[COM7-D01] Sungwon Kang, Korea (Q10/7): Interoperability testing methodology and framework | |
[COM7-D02] Editor (Q8/7): Simulation results for ECTP Tree Configuration Mechanisms | |
[COM7-D03] Editor (Q8/7): Simulation results for the ECTP Tree-based Error Control Mechanisms | |
[COM7-D04] Editor (Q8/7): Draft text for the specification of QoS management in ECTP | |
[COM7-D05] Editor (Q8/7): Summary of changes made in the new draft text of ITU-T Recommendation X.ectp ¦ ISO/IEC FCD 14476-1 | |
[COM7-D06] Editor (Q8/7): New draft text of ECTP for determination and FCD ballot in JTC 1/SC 6 | |
[COM7-D07] Editor (Q8/7): Internet draft multicast transport session management, submitted to IETF | |
[COM7-D08] Editor (Q8/7): Disposition of comments on the fourth ballot of draft ITU-T Recommendation X.ectp ¦ ISO/IEC CD 14476-1,4 | |
[COM7-D09] Q12/7 Rapporteur (Q12/7): Draft revised Recommendation X.500: "Information technology - Open systems interconnection - The directory: Overview of concepts, models and services" | |
[COM7-D10] Q12/7 Rapporteur (Q12/7): Draft revised Recommendation X.501: "Information technology - Open systems interconnection - the directory: Models" | |
[COM7-D11] Q12/7 Rapporteur (Q12/7): Draft revised Recommendation X.511: "Information technology - Open Systems interconnection - The Directory: Abstract service definition" | |
[COM7-D12] Q12/7 Rapporteur (Q12/7): Draft revised Recommendation X.518: "Information technology - Open systems interconnection - The Directory: Procedures for distributed operation" | |
[COM7-D13] Q12/7 Rapporteur (Q12/7): Draft revised Recommendation X.519: "Information technology - Open systems interconnection - The Directory: Protocol specifications" | |
[COM7-D14] Q12/7 Rapporteur (Q12/7): Draft revised Recommendation X.520: "Information technology - Open systems interconnection - The Directory: Selected attribute types" | |
[COM7-D15] Q12/7 Rapporteur (Q12/7): Draft new Recommendation F.511: "Directory profile for the support of the ITU-T F.510 requirements" | |