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Home Page : Publications
Delayed Contributions. Meeting: 17-20 May 1998, Maldives

List of Delayed Contributions (Meeting 17-20 May 1998)
[TAS-D1] TSB: Inquiry on the results of the cost study for inward IDD services
[TAS-D2] TSB: Inquiry into the accounting rates applied to telephone and telex relations between countries in Asia and Oceania
[TAS-D3] Korea Telecom: Sharing the concept of least cost routing
[TAS-D4] Korea Telecom: Long Run Incremental Cost (LRIC) as an option under the national sovereignty
[TAS-D5] LRIC Rapporteur: LRIC within the TAS model framework
[TAS-D6] China: An incoming IDD telephone traffic cost model for China

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