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[1] Summary of comments from contact persons on the SATBAG Action Plan
[1-r1] Summary of comments from contact persons on the SATBAG Action Plan
[1-r2] Summary of comments from contact persons on the SATBAG Action Plan
[2] Canada and Luxembourg - Contribution to the SATBAG Meeting
[3] Draft: Interim report to Council from the Satellite Backlog Action Group
[3-r2] Interim report to Council from the Satellite Backlog Action Group
[4] The backlog in processing notices for satellite network systems
[5] Canada: Cost Recovery (SAT-BAG Action Plan reference No. 24)
[6] Canada: Budget inflexibility (SAT-BAG Action Plan reference No. 25
[7] Current status of software used in the processing of Space notices in the BR
[8] Examination of space notices and associated software development
[9] Vietnam: Proposals to improve the backlog in Appendix S30B
[10] France: Possible clarification of the Radio Regulations
[11] Canada: A consideration for the treatment of the backlog in satellite network submissions at the BR
[12] Iran (Islamic Republic of): Backlog in satellite networks processing
[14] Report of Council Satellite Backlog Action Group Meeting (4-6 March 2002, Geneva)
[15] Financial issues affecting the backlog (Items 25 and 26 of the Action Plan)
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Updated : 2007-03-30