des 6 GHz
[9/10] Projet de révision de la Recommandation UIT-R F.386-5 - Disposition des canaux radioélectriques pour les faisceaux hertziens analogiques ou numériques de capacité moyenne et élevée fonctionnant dans la bande des 8 GHz
[9/11] Projet de révision de la Recommandation UIT-R F.387-7 - Disposition des canaux radioélectriques pour les faisceaux hertziens fonctionnant dans la bande des 11 GHz
[9/12] Projet de révision de la Recommandation UIT-R F.497-5 - Disposition des canaux radioélectriques pour les faisceaux hertziens fonctionnant dans la bande des 13 GHz
[9/13] Projet de révision de la Recommandation UIT-R F.595-5 - Disposition des canaux radioélectriques pour les faisceaux hertziens fonctionnant dans la bande des 18 GHz
[9/14] Projet de révision de la Recommandation UIT-R F.637-2 - Disposition des canaux radioélectriques pour les faisceaux hertziens fonctionnant dans la bande des 23 GHz
[9/15] Projet de nouvelle Question UIT-R[Doc. 9/15] - Améliorations possibles de la Recommandation UIT-R F.1107
[9/16] Projet de nouvelle Question UIT-R[Doc. 9/16] - Critères de partage de la bande 31,8 - 33,4 GHz entre le service fixe et le service de radionavigation
[9/17,4/7] Projet de révision de la Question UIT-R 206-1/9 - Critères de partage entre syst. du service fixe et syst. du service fixe par satellite mettant en oeuvre un grand nombre de sat. non géostationnaires dans des bandes de fréq. entre 10 et 30 GHz
[9/18,4/6] Projet de révision de la Question UIT-R 237-1/4 - Critères de partage entre systèmes du service fixe par satellite mettant en oeuvre un grand nombre de satellites non géostationnaires et systèmes du serv. fixe dans les bandes entre 10 et 30 GHz
[9/19,4/8] Projet de révision de la Question UIT-R 217/9 - Faisablilité du partage de fréquences entre le service fixe et le service fixe par satellite dans la gamme 30 - 52 GHz
[9/20,4/9] Projet de révision de la Question UIT-R 250/4 - Faisabilité du partage de fréquences entre le service fixe par satellite et le service fixe dans la gamme 30-52 GHz
[9/21,4/10] Projet de révision de la Question UIT-R 218/9 - Critères de partage des fréquences entre systèmes du service fixe utilisant des stations placées sur des plates-formes à haute altitude et systèmes du service fixe par satellite
[9/22,4/11] Projet de révision de la Question UIT-R 251/4 - Critères de partage des fréquences entre systèmes du service fixe par satellite et systèmes du service fixe utilisant des stations placées sur des plates-formes à haute altitude
[9/23,4/12] Projet de nouvelle Question [UU/9] - Possibilités de partage des bandes 3 700 - 4 200 MHz et 5 925 - 6 425 MHz entre stations du service fixe et stations terriennes de navire du service fixe par satellite
[9/24,4/13] Projet de nouvelle Question UIT-R [WW/4] - Possibilités de partage des bandes 3 700 - 4 200 MHz et 5 925 - 6 425 MHz entre stations terriennes de navire du service fixe par satellite et stations du service fixe
[9/25,4/14] Projet de nouvelle Question [XX/9] - Critères de partage de la bande 3 400-3 700 MHz entre systèmes d'accès hertzien fixe (FWA) point à multipoint du service fixe et systèmes à microstations terriennes (VSAT) du service fixe par satellite
[9/26,4/15] Projet de nouvelle Question [YY/4] - Critères de partage de la bande 3 400 - 3 700 MHz entre syst. à microstations terriennes (VSAT) du service fixe par sat. et syst. d'accès hertzien fixe (FWA) point à multipoint du service fixe
[9/27] Report to the meeting of ITU-R Study Group 9 (14-16 October 1998)
[9/27C1] Report to the meeting of ITU-R Study Group 9
[9/28,9B/74] Amendments to Recommendations on radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio-relay systems operating in frequency bands below about 17 GHz concerning the recommended preferred intermediate frequency
[9/29, 4/32] Next meeting of Working Party 4-9S and possible draft Recommendations and Questions
[9/30, 4/33] Summary of draft new Recommendation
[9/31, 4/34] Draft new Recommendation [4-9S/AD] - Minimum propagation attenuation due to atmospheric gases for use in frequency sharing studies between the fixed-satellite service and the fixed service
[9/32,4/35] Questions assigned to WP 4-9S - Sharing between fixed-satellite service and FS
[9/33,4/36] Executive Report of the meetings of WP 4-9S
[9/34, 4/37] Draft revision to Question ITU-R 219/4 - Protection of non-geostationary satellite feeder links in the fixed-satellite service used by the mobile-satellite service from radio-relay systems in the shared frequency bands
[9/35, 4/38] Draft revision to Question ITIU-R 201/9 - Protection of radio-relay systems from non-geostationary satellite feeder links in the fixed-satellite service used by the mobile satellite service in the shared frequency bands
[9/36, 4/39] Final list of participants (Joint SGs 4 and 9 Meeting)
[9/37] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.746-3 - Radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio-relay systems
[9/37r1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.746-3 - Radio-Frequency channel arrangements for radio-relay systems
[9/38] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R F.[9D/XA] - Minimum propagation attenuation due to atmospheric gases for use in frequency sharing studies between systems in the fixed service and systems in the broadcasting-satellite, mobile-satellite and space ...
[9/38r1] Draft new Rec. ITU-R F.[Doc. 9/38 - Minimum propagation attenuation due to atmospheric gases for use in frequency sharing studies between systems in the FS and systems in the broadcasting-satellite, mobile-satellite and space science services
[9/39] Summary of draft new and revised Recommendations
[9/39a1] Summary of draft new and revised Recommendations
[9/39a1r1] Summary of dfrat new and revised Recommmendations
[9/40] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R F.[Doc. 9/40] - Performance degradation due to interference from other services sharing the same frequency bands on a primary basis with digital radio-relay systems operating at or above the primary rate and which ...
[9/40r1] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R F.[Doc. 9/40] - Performance degradation due to interference from other services sharing the same frequency bands on a primary basis with digital radio-relay systems operating at or above the primary rate and which ..
[9/40r2] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R F.[9/40] - Performance degradation due to interference from other services sharing the same frequency bands on a primary basis with digital radio-relay systems operating at or above the primary rate and which may...
[9/41] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.748-2 - Radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio-relay systems operating in the 25, 26 and 28 GHz bands
[9/41r1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.748-2 - Radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio-relay systems operating in the 25, 26 and 28 GHz bands
[9/42] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.1330 - Performance limits for bringing into service of the parts of international plesiochronous digital hierarchy and synchronous digital hierarchy paths and sections implemented by digital radio-relay ...
[9/42r1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.1330 - Performance limits for bringing into service of the parts of international plesiochronous digital hierarchy and synchronous digital hierarchy paths and sections implemented by digital radio-relay ...
[9/43] Draft new Question [Doc. 9/43] - Fixed wireless access systems using ATM
[9/44] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R F.[Doc.9/44] - Guidance to facilitate coordination and use of frequency bands shared between the fixed service and mobile-satellite service in the frequency range 1-3 GHz
[9/44r1] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R F.[Doc. 9/44] - Guidance to facilitate coordination and use of frequency bands shared between the fixed service and mobile-satellite service in the frequency range 1-3 GHz
[9/45] Draft modification of Recommendation ITU-R F.763-3 - Data transmission over HF circuits using phase-shift keying
[9/45r1] Draft modification of Recommendation ITU-R F.763-3 - Data transmission over HF circuits using phase-shift keying
[9/45r2] Draft modification of Recommendation ITU-R F.763-3 - Data transmission over HF circuits using PSK or QAM
[9/46] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R F.[Doc. 9/46] - Frequency sharing criteria between a land-mobile wireless access (MWA) system and a fixed wireless access (FWA) system using the same equipment and the MWA system
[9/46r1] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R F.[Doc. 9/46] - Frequency sharing criteria between a land-mobile wireless access (MWA) system and a fixed wireless access (FWA) system using the same equipement type as the MWA system
[9/47] Draft revision of Question ITU-R 140-2/9 - The use of mobile derived technologies in fixed wireless access applications
[9/48] Draft revision of Rec. ITU-R F.1332 - Radio-frequency signal transport through optical fibres
[9/48c1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.1332 - Radio-frequency signal transport through optical fibres
[9/48r1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.1332 - Radio-Frequency signal transport through optical fibres
[9/49] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.1333 - Estimation of the actual elevation angle from a station in the fixed service towards a space station taking into account atmospheric refraction
[9/49r1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.1333 - Estimation of the actual elevation angle from a station in the fixed service towards a space station taking into account atmospheric refraction
[9/50] Liste des documents publiés (9/1-9/50)
[9/51] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R [Doc. 9/51] - Power flux-density criteria in ITU-R Recommendations for protection of systems in the fixed service shared with space stations of various space services
[9/51c1] Draft new Recommendation [Doc. 9/51] - Power flux-density criteria in ITU-R Recommendations for protection of systems in the fixed service shared with space stations of various space services
[9/51r1] Draft new Recommendation [Doc. 9/51] - Power flux-density criteria in ITU-R Recommendations for protection of systems in the fixed service shared with space stations of various space services
[9/52] Draft new Question ITU-R [Doc. 9/52] - Improvements to Recommendation ITU-R F.758
[9/53] Next meetings of Working Parties 9A, 9B and 9D and possible draft Recommendations and Questions
[9/54] Proposed deletion of Recommendation ITU-R F.1109 and associated three Recommendations
[9/55] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.1061 - The use of diversity for voice-frequency telegraphy on HF radio circuits
[9/55r1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.106-1 - The use of diversity for voice-frequency telegraphy on HF radio circuits
[9/56] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.436-4 - Arrangement of voice-frequency, frequency shift telegraph channels over HF radio circuits
[9/56r1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.436-4 - Arrangement of voice-frequency, frequency-shift telegraph channels over HF radio circuits
[9/57] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.349-4 - Frequency stability required for systems operating in the HF fixed service to make the use of automatic frequency control superfluous
[9/57r1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.349-4 - Frequency stability required for systems operating in the HF fixed service to make the use of automatic frequency control superfluous
[9/57r2] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.349-4 - Frequency stability required for systems operating in the HF fixed service to make the use of automatic frequency control superfluous
[9/58] Executive report of the meetings of Working Party 9D (Geneva, 2-10 March and 5-13 October 1998)
[9/59] Questions assigned to Working Party 9A
[9/59] Questions assigned to Working Party 9A
[9/60] Executive Report of the meeting of Working Party 9A held in Geneva (5-13 October 1998)
[9/61] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R F.[Doc. 9/61] - Error performance objectives for real digital radio links used in the international portion of a 27 500 km hypothetical reference path at or above the primary rate
[9/61r1] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R F.[9/61] - Error performance objectives for real digital radio links used in the international portion of a 27 500 km hypothetical reference path at or above the primary rate
[9/62] Draft new Question ITU-R 210/9 - Error performance objectives for digital radio-relay sections operating at or above the primary rate of the digital hierarchy
[9/63] Summary of draft new and revised Recommendations
[9/64] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.748-2 - Radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio-relay systems operating in the 25, 26 and 28 GHz bands
[9/64r1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.748-2 - Radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio-relay systems operating in the 25, 26 and 28 GHz Bands
[9/64r2] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.757-1 - Basic system requirements and performance objectives for fixed wireless access using mobile derived technologies offering basic telephony services
[9/64r3] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.757-1 - Basic system requirements and performance objectives for fixed wireless access using mobile derived technologies offering basic telephony services
[9/65] Status of Questions assigned to Working Party 9C
[9/66] Draft new Question - Multi-function and multi-service communications across mixed-media transmission networks, including satellite communication and terrestrial HF, VHF and UHF systems
[9/66r1] Draft new Question - Multi-function and multi-service communications across mixed-media transmission networks, including satellite communication and terrestrial HF, VHF and UHF systems
[9/67] Draft revision of Question ITU-R 147-1/9 - Automatically controlled radio systems and networks in the HF fixed service
[9/68] Draft revision of Question ITU-R 205/9 - The use of frequency adaptive HF systems
[9/69] Draft revision of Question ITU-R 145/9 - Characteristics required for high-speed data transmission over HF radio circuits
[9/70] Draft revision of Question ITU-R 213/9 - Simulation of HF transmission through an ionospheric channel
[9/71] Summaries of revised Recommendations
[9/72] Report on the meeting of Working Party 9C (Geneva, 2 - 4 March 1998 and 12 - 14 October 1998)
[9/73] Final Report of the Working Party 9B meeting (Geneva, 5-14 October 1998)
[9/74] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.755-1 - Point-to-multipoint systems in the fixed service
[9/74r1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.755-1 - Point-to-multipoint systems in the fixed service
[9/74r2] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.755-1 -Point-to-multipoint systems in the fixed service
[9/75] Liaison statement to WP 4-9S and JTG 4-9-11 - Derivation of interference criteria applied to non-GSO fixed-satellite service sharing with the fixed service in the 11 GHz and 18 GHz bands
[9/76] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R F.[Doc. 9/76] - Performance and availability requirements and objectives for fixed wireless access (FWA) to PSTN
[9/76r1] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R F.[Doc. 9/76] - Performance and availability requirements and objectives for fixed wireless access (FWA) to PSTN
[9/77] Questions assigned to Working Party 9B
[9/78r1] Draft new Question [Document 9/78] - Spectrum vision for the fixed servixce
[9/78] Draft new Question [Doc. 9/78] - Spectrum vision for the fixed service
[9/78r1] Draft new Question [Doc. 9/78(Rev.1)] - Spectrum vision for the fixed service
[9/79] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R F.[Doc. 9/79] - Vocabulary of terms for wireless access
[9/79r1] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R F.[Doc. 9/79] - Vocabulary of terms for wireless access
[9/80] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R F.[Doc. 9/80] - Frequency bands for fixed wireless access (FWA) systems and the identification methodology
[9/80r1] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R F.[Doc. 9/80] - Frequency bands for fixed wireless access (FWA) systems and the identification methodology
[9/81] Draft liaison statement from Study Group 9 to GTE
[9/82] Draft revision to Question ITU-R 118-1/9 - Sharing criteria between the mobile satellite services and the fixed service in the band 1 to 3 GHz
[9/83] Establishment of a Correspondence Group for preparation of inputs to Chapter 6 of the CPM-99 Report
[9/83r1] Establishment of a Correspondence Group for the coordination of inputs WRC-2000 agenda item 1.4 to Chapter 6 of the CPM-99 Report
[9/84,4/40] Compte rendu de la réunion conjointe des Commissions d'études 4 et 9 de l'UIT-R
[9/86] Draft liaison statement to the CCV from Study Group 9
[9/87] Summary record for the third and last meeting of ITU-R Study Group 9 - Wednesday, October 14 - Friday, 16 October 1998 - Chairman: Mr. M. Murotani (Japan)

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