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Delayed Contributions. Meeting: 1-12 June 1998. From D466 to D689

List of Delayed Contributions (Meeting: 1 - 12 June 1998)
[COM13-D466] United States of America (Q13/13): Reference model and reference events for IP networks
[COM13-D467] United States of America (Q13/13): Probing throughput in IP networks
[COM13-D468] United States of America (Q16/13): US proposed draft new Recommendations G.826.1, "Error performance parameters and objectives for international, constant bit rate synchronous digital paths"
[COM13-D469] United States of America (Q16/13): Consideration of the use of errored seconds at and above STM-4 (600 Mbit/s)
[COM13-D470] United States of America (Q16/13): Issues regarding the use of background block error ratio in digital performance standards
[COM13-D471] United States of America (Q6/13, Q19/13): Maintenance capabilities for connection supervision
[COM13-D472] Bellcore, Bell Atlantic, US WEST, SBC (Q19/13): Data in support of specification for the Hypothetical Reference Model
[COM13-D473] Bellcore (Q6/13, Q19/13, Q9/15): Near-term Recommendation for broadband network interlayer escalation strategy
[COM13-D474] Alcatel (Q20/13): New version of Recommendation I.364
[COM13-D475] United States of America (Q6/13): ATM layer unidirectional protection switching
[COM13-D476] United States of America (Q19/13): Long distance input on optional networking living list issues
[COM13-D477] United States of America (Q19/13): Requirement for carrier/operator specific overhead in G.otn
[COM13-D479] MCI Telecommunications Corporation (Q19/13; Q4/15, Q9/15, Q13/15, Q16/15, Q20/15): MCI comments on the optical network living list
[COM13-D480] MCI Telecommunications Corporation (Q19/13, Q16/15): Inter Carrier Interface - Evolutionary aspects of the short-haul optical network interface
[COM13-D481] United States of America (Q19/13): Optical Network Performance - Reference of M.2100 and M.2101.1 in draft Recommendation G.onr.
[COM13-D482] Canada (Q7/13): Refinement of table G.1, Annex G (I.371)
[COM13-D483] Canada (Q7/13): The BECN cell (I.371)
[COM13-D484] Canada (Q7/13): ABR source conformance (I.371)
[COM13-D485] Canada (Q7/13): CRC-10 and the RM cell (I.371)
[COM13-D486] Canada (Q7/13): Minimum value for MCR (I.371)
[COM13-D487] Canada (Q7/13): ABR parameters and ABR RM-cell format (I.371)
[COM13-D488] Canada (Q7/13): Maximum rate for out-of-rate RM cells (I.371)
[COM13-D489] Nortel (Canada) (Q26/13): Considerations for access power feeding interfaces
[COM13-D490] Canada (Q7/13): Routing is not part of CAC action (I.371)
[COM13-D491] Nortel (Canada) (Q12/13): Broadcast video channel changing impacts on VB5
[COM13-D492r1] United States of America (Q5/13): I.TRUNK - Impact of SSCS mode and a 3-legged sequence for User state changes
[COM13-D493] United States of America (Q5/13, Q7/13, Q14/13): AAL2-QoS Parameters for the Common Part Sublayer
[COM13-D494] United States of America (Q5/13): I.TRUNK-Message type codes for packet format type 3
[COM13-D495] United States of America (Q5/13): I.TRUNK-Table of SSCS parameters
[COM13-D496] United States of America (Q5/13): I.TRUNK-Relationship of Service Data Unit and Sequence Number Interval
[COM13-D497] United States of America (Q5/13): Editorial corrections to I.TRUNK
[COM13-D498] United States of America (Q7/13): Refinements to service description and conformation definitions for GFR
[COM13-D499] United States of America (Q7/13): Clarifications to the ABR Traffic Parameters
[COM13-D500] United States of America (Q7/13): Examples of non-conforming traffic patterns in proposed mapping between signaled traffic descriptors, BTC's, ATCs and QoS classes
[COM13-D501] United States of America (Q19/13): OTN network level management requirements
[COM13-D502] United States of America (Q19/13): General principles for Hypothetical Reference Models for Optical Transport Networks
[COM13-D503] Kokusai Denshin Denwa Co (Q5/13): Considerations and comments for capabilities of I.TRUNK
[COM13-D504] Kokusai Denshin Denwa Co (Q8/13, Q9/13, Q27/13): Proposal of study items for voice quality control in multi-network environment
[COM13-D505] Kokusai Denshin Denwa Co (Q8/13, Q9/13): Study for echo control of N-ISDN (PSTN)/B-ISDN interworking
[COM13-D506] United States of America (Q5/13): Nx64k Packetization
[COM13-D507] United States of America (Q13/13): IP availability in draft Recommendation I.35IP
[COM13-D508] United States of America (Q17/13): Draft recommendation I.35D, "Accuracy and dependability of ISDN 64 kbit/s circuit mode connection types"
[COM13-D509] Bellcore (Q18/13): Results of a field to reconfigure the Sync Reference using Synchronization Status Messaging
[COM13-D510] Japan (Q20/13, Q24/13): Proposal for a connectionless service platform supporting scalable Internet
[COM13-D511] Japan (Q25/13): Proposed addition of Management interface to the Reference Model
[COM13-D512] Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), (Q3/13): Proposed replication unit location alternatives
[COM13-D513] Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) and Matsushita Electric Industrial co. Ltd, (Q5/13): Proposed modification of packet procedures for Demodulated Facsimile in I.trunk
[COM13-D514] Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), (Q5/13): Proposed procedure for the bandwidth change of a AAL type 2 channel in I.trunk
[COM13-D515] Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), (Q5/13): Proposed F7-OAM flow in I.trunk
[COM13-D516] Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), (Q7/13): Clarification on GFR
[COM13-D517] Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), (Q20/13, Q2/13): Comparison of IP and ATM internetworking models from the viewpoint of their reference configurations
[COM13-D518] Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), (Q6/13): Proposal for segment AIS cell generation mechanism
[COM13-D519] Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), (Q6/13): Proposals on the functionality for freezing the protection switching function
[COM13-D520] Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), (Q6/13): Proposed range and granularity of the hold-off time for protection switching
[COM13-D521] Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), (Q12/13): Proposed enhancement to requirements for interworking between B-BCC and ATM-F UNI4.0. in draft new Rec. G.967.2
[COM13-D522] Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), (Q12/13): Proposed annex on the capability to support SVB in draft new Rec. G.967.2
[COM13-D523] Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), (Q12/13): Proposed enhancement to support two types of SBR2/3 in draft new Rec. G.967.2
[COM13-D524] Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), (Q12/13): A proposed clarification of B-ISDN access digital section in the access network
[COM13-D525] Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), (Q12/13): A proposed general functional architecture of the B-LT
[COM13-D526] Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), (Q19/13): Layer independence principle in supervising OCh layer
[COM13-D527] Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), (Q19/13): Proposal of reference models in G.onr
[COM13-D528] Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), (Q19/13): Introduction of 3R function within the OCh trail
[COM13-D529] Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), (Q13/13): Proposal on the measurement conditions of the IP service availability
[COM13-D530] Italtel (Q16/13): G.EPMRS: S.E.S. Threshold
[COM13-D531] Russian Federation (Q15/13): Comments on recommendations
[COM13-D532] Russian Federation (Q16/13): One-year period for definition of long term error performance objectives in the draft new Recommendation G.826.1 "Error performance parameters and objectives for international, constant bit rate synchronous digital paths"
[COM13-D533] United States of America (Q7/13): Response to I.371 Living List Item 12 question related to buffer state check cells in Controlled Transfer
[COM11-D534] Fujitsu Network Communications Inc. (Q7/13): Response to I.371 living List Item 12 question related to User Data Cell Conformance in Controlled Tranfer
[COM13-D535] United Kingdom (Q19/13): VC trail protection architectures
[COM13-D536] British Telecom, Deutsche Telekom AG, Robert Bosch GMBH, Siemens AG (Q12/13): Minor editorial corrections and enhancements to G.967.2
[COM13-D537] British Telecom, Deutsche Telekom AG, Robert Bosch GMBH, Siemens AG (Q12/13): Enhancement of appendix II of G.967.2
[COM13-D538] British Telecom, Deutsche Telekom AG, Robert Bosch GMBH, Siemens AG (Q12/13): Proposed text on RTMC and B-BCC system relationship
[COM13-D539] Italtel (Q16/13, Q15/13): G.826.1 - Application to the access portion of the path
[COM13-D540] CSETL (Italy), (Q16/13, Q14/13): I.356 and G.826 which relationship ?
[COM13-D541] CSELT (Italy), (Q13/13, Q14/13, Q15/13, Q16/13): Common reference path model at the physical layer for performance and availability purposes
[COM13-D542r1] CSELT (Italy), (Q14/13): In-service performance monitoring of ATM connection
[COM13-D543] CSELT (Italy), (Q16/13): Amendments to draft Rec. G.826.1
[COM13-D544] Intelsat (Q2/13, Q27/13): Satellite broadband network models to support point to multipoint operation
[COM13-D545] KDD (Japan)(Q14/13): Definition of internal reference events for AAL type 5
[COM13-D546] Tektronix (Q18/13): ETS 300 462-3 "The control of jitter and wander within synchronization networks"
[COM13-D547] Federal republic of Germany (Q19/13): Proposal for normalised sections in G.onr
[COM13-D548] Federal Republic of Germany (Q19/13): Description of 2R and 3R
[COM13-D549] Federal Republic of Germany (Q19/13): Providing of fault specific information in AIS/RDI OAM cells
[COM13-D550] Federal Republic of Germany (Q14/13): Definition of performance parameters for the description of AAL performance
[COM13-D551] Federal Republic of Germany (Q14/13): Location of measurement points for the description of AAL performance
[COM13-D552] Federal Republic of Germany (Q7/13): Corrections to the ABR conformance definition
[COM13-D553] Federal Republic of Germany (Q7/13): Setting of the EFCI bit
[COM13-D554] Canada (Q13/13): Proposed editorial modifications to draft new Recommendation I.35IP
[COM13-D555] Canada (Q13/13): Threshold of IP sevice availability function in I.35IP
[COM13-D556] Nortel (Canada), (Q13/13): Replacing dependability by throughput in IP Packet Tranfer Row of I.35IP 3x3 performance matrix
[COM13-D557] Nortel (Canada), (Q6/13): Discussion on the enhanced continuity check (cc) cell added value
[COM13-D558] Canada (Q6/13): Hold-off time for protection switching triggering
[COM13-D559] Canada (Q6/13, Q8/13, Q10/13): OAM interworking cell
[COM13-D560] Canada (Q6/13): ATM extended address for Loopback Cells
[COM13-D561] Canada (Q6/13): I.610 text fo Loopbacks
[COM13-D562] Nortel (Canada), (Q13/13): Enhancement of connection availability definition
[COM13-D563] Virata Ltd. (Q7/13): Correction to Algorithm in the CT conformance definition
[COM13-D564] Virata Ltd. (Q7/13): Resolution of I.371 Living List Item 11 Issue on CT RM cell format
[COM13-D565] Virata Ltd (Q7/13): GCRA accounting for RM cells containing multiple BSU messages
[COM13-D566] Virata Ltd. (Q7/13): Establishing CT VCCs within CT VPCs
[COM13-D567] Virata Ltd. (Q7/13): Revision of CT text in accordance with I.371 format and content
[COM13-D568] Ministry of Information Industry of China (Q18/13): A new option to avoid timing loop
[COM13-D569] Siemens AG and Deutsche Telekom (Q7/13, Q14/13): On the ATC mapping
[COM13-D570] Lucent Technologies Network Systems Nederland B.V. (Q18/13, Q19/13): Proposal for Synchronization Network Engineering Guidelines
[COM13-D571] British Telecom (Q6/13, Q15/13): Acknowledgment of the requirement to resolve availability measurement issues in I.610
[COM13-D572] Lucent Technologies Nederland (Q6/13): Universal OAM and universal termination function proposal
[COM13-D573] Siemens (Q6/13, Q14/13, Q15/13): Determination of the entry/exit in the unavailable state
[COM13-D574] Siemens (Q6/13): Interaction of UPC/NPC function and OAM segment PM flows
[COM13-D575] Siemens (Q6/13): OAM for frame Relay Service Interworking
[COM13-D576] Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Q5/13): Comment on Time Stamps in Facsimile Control Message
[COM13-D577] Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Q5/13): Comment on Synchronous Reset between speech encoder and decoder
[COM13-D578] Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Q5/13): Comment on Facsimile Control Packet Format
[COM13-D579] Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Q5/13): Comment on Generic Silence Insertion Descriptor
[COM13-D580] Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Q5/13): Comment on T.30_Data Packet format -delection of BILO field-
[COM13-D581] Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Q5/13): Co-ordination with other SGs
[COM13-D582] Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Q5/13): On the arbitration between facsimile demodulation units
[COM13-D583] British Telecom (Q6/13): OAM cell addressing formats
[COM13-D584] Siemens AG (Q19/13): Network architecture and management aspects of virtual concatenation
[COM13-D585] Siemens AG (Q19/13): Overhead and payload in the OTN
[COM13-D586] Deutsche Telekom (Q16/13): Performance of SDH Multiplex Sections
[COM13-D587] Deutsche Telekom (Q19/13): Proposal for a four layer model in G.otn
[COM13-D588] British Telecom (Q19/13): Monitoring capabilities in optical transport networks
[COM13-D589] British Telecom (Q19/13): Partial population in G.otn
[COM13-D590] British Telecom (Q19/13): Supporting fibre types
[COM13-D591] British Telecom (Q19/13): Cross-connection in G.otn
[COM13-D593] Siemens AG (Q7/13): GFR conformance with increase tolerance
[COM13-D594] Nortel (Europe), (Q5/13): Some issues for I.Trunk
[COM13-D595] Tektronix (Q5/13): Development of Recommendations G.823 and G.825
[COM13-D596] MOC (Israel), (5/13): Fax demodulation training signal procedures for I.Trunk user
[COM13-D597] MOC (Israel), (Q5/13): Fax demodulation capabilities - I.Trunk SSCS
[COM13-D598] Deutsche Telekom (Q19/13): Handling transparency issues in optical networks
[COM13-D599] Deutsche Telekom (Q19/13): Enhancement of SDH section monitoring capabilities
[COM13-D600] Deutsche Telekom (Q19/13): Quality supervision of OCh
[COM13-D601] Deutsche Telekom (Q19/13): Transparency for different reference models
[COM13-D602] Swisscom (Q5/13): SG 11's project for AAL type 2 signalling capability set 1
[COM13-D603] Swisscom (Q5/13): Separation of Circuit Mode Data (nx64 kbit/s) from I.Trunk
[COM13-D604] Swisscom (Q5/13): Editorial modifications to I.Trunk
[COM13-D605] Alcatel (Q6/13): ATM Signal Degrade condition for triggering PS
[COM13-D606] France Telecom (Q7/13, Q14/13): About frame level performance specification
[COM13-D607] France Telecom (Q13/13): Editorial remarks concerning I.35IP
[COM13-D608] France Telecom (Q6/13, Q14/13): Taking into account the interactions between UPC/NPC and PM
[COM13-D609] France Telecom (Q6/13, Q14/13, Q15/13): In service estimation of SES_ATM
[COM13-D610] France Telecom (Q19/13): TU-12 concatenation
[COM13-D611] France Telecom (Q11/13): 1+1 Protection mechanism for Cell-Based physical layer interfaces at the TB reference point
[COM13-D612] France Telecom (Q11/13): Editorial modifications on the Cell-Based part of Recommendation I.432.2
[COM13-D613] France Telecom (Q4/13, Q11/13, Q26/13): Conflict between G.983 and I.432 on the use of pre-assigned value of physical cell header
[COM13-D614] France Telecom (Q11/13): Proposal to open a new study point for simplification of the regenerator function in Cell-Based UNI
[COM13-D615] France Telecom (Q11/13): Addition of maintenance state tables related to the Cell-Based interfaces defined in Recommendation I.432.2
[COM13-D616] France Telecom (Q16/13): Revision of Annex D of G.826
[COM13-D617] France Telecom (Q16/13): About G.826 and G.826-1
[COM13-D618] France Telecom (Q16/13): New objectives table in annex C of G.826
[COM13-D619] GPT (United Kingdom), (Q18/13): Proposal for delaying the approval of revised Recommendation G.823
[COM13-D620] Korea Telecom (Q2/13): Service requirements from combination of communication configuration and symmetry
[COM13-D621] Korea Telecom (Q8/13): Voice service scenarios of ATM network with PSTN interworking
[COM13-D622] Korea Telecom (Q8/13): General Network configuration from compatibility point of view
[COM13-D623] Korea Telecom (Q8/13): Draft new Recommendation I.5nt (Network and terminal Compatibility)
[COM13-D624] Korea Telecom (Q13/13): Layered model of performance for IP network
[COM13-D625] Korea Telecom (Q13/13): General reference configuration for QoS/NP of IP service
[COM13-D626] Korea Telecom (Q13/13): Clarification of general reference configuration for QoS/NP of GII
[COM13-D627] Korea Telecom (Q14/13): Specification of Tmax (Timer for declaring a cell lost) Value for QOS class 1
[COM13-D628] Korea Telecom (Q25/13): Classification of POI types and its application
[COM13-D629] Korea Telecom (Q25/13): Internet service providing scenarios from layering point of view under the GII
[COM13-D630] Korea Telecom (Q2/13): Requirement for multicast connection capability at the ATM layer
[COM13-D631] Republic of Korea (Q8/13): Modification of study items about definition of the Private and Public ATM Network, and Interworking Reference Configuration (I.5bp)
[COM13-D632] Republic of Korea (Q8/13): Proposal of I.5bp Recommendation layout
[COM13-D633] Republic of Korea (Q20/13): Requirements and considerations for IP over ATM in B-ISDN
[COM13-D634] Republic of Korea (Q5/13): Supplemented pointer operation mode for the structured block delineation at receiving end in AAL type 1 (Informative example)
[COM13-D635] Republic of Korea (Q2/13, Q4/13): Consideration of communication mechanisms for B-ISDN Charging information
[COM13-D636] Republic of Korea (Q6/13): Enhancement of proposal C in SP19
[COM13-D637] Republic of Korea (Q20/13): The scope of I.5ipatm
[COM13-D638] Republic of Korea (Q6/13): Comparison on segment AIS/RDI mechanisms
[COM13-D639] Republic of Korea (Q20/13, Q2/13): Comparison of IP over ATM Models in B-ISDN
[COM13-D640] Republic of Korea (Q7/13): Multiplexing and buffer management scheme
[COM13-D641] Republic of Korea (Q7/13): Additional ABR traffic parameters
[COM13-D642] Republic of Korea (Q7/13): ANS for identification capability in B-ISDN
[COM13-D643] Republic of Korea (Q2/13): Signalling capability for service-oriented B-ISDN network requirements
[COM13-D644] Republic of Korea (Q2/13): High layer capability for service-oriented B-ISDN network requirements
[COM13-D645] Republic of Korea (Q2/13, Q20/13, Q24/13): Integrated name system for IP over ATM in B-ISDN
[COM13-D646] Lucent Technologies Nederland (Q19/13): Interworking of contiguous and virtual concatenation
[COM13-D647] Lucent Technologies Nederland (Q19/13): Proposal to remove OMS-level cross-connection from G.otn
[COM13-D648] Lucent Technologies Nederland (Q6/13): Separate "fire wall" functionality from segment processing
[COM13-D649] Lucent Technologies Nederland (Q6/13, Q9/13): Functional model for ATM loopback information (I.326 extension)
[COM13-D650] Lucent Technologies Nederland (Q6/13): Relationship between the protected domain and the extend of OAM flows
[COM13-D651] Lucent Technologies Nederland (Q6/13): APS signal identification for case of nested protection
[COM13-D652] Lucent Technologies Nederland (Q6/13): Use of LB cells in 1+1 unidirectional switching
[COM13-D653] Lucent Technologies Nederland (Q6/13): Overlap of protection domains (SP2, SP11/I.PS)
[COM13-D654] Lucent Technologies Nederland (Q6/13): Segment terrmination functionality can not always operate as protection domain termination
[COM13-D655] Lucent Technologies Nederland (Q6/13): ATM signal degrade condition for triggering protection switching (SP1/I.PS)
[COM13-D656] Lucent Technologies Nederland (Q6/13): ATM protection: A 1 or 2 step approach
[COM13-D657] Lucent Technologies Nederland (Q6/13): 1 second delay in protection switching with separate segment AIS cell
[COM13-D658] Lucent Technologies Nederland (Q6/13): AIS and RDI defects are not definied in I.610
[COM13-D659] Lucent Technologies Nederland (Q6/13): Basic rules when introducing new features
[COM13-D660] Lucent Technologies Nederland (Q6/13): Overview of segment AIS proposals and their (dis)advantages
[COM13-D661] Lucent Technologies Nederland (Q6/13): Nesting segments and/or protection domains within the existing networks
[COM13-D662] British Telecom (Q6/13): A practically oriented analysis of OAM cell types and their implications on equipment and operational complexity
[COM13-D663r1] Nokia (Q5/13, Q7/13, Q14/13): Traffic management and Quality of Service (QoS) issues in ATM Adaptation Layer type 2 (AAL2)
[COM13-D664] Ericsson (Q5/13, Q7/13): The need for ATM and switched AAL type 2 in UMTS/IMT2000 radio access networks
[COM13-D665] Ericsson (Q5/13, Q7/13): Requirements for transfer capability and QoS class for AAL type 2 connections (not electronically available!)
[COM13-D666] Telecom Italia (Q2/13): Additional provisions to draft Recommendation I.31z
[COM13-D667] Alcatel (Q6/13): AIS cell generation
[COM13-D668] Alcatel (Q6/13): LLID field
[COM13-D669r1] Alcatel (Q6/13): Performance of connection portions including an UPC/NPC function
[COM13-D670] Alcatel (Q6/13): Protection of ATM connections in case of nested protection domains
[COM13-D671] KPN (Q2/13): Requirements on content, location and timing for measurements and cdr production
[COM13-D672] KPN (Q2/13): Communication of charging information
[COM13-D673] Australia (Q7/13): Scope of revised Recommendation I.371
[COM13-D674] Australia (Q7/13): Change proposals to Living List Item 11 (CT capacity) text
[COM13-D675] Autralia (Q7/13): CT Control Asymmetry across the UNI
[COM13-D676] Australia (Q7/13): Proposal for an equitable PCR conformance definition for GFR
[COM13-D677] Australia (Q7/13): State diagram for link failure recovery in CT
[COM13-D678] Autralia (Q7/13): Resourcing of CT virtual path
[COM13-D679] Australia (Q7/13): CT switch reference behaviour
[COM13-D680] Australia (Q7/13): A possible problem with the generic cell rate algorithms
[COM13-D681] Japan Telecom Co. Ltd., Information and Communication Labs. (Q4/13, Q11/13): Concatenated Cell Tranfer Method (CCTM): Performance evaluation
[COM13-D682] British Telecom (Q6/13, 14/13, 15/13): Inclusion of a CC ID in draft revised Rec.I.610 and the associated algorithms for ATM defect indication and unavailability determination (not electronically available!)
[COM13-D683] British Telecom (Q7713): ABR policing (not electronically available!)
[COM13-D684] KPN (Q7/13): Alignment of implicit QoS text in I.371, as in Living List item 28
[COM13-D685] KPN (Q7/13): Maintaining MCR=0 in ABR
[COM13-D686] KPN (Q7/13): Editorial modifications to draft revised Recommendation I.371 regarding ABT
[COM13-D687] KPN (Q7/13): Introductory text for new appendix to I.371 on applications (Living List item 3)
[COM13-D688] KPN (Q7/13): Restructuring DBR Source descriptor and Conformance definition
[COM13-D689] KPN (Q7/13): Concept of Service Type in I.371

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