[ITU] ITU-T list of document series T03-C activity: ITU-T SG 03 doc. type: contribution From: C001 To: C082 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THESE DOCUMENTS ARE ONLY AVAILABLE TO ITU-T MEMBERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C001 Title: Questions assigned to Study Group 3 (Tariff and accounting principles including related telecommunications economic and policy issues) for study during the 1997-2000 period Submitter: COM 3/ST Subject: QALL Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C002 Title: Secretary General's paper on accounting rate reform Submitter: Chairman SG 3 Subject: Q1/3, Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C003 Title: Charging and accounting elements for ATM/B-ISDN Submitter: Vice-Chairman WP 3/3 Subject: Q6/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C004 Title: Accounting rates reform Submitter: Brazil (Federative Republic of) Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C005 Title: Proposed draft Recommendation on "Tariff and accounting principles for the international premium rate service" (IPRS) Submitter: British Broadcasting Corporation(BBC) Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C006 Title: Switched virtual circuit option for frame relay Submitter: Brazil (Federative Republic of) Subject: Q5/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C007 Title: Proposal to modify Rec. D.176(Rev.1) to accomodate lenthened national (significant) numbers post-timeT Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C008 Title: Comptabilité internationale pour l'utilisation du point de transfert semaphore (PTS) du système de signalisation No. 7 de l'UIT Submitter: France Telecom Subject: Q7/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C009 Title: Remunération des Administrations en fonction des modes d'acheminement utilisés Submitter: France Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C010 Title: Observations on the Secretary General's proposal for accounting rate reform Submitter: Canada Subject: Q1/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C011 Title: Edits to Rec. D.176 - Transmission in encoded form of telephone reversed charge billing and accounting information (1992) Submitter: Canada Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C012 Title: Inquiry on development of competition and interconnection in the portion of national extension Submitter: KDD Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C013 Title: Proposed new accounting method for home country direct (including home country beyond) Submitter: Teledanmark Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C014 Title: Reform of the international accounting rate regime Submitter: Hong Kong Subject: Q1/3, Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C015 Title: Response to the Secretary General's consultative document on accounting rate reform Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q1/3, Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C016 Title: Synthèse des réponses au Questionnaire sur les taxes de répartition applicables au service téléphonique automatique international Submitter: TSB Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C017 Title: Reform of the international accounting rate regime Submitter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Subject: Q1/3, Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C018 Title: Reform of the international accounting rate regime Submitter: Saint Vincent and Grenadines Subject: Q1/3, Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C019 Title: A Telia position on prices for termination of international telephone traffic Submitter: Telia Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C020 Title: Recomendations of the informal expert group on international telecommunication settlements Submitter: TSB Subject: Q1/3, Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C021 Title: Accounting rate of international telephone calls terminating to cellular networks Submitter: TELECOM FINLAND Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C022 Title: Terminating fee proposal for the way forward accounting rate reform Submitter: Trinidad and Tobago Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C023 Title: Proposed amendment to ITU-T Rec. D.180 Submitter: Germany (Federal Republic of) Subject: Q4/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C024 Title: Settlement rates reform : China's views and proposals Submitter: China (People's Republic of) Subject: Q1/3, Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C025 Title: Observations on alternative calling procedures Submitter: Chairman WP 1/3 Subject: Q1/3, Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C026 Title: Amendment to Recommendation D.170 Submitter: Oman (Sultanate of) Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C027 Title: Accounting rate reform Submitter: Bahrain (State of) Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C028 Title: Proposal for moving toward cost-based international settlements Submitter: United States of America Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C029 Title: Reforma del régimen de liquidaciones de cuentas del servicio telefónico internacional Submitter: ASETA Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C030 Title: List of study items on competition and interconnection in relation to local bottleneck Submitter: KDD Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C031 Title: Implementation of the ETSC Resolution 29 (Alternative calling procedures on international telecommunications networks) Submitter: KDD - IDC - ITJ Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C032 Title: Modification to Recommendation D.140 - Annex C - Proposal of "CAP" on settlement rates in relation to collection charges Submitter: KDD Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C033 Title: Code of business practice for maritime accounting authorities Submitter: CIRM Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C033C1 Title: Corrigendum to code of business practice for maritime accounting authorities Submitter: CIRM Language: E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C034 Title: Reform of the international accounting rate system Submitter: EMBRATEL Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C035 Title: Termination rates Submitter: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C036 Title: Report of the Rapporteurs Group to the December meeting of Working Party 2/3 Submitter: Chairman WP 2/3 Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C036A1 Title: Report of the Rapporteurs Group to the December meeting of Working Party 2/3 - Accounting rate reform - Issues for consideration Submitter: Chairman WP 2/3 Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C037 Title: Revision of Recommendation D.150 Submitter: Canada Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C038 Title: Accounting rate reform - Definitions Submitter: Australia Subject: Q1/3, Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C039 Title: Implementation of WTSC-96 Resolution 29 - Alternative calling procedures on International Telecommunications Networks Submitter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Subject: Q1/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C040 Title: Report of the Interim Rapporteur's meeting Submitter: Rapporteur Q6/3 Subject: Q6/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C041 Title: Recommendations D.91 and D.176; year 2000 issues Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C042 Title: Proposed amendment to Annex B of Recommendation D.140 Submitter: BT Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C043 Title: Draft amendments to Recommendation D,150 - Additional methods of remuneration Submitter: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C044 Title: Accounting for international telephone calls terminating on mobile networks Submitter: BT Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C045 Title: Definitions: Transparency Submitter: New Zealand Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C046 Title: Competitive safeguards Submitter: Australia Subject: Q1/3, Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C047 Title: Review and amendment of the International Telecommunication Regulations Submitter: Australia - New Zealand Subject: Q1/3, Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C048 Title: Expanding the remuneration options in Recommendation D.150 Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C049 Title: Revision of Recommendation D.150 - Termination charge procedure Submitter: Australia - New-Zealand Subject: Q1/3, Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C050 Title: Amendments to draft D.atm (Version 1) Submitter: Acting Chairman WP3/3 Subject: Q6/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C051 Title: Comentarios al proyecto de Anexo D a la Recomendación D.140 Submitter: ASETA Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C052 Title: Draft amendments to Rec. D.150 - Additional methods of remuneration Submitter: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C053 Title: Analysis of replies to the Questionnaire on accounting rates for the international automatic telephone service Submitter: TSB Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C054 Title: D.150: Termination charge procedure: Exclusion of international transmission component Submitter: New Zealand Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C055 Title: Remarks on multimedia services Submitter: Chairman WP 3/3 Subject: Q6/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C056 Title: Revision of Recommendation D.150 Submitter: Canada Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C057 Title: Proposed additions to Recommendations D.150 Submitter: Trinidad and Tobago Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C058 Title: Report of the interim rapporteur's meeting Submitter: Rapporteur Q6/3 Subject: Q6/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C059 Title: Accounting for mobile termination Submitter: Canada Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C060 Title: Report of GMPCS Rapporteur's Group meeting (Bath, 15-17 September 1998) Submitter: Rapporteur GMPCS Subject: Q3/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C061 Title: Definición del proyecto de texto de nuevos procedimientos de remuneración propuestos para incluirlos en la Recomendación D.150 Submitter: ASETA Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C062 Title: Accounting for International Calls Terminating on land mobile telephone service via radio communications systems Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q3/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C063 Title: Expanding the remuneration options in Recommendation D.150 Submitter: United States of America Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C064 Title: Tarification et comptabilité des GMPCS Submitter: TAF/ST Subject: Q3/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C065 Title: Transitional arrangements towards cost orientation, beyond 1998 Submitter: Chair of focus group Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C066 Title: Proposed amendment to the text of Annex E, Recommendation D.140 Submitter: Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados etc. Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C067 Title: Completion of the Focus Group Task Submitter: Canada Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C068 Title: Report of the interim Rapporteur's meeting Submitter: Rapporteur Q.6/3 ATM Subject: Q6/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C069 Title: Proposed draft Recommendation D.GMPCS Submitter: Mauritania, Burkina Faso, Benin, Ivory Cost Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C070 Title: Amendments to draft Annex E to Recommendation D.140 Submitter: TAF Group Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C071 Title: Report of the GMPCS Rapporteur's meeting - Port of Spain, 24-26 March 1999 Submitter: GMPCS Rapporteur Subject: Q3/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C072 Title: The goals of the transition plan Submitter: United States of America Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C073 Title: Analysis of replies to the questionnaire on accounting rates for the international automatic telephone service Submitter: TSB Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C074 Title: Accounting for traffic terminating on mobile networks Submitter: Russian Federation Subject: Q1/3, Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C075 Title: Additional terms and definitions Submitter: English speaking Rapporteur Subject: QALL Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C076 Title: Edit to D.96 section 9.1 Submitter: Jordan Telecom Subject: Q3/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C077 Title: Final report Submitter: Internet rapporteur group Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C078 Title: Modèle de coût du Groupe de tarification pour l'Afrique Submitter: Président Groupe TAF Subject: Q8/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C079 Title: Draft revision of Recommendation D.190 - Exchange of international traffic accounting data between administration using electronic data interchange (EDI) techniques Submitter: Rapporteur Ediproject Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C080 Title: General considerations on the future of Study Group 3 - Proposed new Questions for the period 2001-2004 Submitter: SG 3 Subject: QALL Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doc no: T03-C081 Title: Analyse des réponses au questionnaire sur les taxes de répartition applicables au service téléphonique automatique international Submitter: 3/ST Subject: Q2/3 Language: EFS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ End of list