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Workshop on QoS and user-perceived transmission quality in evolving networks, Dakar, Senegal, 18-19 September 2001

[S6P2] The presentations of Mr. H. Klaus and Mr. A. Rix on ITU-T Recommendation P.862 (PESQ)
[S1P3] L’UIT-T et ses travaux dans le domaine de la normalisation (Mme. J. Katona Kiss, Counsellor, TSB)
[S1P4] Activités de la CE 12 (Mr. J.-Y. Monfort, Chairman of SG 12)
[S2P1] Multimedia QoS Requirements from a user perspective (Mr. P. Coverdale, Chairman of WP 3/12)
[S2P2] End to end QoS control in VoIP systems (Mr. M. Buckley, Telchemy)
[S3P1] Un bilan de l'activité de l'UIT-T en qualité de srvice liée à IP (Présentation réalisée par J.-Y. Monfort à partir des documents fournis par Mr. Charles Dvorak, Vice-Chairman of Study Group 12)
[S3P2] QoS and Performance activities in SG 2 and QSDG (Mr. E. Ritchen, SG 2, Rapporteur Q.5/2)
[S3P3] QoS and Performance activities in SG 13 (Mr. D. Mustill, SG 13, Rapporteur Q.7/13)
[S5P1] Electroacoustic measurment devices for modern terminal equipment (Mr. R. Ceruti, Chairman of WP 1/12)
[S5P2] The evolution of telephonometric testing methodologies: the use of complex signals (Mr. H.-W. Gierlich, Rapporteur Q.6/12)
[S5P3] Current status and future trends of performance specifications for speech terminals (Mr. A. Kamcke, Rapporteur Q.3/12)
[S6P1] Speech communication from Mouth to Ear: Voice quality Aspects in Modern Telecommunication Networks (Mr. H.-W. Gierlich, Rapporteur Q. 6/12)
[S6P3] Overview of non-intrusive voice transmission quality measurements techniques (Mr. V. Barriac, Rapporteur Q. 16/12)
[S6P4] Extensions of the E-Model (Mrs. U. Jekosch, Mr. S. Moeller or Mr. A. Raake, Rapporteurs Q. 8/12)
[S7P1] Migration from "Loss and Level" Planning towards "Delay and Impairment" Planning (Mr. V. Sypli, Rapporteur Q.10/12)
[S7P2] The E-Model and its applications for transmission planning (Mr. K. P.F. Adler, Vice-Chairman of SG 12, Chairman of WP 2/12)
[S7P3] Multiple concatenated networks as an application example - The move from fixed partitioning to dynamic allocation principles (Mr. J. Pomy, Rapporteur Q.11/12)

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