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[COM15-101] GPT Ltd., Nottingham, United Kingdom: Proposal for additional V5 Signal label (SL) Codes
[COM15-102] NTT and CLPAJ: Proposal for definition of the mode field centre and glass geometry test method
[COM15-103] NTT: Effect of temperature on loss characteristics of G.653 fibre cables
[COM15-104] NTT: Modified draft text of a method for measuring chromatic dispersion uniformity based on the backscattering technique
[COM15-105] NTT: Measurement accuracy of chromatic dispersion by using bi-directional OTDR technique
[COM15-106] NTT: Questionnaire on cable ships and submersible equipment
[COM15-107] Rapporteur for Question 16/15: Proposed revisions to Recommendation G.957
[COM15-108] Rapporteur for Q16/15: Draft revised text for Q.16/15
[COM15-109] Rapporteur for Question 2/15: Proposed new Recommendation of ONT/NT management and control interface for G.983 ATM-PON
[COM15-110] Rapporteur for Question 2/15: Editorial changes to draft Recommendation G.983 for decision in October 1998
[COM15-111] United States of America: A consolidated reference test method for PMD
[COM15-112] United States of America: Proposed revisions in glass geometry test methods
[COM15-113] United States of America: PMD: Statistical specification in IEC SC86A & SC86C
[COM15-114] United States of America: Fiber applications in long-haul multichannel line systems
[COM15-115] United States of America: Need for standardised near-term optical layer protection switching mechanism
[COM15-116] Bellcore: Near-term Recommendation for broadband network interlayer escalation strategy
[COM15-117] Recommendation G.661 Editor: Editorial amendments to revised draft of Recommendation G.661
[COM15-118] Recommendation G.662 Editor: Editorial amendments to revised draft of Recommendation G.662
[COM15-119] Rapporteur for Question 17/15: Draft revised work plan for Q.17/15
[COM15-120] Editor Recommendation G.691: Editorial corrections to Recommendation G.691
[COM15-121] Ericsson: Signal quality monitoring in optical networks
[COM15-122] Siemens AG: Naming for the optical transport network recommendations
[COM15-123] France Telecom: Editorial amendments to draft revised Recommendation G.991.1
[COM15-124] France Telecom: Editorial amendments to draft revised Recommendation G.775
[COM15-125] Lucent Technologies NL: Considerations on L-1.1 wavelength range in G.957
[COM15-126] Lucent Technologies NL: Terms of reference for optical networking recommendations
[COM15-127] Editor Draft Recommendation G.saf: Status of work on G.saf
[COM15-128] United States of America: Proposed update to draft Rec. G.774-10 "Synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) management of the multiplex section (MS) share protection ring (SPR) for the network element view"
[COM15-129] Editor Rec. G.781: Draft new Recommendation G.781 "Synchronization layer function" - for approval under resolution 1
[COM15-130] Tele Danmarks A/S: Proposed changes to draft Recommendations G.663
[COM15-131] Editor Rec. G.992.1 (ex G.dmt): Draft new Recommendation G.992.1: Asymmetrical digital subscriber line (ADSL) transceiver for approval
[COM15-132] Editor Rec. G.995.1: Draft new Recommendation G.995.1 - Overview of digital subscriber line (DSL) Recommendations for approval
[COM15-133] Editor Rec. G.996.1: Draft new Recommendation G.996.1: Test procedures for digital subscriber line (DSL) transceivers for approval
[COM15-134] Editor Rec. G.994.1: Draft new Recommendation G.994.1 - Handshake procedures for digital subscriber line (DSL) transceivers - for approval
[COM15-135] Editor Rec. G.997.1: Draft new Recommendation G.997.1 - Physical layer management for digital subscriber line (DSL) transceivers - for approval
[COM15-136] Editor Rec. G.992.2: Draft new Recommendation G.992.2 - Splitterless asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) transceivers for approval
[COM15-137] Editor Rec. V.300: Draft new Recommendation V.300 - A 128 (144) kbit/s data circuit-terminating equipment standardized for use on digital point-to-point leased circuits for approval
[COM15-138] Editor Rec. G.691: Draft new Recommendation G.691 - Optical interfaces for single channel SDH systems with optical amplifiers, and STM 64 systems for approval
[COM15-139] Rapporteur, Q.16/15: Draft revised Recommendation G.957 - Optical interfaces for equipments and systems relating to the synchronous digital hierarchy - for approval
[COM15-140] Fujitsu, NEC, OKI and Hitachi: Proposal for the frequency allocation of IRDI in the draft Recommendation G.959.1
[COM15-141] Alcatel: Proposal for 16 fixed frequencies/wavelengths in a 16-channel WDM system of metropolitan network for table 6-1/G.959.1
[COM15-142] Italy: The use and limitations of OTDR remote fiber test systems (RFTS) and WDM systems operating in the L-Band region
[COM15-143] United States of America: Double counting of extrema in the SOP method of PMD measurement
[COM15-144] KDD Corporation: Test method for nonlinear coefficient (n2/Aeff) of single mode optical fibres: Self-phase modulation measurement technique
[COM15-145] KDD Corporation: Test method for effective area (Aeff) of single mode optical fibres
[COM15-146] Canada Nortel networks: Measurement methods of echo-paths and their characteristics in north american networks
[COM15-147] Lucent Technologies Nederland: Use of the CLNP Qos parameter to trigger AITS/UITS selection
[COM15-148] Lucent technologies Nederland: Proposed deletion of Annex B and Annex C G.784
[COM15-149] Nippon telegraph and telephone corporation: Test method for measuring chromatic dispersion uniformity based on backscattering technique
[COM15-150] France Telecom/CNET: PMD and related reference frame definitions
[COM15-151] CSELT: Proposal of definition of optical transport network
[COM15-152] United States of America: Proposed revisions of Recommendations G.652 and G.655
[COM15-153] The Russian federation telecommunication administration: Measurement methods for PMD distribution in optical fibre length using polarization OTDR-technique
[COM15-154] KDD Corporation: Correction factor of effective area (Aeff) and MFD for G.653 and G.655 fibres
[COM15-155] Editor, Rec. G.671: Revision proposed for Recommendation G.671 - Version 3.1
[COM15-156] KDD Corporation: System related optical fibre parameters of G.652, G.653, G.654 and G.655 fibres
[COM15-157] KDD Corporation: Test Methods for Polarisation Mode Dispersion (PMD)
[COM15-158] ITU-T PMD Round Robin Coordinator (Y.Namihira, KDD): ITU-T Polarisation mode dispersion (PMD) Round Robin Measurement results
[COM15-159] L-Band Correspondence Group Leader (Mr. Y. Namihira, KDD): Proposal for a questionnaire on L-Band Correspondence Group Study items
[COM15-160] KDD Corporation: Nonlinear coefficient (n2/Aeff) and nonlinear refractive index n2 for G.653 and G.655 fibres
[COM15-161] Alcatel: Proposal for a new Fiber Type, Optimized for long distance and high bit rate applications
[COM15-162] Editor Recommendation G.168: Draft revised ITU-T Recommendation G.168 - Digital network echo cancellers
[COM15-163] Alcatel: Proposal for further study on APON Standards (G.983.1/G.983.2)
[COM15-164] Alcatel: Editorial Comments on ITU-T G.983.2
[COM15-165] Ericsson L.M.: Editorial comments on ITU-T G.712 and Q.55x
[COM15-166] Marconi Communication LTD. (UK): Proposals for extending LOVC signal label codes
[COM15-167] Nortel Networks: VC-n_Xv [n=11, 12, 2] Virtual Concatenation proposed text for G.707
[COM15-168] Plasma Optical Fibre (NL): Information on the progress of updating fibre specifications in IEC SC86A/WG1
[COM15-169] United States of America: STM-256 Framing and Scrambling
[COM15-170] United States of America: Revision of ITU-T G.975, Forward error correction for submarine systems
[COM15-171] United States of America: Proposed revisions of Recommendations G.652 and G.655
[COM15-172] NTT and CLPAJ: Proposal of a revised draft Recommendation G.653
[COM15-173] United States of America: Inclussion of IN-Band FEC in Recommendation G.707
[COM15-174] United States of America: Inclusion of STM-256 Specifications in Recommendations G.707, G.783, and G.691
[COM15-175] United States of America: Rationale for the extended band fibre proposed in table 3 of Recommendation G.652
[COM15-176] United States of America: Draft CW test method for fibre nonlinear coefficient
[COM15-177] United States of America: Consolidated reference test method for PMD
[COM15-178] United States of America: Path Signal Label Values for Data over SONET/SDH
[COM15-179] Editor G.707: Draft revised Recommendation G.707
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Updated : 2007-03-30