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ITU-T Study Group 7 Reports (Study Period 2001-2004)
List of Reports (1997-2000)
[COM7-R1] Report of the Plenary of Study Group 7; Geneva, 10 - 21 March 1997
[COM7-R2] Report of Working Party 1/7 (network and service characteristics); Geneva, 10-21 March 1997
[COM7-R3] Report of Working Party 2/7 (network interfaces and interworking); Geneva, 10-21 March 1997
[COM7-R4] Report of Working Party 3/7 (Data networking and transport); Geneva, 10-21 March 1997
[COM7-R5] Report of Working Party 4/7 (Message handling and directory); Geneva, 10-21 March 1997
[COM7-R6] Report of working party 5/7 (open systems technology); Geneva, 10-21 March 1997
[COM7-R7] Commission d'Études 7: Projets de Recommandations adoptés pour vote par correspondance (X.701, X.722/Amend.2 et Amend.3, X.739/Amend.1, X.745/Corr.1 et X.749); Genève, 10-21 Mars 1997
[COM7-R8] Commission d'Études 7: Projet de Recommandations qu'il a été décidé de soumettre aux procédures d'approbation par correspondance (X.134, X.135, X.136, X.137, X.138, X.139, Amend.1 à la X.144, X.161 et X.162); Genève, 10-21 Mars 1997
[COM7-R9] Draft Recommendations adopted for letter ballot (X.76/Amend.1, and X.77 (X.7atm)); Geneva, 10 - 21 March 1997
[COM7-R10] Projets de Recommandation qu'il a été décidé de soumettre aux procédures d'approbation par correspondance ( X.6, Amend.1 à la X.213, Amend.1 à la X.224 et X.233); Genève, 10-21 Mars 1997
[COM7-R11] Projet de Recommandations qu'il a été décidé de soumettre aux procédures d'approbation par correspondance (Corrigendum 1 de la X.402, Corr.1 de la X.411, Corr.1 et Amendement 1 à la X.413, Corr.1 de la X.419, Corr.1 et Amendement 1 à la X.420 et X.446;
[COM7-R12] Projets de Rec. qu'il a ete decide de soumettre aux procedures d'approbation par correspondance (X.215/Amend.1, X.216/Amend.1, X.217/Amend.2, X.225/Amend.1, X.226/Amend.1 et X.227/Amend.2, X.660/Amend.2, X.662 et X.666, X.901 et X.950), Genève Mars 97
[COM7-R13] Draft Recommendation X.641 (X.qsf) subject to six-week observation; Geneva, 10 - 21 March 1997
[COM7-R14] Report of the plenary of Study Group 7, Geneva, 1 -12 December 1997
[COM7-R15] Report of Working Party 1/7 (Network and Service characteristics); Geneva, 1-12 December 1997
[COM7-R16] Report of Working Party 2/7 (Network Interfaces and Interworking), Geneva, 1-12 December 1997
[COM7-R17] Report of Working Party 3/7 (Data Networking and Transport); Geneva, 1-12 December 1997
[COM7-R18] Report of the Working Party 4/7 (Message handling and Directory); Geneva, 1-12 December 1997
[COM7-R19] Report of Working Party 5/7 (Open Systems Technology); Geneva, 1-12 December 1997
[COM7-R20] Report of Working Party 1/7 (Network and service characteristics); Ottawa, Canada, 28 April 1998
[COM7-R21] Report of the Plenary of Study Group 7; Beijing, 14-25 September 1998
[COM7-R22] Report of Working Party 1/7 (Network and service characteristics); Beijing, 14-25 September 1998
[COM7-R23] Report of Working Party 2/7 (Network interfaces and interworking); Beijing, 14-25 September 1998
[COM7-R24] Report of Working Party 3/7 (Data networking and transport); Beijing, 14-25 September 1998
[COM7-R25] Report of Working Party 4/7 (Message handling and directory); Beijing, 14-25 September 1998
[COM7-R26] Report of Working Party 5/7 (Open systems technology); Beijing, 14-25 September 1998
[COM7-R27] Report of the Plenary of Study Group 7 Geneva, 7-18 June 1999
[COM7-R28] Report of Working Party 1/7 (Network and service characteristics); Geneva, 7-18 June 1999
[COM7-R29] Report of Working Party 2/7 (Network interfaces and interworking); Geneva, 7-18 June 1999
[COM7-R30] Report of Working Party 3/7 (Data networking and transport); Geneva, 7-18 June 1999
[COM7-R31] Report of Working Party 4/7 (Message handling and directory); Geneva, 7-18 June 1999
[COM7-R32] Report of Working Party 5/7 (Open systems technology); Geneva, 7-18 June 1999
[COM7-R33] Report of the Plenary of Study Group 7 Geneva, 20-31 March 2000
[COM7-R34] Report of Working Party 1/7 (Network and service characteristics), Geneva, 20-31 March 2000
[COM7-R35] Report of Working Party 2/7 (Network interfaces and interworking), Geneva, 20-31 March 2000
[COM7-R36] Report of Working Party 3/7 (Data networking and transport), Geneva, 20-31 March 2000
[COM7-R37] Report of Working Party 4/7 (Message handling and directory), Geneva, 20-31 March 2000
[COM7-R38] Report of Working Party 5/7 (Open systems technology), Geneva, 20-31 March 2000
[COM7-R39] Texte des Recommandations établies pour approbation dans les plus brefs délais (par exemple, à l'AMNT-2000) Genève, 20-31 Mars 2000

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