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Workshop on IP/Optical (Chitose, Japan, 9-11 July 2002)

[OSAM-P05] Workshop Objectives: Mr. F. Bigi, Workshop Coordinator
[OSAM-P06] ITU-T Study Group 15 - Lead Study Group on Optical Transport Networks & Access Network Transport: Mr. P. Wery, Chairman ITU-T SG 15
[OSAM-P07rev] ITU-T Study Group 13 - Lead Study Group on IP-related matters: Mr. B. W. Moore, Chairman ITU-T SG 13
[OSAM-P08] IETF overview of SUB-IP Area: Mr. B. Wijnen, Area Director - SUB-IP, IETF
[OSAM-P09] Sector Board 4 - Infrastructure of Telecommunications Networks: Bringing market views into the standardization process: IEC, Mr. M. de Vecchis, SB 4 Chairman
[OSAM-P10] Photonic Network System in City of Chitose and Role of CIST: Prof. Hiroyuki Sasabe, President, Chitose Institute of Science and Technology (CIST)
[S1PM-P01rev] VTHD project: IPv6 deployment, Mr. T. B. Meriem, France Télécom R&D
[S1PM-P02rev] Optical Access, Mr. J. Wurzenberger / Mr. H. Schink, Siemens
[S1PM-P03] Broadband Access: A Global View: Mr. K. Twist, Broadband Access Networks
[S02-INTRO] Introduction to Session 2 - Switched Optical Networks: Mr. S. Trowbridge, Vice-Chairman ITU-T SG 15
[S2PM-P01rev] Carrier Motivations and Requirements for Automatically Switched Optical Network (ASON): Mr. W. Alanqar, Sprint & Mr. T. Ferris, Merkita
[S2PM-P02rev] ITU-T Solutions - Mr. S. Shew, Nortel Networks
[S2PM-P03] Optical Control Plane Activities in IETF and OIF - Mr. L. Ong, Ciena
[S03-INTRO] Overview of Session 3 - Optics in Access and Metropolitan Networks: Mr. D. Faulkner, ITU-T SG 15, Rapporteur
[S3AM-P01] NTT's Broadband Access Services and Deployment Experiences in Japan: Mr. Y. Maeda, Vice-Chairman, ITU-T SG 13
[S3AM-P02] First-Mile Broadband Access: Strategic Planning Meets Pragmatism in the Outside Plant or An Expanded Role for Passive Optical Networks: Mr. L. Lamb, Terawave Communications
[S3AM-P03] IEEE Access Standards, 802.3ah GE-PON Status: Mr. G. Pesavento, Teknovus, Inc., Mr. J.C. Kuo, Teknovus, Inc., and Mr. T. Koyama, NEC Electronics
[S4AM-P01] Some Recent Topics in Physical Layer System Standards: Mr F. Kapron & Mr J. Matthews, Corning
[S4AM-P02] New functionalities for advanced optical interfaces (Dispersion compensation): Mr K. Yamane, Fujitsu
[S4AM-P03rev] Optical routing and related interface requirements, Ms. M. Jaeger, Deutsche Telekom
[S4AM-P04rev] Network interface specification in the OIF from a carrier perspective: Mr H-M. Foisel, Deutsche Telekom
[S5AM-INTRO] Introduction to Session 5 - Optical/IP Network OAM & Protection and Restoration: Mr. G. Abbas, Rapporteur, ITU-T SG 15
[S5AM-P01] OTN equipment and deployment in today’s transport networks: Mr. G. Abbas, Rapporteur, ITU-T SG 15 & Mr. S. Trowbridge, Chairman, ITU-T SG 15
[S5AM-P02rev] Network Protection and Restoration: Mr. M. Betts, Nortel Networks
[S5AM-P03] General Principles and Requirements for OAM Functions: Mr. H. Ohta, NTT
[S6PM-INTRO] Introduction to Session 6 - WDM and DWDM: Mr. Tomizawa, ITU-T SG 15
[S6PM-P01rev] What's coming next? -40G/WDM, 160G, field trial, Raman amplification, etc.,: Mr. F. Kueppers, Deutsche Telekom, Germany
[S6PM-P02] Recent Progress in DWDM and OTDM Technologies: Mr. T. Morioka, NTT, Japan
[S6PM-P03] Standardization of Optical Technologies at ITU-T and IEC - 40 Gb/s, WDM and Raman Amplification: Mr. H. Okamura, Corning international, Japan, Vice-chairman of ITU-T SG15, Convenor of IEC TC 86 WG3
[S7PM-INTRO] Introduction to Session 7 - Session 7 - Signalling and Routing: Mr. N. Morita, Senior Research Engineer, Supervisor NTT Network Service Systems Laboratories, Rapporteur, ITU-T SG 13
[S7PM-P01] Overview on Optical Service and Network Architectural Requirements: Mr. M. Goshima, Network Architect, NTT Network Service Systems Labs
[S7PM-P02rev] Call & Connection control Signalling : the ITU-T SG11 status and perspectives for "New Network control Architectures and Protocols": Mr. A. Le Roux, France Telecom R&D
[S7PM-P03rev] CR-LDP for ASON Signalling: Mr. S. D. Shew, Nortel Networks
[S7PM-P04] GMPLS RSVP-TE based protocol: Mr. D. Pendarakis, Tellium
[S8PM-P01rev] Photonic Components, Mr. R. Johnson, Corning
[S8PM-P02rev] Optical amplifiers and their standardization in ITU-T & IEC: Mr. A. Hirano, NTT Corporation
[S8PM-P03] IEC Technical Committee 86 - Fibre Optics: Mr. J. Matthews, ITU-T SG 15, Rapporteur
[S8PM-P04] Evolution Of Optical Fibre Types and Cables: Mr. J. Matthews, ITU-T SG 15, Rapporteur
[S9PM-INTRO] Introduction to Session 9 - Optical Network Management: Mr. K. Lam, Rapporteur, ITU-T SG 15
[S9AM-P01] Optical Network Management - Fault Management And Service Recovery: Mr. T. Trygar, Telcordia
[S9PM-P02rev] Practical Issues in Managing Optical Network, Mr. W. Alanqar, Sprint & Mr. T. Ferris, Merkita
[S9PM-P03] Network Management Issues of Ethernet over WDM, Mr. T. Yoshida, NTT
[S10AM-P01] Session overview, Mr. M. Betts, Nortel Networks, Rapporteur ITU-T SG 15
[S10AM-P02rev] ITU-T Study Group 15, Q12: Mr. M. Mayer, Nortel Networks
[S10AM-P03] Optical Control Plane - The realization of distributed control for optical switches: Mr. S. Sankaranarayan, Lucent
[S10AM-P04] Optical Switching and Equipment: Mr. C. Mathieu, Alcatel, ITU-T SG 15
[S10AM-P05] SG 15 Optical Compts/subsyst: Mr. J. Matthews, Corning, ITU-T SG 15
[S10AM-P06] Dynamic Module Standards: Mr. R. Johnson, Corning, IEC SC 86
[S11AM-INTRO] Introduction to Session 11 - Network Performance: Mr. N. Seitz, Vice-Chairman ITU-T SG 13, Chairman of Working Party 4/13
[S11AM-P01] IP Performance Specifications, Progress and Next Steps: Mr. A. Morton, AT&T
[S11AM-P02rev] Relating Optical Layer and IP Client Performance: Mr. P. Huckett, Acterna
[S11AM-P03] Network Performance (IP/Optical) - IP/Optical Performance Management: Mr. T. Trygar, Telcordia
[S12AM-P01rev] Network architecture tools to support network operator requirements, Mr. L. Le Beller, France Telecom R&D
[S12AM-P02rev] Data Over Transport with ASON - Optical Network Clients and Services, Mr. S. D. Shew, Nortel Networks
[S13PM-P01rev] NGN - implementation aspects on the developing market in Poland: Mr. J. Pieczerak & Mr. J. Olejnik, Telecom Poland SA
[S13PM-P02] Market Creation and Common Specification for New Broadband Services: Mr. H. Yasuda, Prof. University of Tokyo, President of Content ID Forum, & President of HIKARI Service Architecture Consortium
[S13PM-P03rev] MEDIACOM-2004 - An ITU-T Study Group 16 Project: Mr. P-A. Probst, Chairman, ITU-T SG 16
[CLOSING] Closing Remarks
[FINAL] Final Conclusions
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