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Pagina Principal : Publicaciones
Delayed Contributions (1997-2000) (Meeting: 3-7 March 1997). From D1 to D11

List of Delayed Contributions (1997-2000) (Meeting: 3-7 March 1997)
[TSAG-D1] Telecom Finland: Proposed new Study Question
[TSAG-D2] United Kingdom: Approval of new and revised Recommendations
[TSAG-D3] United States of America: Proposed revisions to Focus Groups procedures (New version - 24 February 1997)
[TSAG-D4] United States of America: Criteria for the establishment of Focus Groups
[TSAG-D5] United States of America: Regarding generic procedures for including references to documents of other organizations in ITU-T Recommendations
[TSAG-D6] Nortel Technology: Proposal to extend the ITU-2000 work calendar
[TSAG-D7] Nortel Technology: Proposal to enhance the ITU patent policy through a disclaimer
[TSAG-D8] Nortel Technology: A vision of the future of the ITU-T in particular, and the ITU in general
[TSAG-D9] Republic of Korea: Consideration and suggestion on computer virus and security for ITU-T EDH
[TSAG-D10] France Telecom: Sharing of Activities Between ITU-T and ITU-R
[TSAG-D11] Korea Telecom: Summary report of the 3rd Global Standards Collaboration (GCS-3) meeting

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