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ITU-T Study Group 13 Contributions (Study Period 2001-2004)
List of Contributions (1997-2000)
[COM13-1] CMNT-96: Cuestiones asignadas a la Comisión de Estudio 13 (Aspectos generales de la red)
[COM13-2] Relator, Requisitos de red de la RDSI-BA: Proyecto de Recomendación UIT-T I.313
[COM13-3] Rapporteur Q.6 (K. Yamazaki, Japan): Report of the Q.6 Rapporteur's meeting in Stockholm
[COM13-5] Relator par la Cuestión 8/13: Proyecto de Recomendación I.371.1
[COM13-6] Rapporteur Q.8/13: Report of the Rapporteur's meeting for Q.8/13 (Paris, 30 September-4 October 1996)
[COM13-7] Rapporteur Q.23/13: Report of Q.23 Experts meeting (28 October-1 November 1996)
[COM13-8] Relator de la Cuestion 23/13: Proyecto de Recomendación revisada G.803: arquitecturas de redes de transporte basadas en la jerarquía digital síncrona (SDH)
[COM13-9] Rapporteur Q.23/13: Draft Recommendation G.OTN
[COM13-10] Canada: Comments on GII.PFA - principles & framework architecture
[COM13-11] USA: Impact of shortened availability transition on availability, MTTSR and MTBSO
[COM13-12] Telecom Ukraine: About the further status of Recommendations G.821 and G.921
[COM13-14] Editor: Draft new Recommendation G.VB51 "V-interfaces at the service node (SN) - VB5.1 reference point specification"
[COM13-15] Editor: Draft new Recommendation G.VB52 "V-interfaces at the service node (SN) - VB5.2 reference point specification"
[COM13-16] Rapporteur Group, Q.6/13: Report of the Rapporteur's meeting on Q.6/13 Turin, 16-20 June 1997
[COM13-17] Rapporteur Group, Q.6/13: Draft revised Recommendation I.610 (B-ISDN operation and maintenance principles and functions)
[COM13-18] Rapporteur Group, Q.6/13: Draft Recommendation I.PS (ATM protection switching)
[COM13-19] MCI, Northern Telecom INC (Nortel): Sonet ring with synchronization status messages restoration behaviour
[COM13-20] Rapporteur Q.7/13: Report of the meeting
[COM13-21] Rapporteur Q.19/13: Report of Q.19/13 Experts meeting (16-20 June 1997)
[COM13-22] I.326 Editor: Draft revised Recommendation I.326
[COM13-23] Rapporteur: Draft ITU-T Recommendation G.otn
[COM13-25] Editor: Final Draft of Recommendation G.967.1 (Previously G.VB51) "V-Interfaces at the service node (SN) - VB5.1 Reference point specification"
[COM13-26] Rapporteur for Q.6/13 : Draft Recommendation (ATM protection switching)
[COM13-27] Rapporteur Group, Q.6/13: Draft revised recommendation I.610 (B-ISDN operation and maintenance principles and functions)
[COM13-28] Rapporteur of Q.19/13: Draft Recommendation G.ONR (Version 1.01)
[COM13-29] Chairman of Working Party 1/13: Report of the meeting of GII Experts of Study Group 13 (Geneva, 23-27 February 1998)
[COM13-30] Rapporteur of Q.19/13: Draft Recommendation G.OTN (Version 3.0)
[COM13-31] Rapporteur Q.17/13, Editor - I.358: Editorial changes to Recommendation I.358
[COM13-32] Rapporteur for Question 11/13: Draft revised Recommendation I.432.1 "B-ISDN user-network interface - Physical layer specifications: General characteristics"
[COM13-33] Rapporteur for Question 11/13: Draft revised Recommendation I.432.2 "B-ISDN User-Network Interface Physical Layer specification: 155 520 kbit/s and 622 080 kbit/s operation"
[COM13-34] Rapporteur for Question 11/13: Draft revised Recommendation I.432.3 "B-ISDN User-Network Interface Physical Layer specification: 1 544 kbit/s and 2 048 kbit/s operation"
[COM13-35] Rapporteur for Question 11/13: Draft revised Recommendation I.432.4 "B-ISDN User-Network Interface Physical Layer specification: 51 840 kbit/s operation"
[COM13-36] Associated Rapporteur of Q.25/13 (C.S. Lee Korea Telecom): Issues for further considerations to specify the GII
[COM13-37] Editor: Draft new Recommendation G.967.2 "V-Interfaces at the Service Node (SN) - VB5.2 Reference point specification"
[COM13-38] Editor: Draft new Recommendation G.966
[COM13-39] Rapporteur: Draft revised ITU-T Recommendation I.371
[COM13-40] Relator para la Cuestión 6/13: Proyecto de Recomendación I.610 revisada (Principios y funciones de operaciones y mantenimiento de la red digital de servicios integrados de banda ancha)
[COM13-41] Relator para la Cuestión C.6/13: Proyecto de nueva Recomendación I.630 (Conmutación de protección del modo de transferencia asíncrono)
[COM13-42] Editor: I.366.2 - Subcapa de convergencia específica de servicio de AAL tipo 2 para la troncalización
[COM13-43] Editor: Versión final del proyecto de Recomendación G.967.2 "Interfaces V en el nodo de servicio - Especificación del punto de referencia VB5.2"
[COM13-44] Relator para la Cuestión 11/13: Proyecto de Recomendación revisada I.432. "Interfaz usuario-red de la RDSI-BA - Especificación de la capa físca: Características generales"
[COM13-45] Relator para la Cuestión 11/13: Proyecto de Recomendación I.432.2 revisada "Interfaz usuario-red de la red digital de servicios integrados de banda ancha (RDSI-BA) - Especificación de la capa física: Explotación a 155 520 kbit/s y 622 080 kbit/s"
[COM13-46] Relator para la Cuestión 11/13: Proyecto de revisión de la Recomendación I.432.3 "Interfaz usuario-red de la red digital de servicios integrados de banda ancha (RDSI-BA) - Especificación de la capa física: Explotación a 1 544 kbit/s y 2 048 kbit/s"
[COM13-47] Relator para la Cuestion 11/13: Proyecto de revisión de la Recomendación I.432.4 "Interfaz usuario-red de la red digital de servicios integrados de banda ancha (RDSI-BA) - Especificación de la capa física: Operación a 51 840 kbit/s"
[COM13-48] Editor: Proyecto de nueva Recomendación G.966 "Sección digital de acceso a red digital de servicios integrados de banda ancha"
[COM13-49] Relator: Proyecto de Recomendación G.872 - Arquitectura de las redes de transporte ópticas
[COM13-50] Relator para las Cuestiones 23 y 25/13: Proyecto de neuvo Anexo A a la Recomendación y. 120
[COM13-51] Italy: Proposed changes on draft Recommendation G.872
[COM13-52] Q.29/13 Editor (TAEE): Q.29 -Version 5 baseline text for "Information Communication Architecture"(ICA)
[COM13-53] Q.25/13 Document Editor for IPSWICH meeting (Trevor Kent): Q.25 - Update of IP Framework Proposals
[COM13-54] Rapporteur: Draft revised ITU-T Recommendation I.371
[COM13-55] Rapporteur for Question 11/13: Draft new ITU-T Recommendation I.ima
[COM13-56] Rapporteur for Q.5/13: Report of the Q.5/13 Rapporteurs meeting in Mount Buffalo, U.S.A. (4-7 October 1999)
[COM13-57] Chairman Working Party 2/13: Report of the Ottawa Joint Rapporteur meeting on IP interworking
[COM13-58] AD-HOC Drafting Group on Questions: Proposed Draft Questions for next Study Period
[COM13-59] Editor I.371: Draft revised ITU-T Recommendation I.371 extended with guaranteed frame rate
[COM13-60] Marconi, Lucent and Nortel: Proposals for Editorial changes to G.803
[COM13-61] Editor draft Rec. Y.POIF: Draft new Recommendation Y.POIF reference points for interconnection framework
[COM13-62] Q25 Editor for Y.IPE -IP Framework (Keith Knightson): IP Framework - Text for Determination
[COM13-63] Rapporteur Q.7/13: Draft new ITU-T Recommendation Y.iptc - Traffic control and congestion control in IP based networks

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