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ITU-T Study Group 10 Reports (Study Period 2001-2004)
List of Reports (1997-2000)
Report on Middleware Standardisation
Report on HCI Standardization
[COM10-R1] Report of the first Meeting of the Study period Geneva, 29 April-6 May, 1997
[COM10-R2] Report of the second meeting of the Study period, Geneva, 24 March - 1 April 1998 (Part I: Main Report)
[COM10-R3] Report of Study Group 10 meeting (Geneva, 24 March-1 April 1998) (Part II: Draft Recommendations, approved for "determination"; final approval 1999)
[COM10-R4] Report of the third meeting of the Study Period, Geneva, 4-12 February 1999 (Part I: Main Report)
[COM10-R5] Q.6/10 Rapporteur: Draft Z.100 (11/99)
[COM10-R6] Draft Recommendation Z.105 (11/99) SDL Combined with ASN.1 Modules
[COM10-R7] Draft Recommendation Z.107 (11/99)
[COM10-R8] Draft Recommendation Z.120 (11/99)
[COM10-R9] Study Groups 10 and Joint Rapporteurs' meeting (Henningsvaer, Norway, 9-11 June 1999) : Summary Report
[COM10-R10] Report of the third meeting of the Study Group Period, Geneva, 11-19 November 1999 (Part I: Main Report)

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