[ITU] ITU-T list of document series T16-R activity: ITU-T SG 16 doc. type: report From: 001 To: 022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THESE DOCUMENTS ARE ONLY AVAILABLE TO ITU-T MEMBERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R001 Title: Report of the Geneva meeting (13-17 November 2000) Submitter: 16/FB Subject: QALL Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R002 Title: Part I of the report of Working Party 1/16 (Low rate systems) Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q11/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, Q4/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R003 Title: Implementor's Guide to V.250 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q11/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R004 Title: Part I of the raport of Worling Party 2/16 (Services and high rate systems) Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q2/16, Q3/16, Q4/16, Q5/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R005 Title: Implementers Guide for H.323, H.225.0, H.245, H.246, H.283, H.235, H.450 Series, and H.341 Recommendations Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q2/16, Q3/16, Q4/16, Q5/16, QD/16, QF/16, QG/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R006 Title: Draft revised Implementor's Guide for the ITU-T H.320-Series (H.221, H.230, H.242) and H.324 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q2/16, Q3/16, Q4/16, Q5/16, QD/16, QF/16, QG/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R006C1 Title: Corrigendum 1 - Draft revised Implementor's Guide for the ITU-T H.320-Series (H.221, H.230, H.242) and H.324 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q2/16, Q3/16, Q4/16, Q5/16, QD/16, QF/16, QG/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R007 Title: Implementor's Guide for ITU-T Recommendation H.248 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q2/16, Q3/16, Q4/16, Q5/16, QD/16, QF/16, QG/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R008 Title: Report of Worling Party 3/16 (Signal processing) Submitter: SG 16 Subject: Q10/16, Q6/16, Q7/16, Q8/16, Q9/16, QE/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R009 Title: Report of the IP-Networking and Mediacom-2004 workshop (Geneva, 24-27 April 2001) Submitter: 16/FB Subject: QALL Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R009R1 Title: Report of the IP-Networking and Mediacom-2004 workshop (Geneva, 24-27 April 2001) Submitter: Chairman SG 16 Subject: QALL Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R010 Title: Report of the second meeting (Porto Seguro, 28 May-8 June 2001) Submitter: 16/FB Subject: QALL Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R011 Title: Part I (General) of the Report of Working Party 1/16 (Modems and facsimile terminals) Submitter: 16/FB Subject: Q11/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R012 Title: Part II.B (Determined Recommendations) of the report of Working Party 1/16 (Modems and facsimile terminals) - (Porto Seguro meeting, 28 May-8 June 2001) Submitter: 16/FB Subject: Q14/16 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R013 Title: Report of Working Party 2/16 (Multimedia platform and interworking) Submitter: 16/FB Subject: Q1/16, Q2/16, Q3/16, Q4/16, Q5/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R014 Title: Report of Working Party 3/16 (Media coding) Submitter: 16/FB Subject: Q10/16, Q15/16, Q6/16, Q7/16, Q8/16, Q9/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R015 Title: Report of Working Party 4/16 (Multimedia framework) Submitter: 16/FB Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R016 Title: Report of the Working Party 3/16 (Media coding) meeting (Geneva, 16 November 2001) Submitter: SG 16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R017 Title: Report of the third meeting of Study Group 16 (Geneva, 5-15 February 2002) Submitter: SG 16 Subject: QALL/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R018 Title: Report of the third meeting of Study Group 16 (Geneva, 5-15 February 2002) - Part I.1: Report of WP 1/16 (Modems and facsimile terminals) Submitter: COM 16 Subject: Q11/16, Q12/16, Q13/16, Q14/16, QH/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R019 Title: Report of the third meeting of Study Group 16 (Geneva, 5-15 February 2002) - Part I.2: Report of WP 2/16 (Multimedia platform and interworking) Submitter: COM 16 Subject: Q1/16, Q2/16, Q3/16, Q4/16, Q5/16, QD/16, QF/16, QG/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R020 Title: Report of the third meeting of Study Group 16 (Geneva, 5-15 February 2002) - Part I.3: Report of WP 3/16 (Media coding) Submitter: COM 16 Subject: Q10/16, Q15/16, Q6/16, Q7/16, Q8/16, Q9/16, QE/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R021 Title: Report of the third meeting of Study Group 16 (Geneva, 5-15 February 2002) - Part I.4: Report of WP 4/16 (Multimedia framework) Submitter: COM 16 Subject: QA/16, QB/16, QC/16 Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T16-R022 Title: Report of the third meeting of Study Group 16 (Geneva, 5-15 February 2002) - Part II: Draft new Recommendation F.706 Submitter: SG 16 Subject: QC/16 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ End of list