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JRG-1 Documents

[JRG-1 (06/02)] JRG-1 Meeting Report 3-7 June 2002
[JRG-1 (09/02)] WP6M/JRG-1 Meeting Report 2-6 September 2002
[JRG-1 (10/05)] Draft New ITU-T Recommendation J.ccdvr, Common Core for Digital Video Recorder Platform
[COM9-D.60] COM9-D.60
[COM9-D.61] COM9-D.61
[COM9-D.62] COM9-D.62
[COM9-TD.25] Progress report to ITU-R WP 6M and ITU-T SG 9
[COM9-TD.69] Some documents from ITU-R WP 6M for SG 9 information
[COM9-TD.77] Laison statement to Study Group 9 on draft Recommendation J.202 (for action)
[COM9-TD.78] Laison statement to Study Group 9 on draft Recommendation J.201 (for action)
[COM9-TD.81] Liaison statement to Study Group 9 on Harmonization for interoperability between digital interactive television standards (Preliminary draft new report)
[COM9-TD.85R] Further revision to draft new ITU-T Recommendation J.202 - Harmonization of procedural content formats for interactive TV applications
[COM9-TD.86] Liaison Statement to ITU-R WP6M on ITU-T Draft New Recommendations J.202 - Harmonisation of Procedural Content Formats for Interactive Applications and J.201 - Architecture for the Harmonised Environment and the Execution Component for Digital Interactive
[COM9-LS.BR026] Liaison Statement to ITU-R WP6M on ITU-T Draft New Recommendations J.202 - Harmonisation of Procedural Content Formats for Interactive Applications and J.201 - Architecture for the Harmonised Environment and the Execution Component for Digital ...
[COM9-R.5] Report of the meeting of Study Group 9 (Geneva, 31 March - 4 April 2003)

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