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Home : ITU News magazine
Technical specifications

Magazine format: An A4 publication (297 mm x 210 mm) of 40 pages on average.
Printing process: Computer-to-plate. This is a technology whereby the digital file is sent directly from an imposition program to a platesetter — hence, no need for films any more.
Print finishing: Saddle stiched (for regular issues) and perfect bound (for special issues).

Page dimensions Width Height
Single page
Trim size

210mm x 297mm
218mm x 305mm
Double page spread
Trim size

420mm x 297mm
428mm x 305mm
Type/image area (live)
Full page
Half page horizontal
Half page vertical

185mm x 265mm
185mm x 131mm
91mm x 265mm

Required file format: Adobe Acrobat PDF on CD-ROM
Advertisement material MUST be supplied as PDF files for PC on CD-ROM. All fonts (typefaces) used MUST be included (embedded) in the PDF file. A hard-copy proof of the advertisement generated from the PDF file, along with a Cromalin proof, MUST be supplied at the same time for checking colours. All colour graphics in the advertisement MUST be in a high resolution of 300 dots per inch (dpi) and MUST be set in CMYK mode.

PDF specification

  • Adobe Acrobat 4.05 (or higher) software should be used in creating the PDF files.

  • Files should neither include RGB nor LAB images or colours but only CMYK images.

  • Include only high-resolution data (300 dpi).

  • The original document, prior to PDF, should not contain JPEG images. Scanned images should therefore be saved as EPS or TIFF files.

  • Include bleed on pages when the image area reaches the edge of the page - i.e., an extra three millimetres bleed should be allowed beyond the trim size on any edge that bleeds (see advertising page dimensions above).

Copy regulations and Payment conditions
No advertisement of a political or military nature or contrary to the objectives of the International Telecommunication Union will be accepted. The advertiser remains responsible for the content and quality of the advertisement supplied.

Payment shall be made using the options described below and provided in the Advertising Order Form . Invoices will be mailed to the advertiser or the advertiser's agent either upon request or at the time of publication. Payment must be made within 30 days of the invoice date. After this deadline, ITU reserves the right to suspend outstanding orders. Advertisers shall be held fully responsible for payment of their advertisements when these are placed through an agency. All bank charges and/or commission are to be met by the advertiser. Costs incurred by ITU in making up or modifying material will be charged to the advertiser.

Payment method
Payments should be made in Swiss francs (CHF) using one of the following methods:

a) Credit card: American Express, Eurocard/Mastercard, Visa
b) Bank transfer to UBS SA, ITU Geneva, Account No. 240-C8765565.0, ABA or Routing Number: UBS WCHZH12A, P.O Box 2600 CH-1211 Geneva 20
c) Cheque made payable to ITU
d) International postal order to the ITU postal cheque account: ITU, Geneva, 12-50-3 (for payments from within Switzerland). Please indicate clearly that the order is for an advertisement in ITU News.

Copy instructions, along with the advertisement material, must be sent so as to reach the ITU News Editorial Office at least one month before the date of publication (see publication dates in the "RATE CARD" section).

All advertising materials and/or correspondence should be sent to the address below:

The Managing Editor
ITU News
International Telecommunication Union
Place des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 20 (Switzerland)


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Updated : 2002-08-01