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Assembly spells out future direction of ITU–R

The Radiocommunication Assembly has spelled out the future direction of the ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU–R) and defined a work programme containing some 360 questions for the next study period (2003–2007).

Main issues for the Assembly

Among the issues the five-day Assembly (Geneva, 2–6 June 2003) considered were the results of the work of ITU–R study groups in the period 2000–2003, approval of Recommendations developed by these groups and improvements to their working methods.

The Assembly also discussed the structure of ITU–R, namely: the study groups, the Radiocommunication Advisory Group (RAG), the Conference Preparatory Meeting (CPM), the Special Committee on Regulatory/Procedural Matters (SC) and the Coordination Committee for Vocabulary (CCV). Unlike in the year 2000, there were few proposals seeking change in the structure of study groups, whose main work involves developing technical, operational, and procedural bases for the efficient use of the radio spectrum and the geostationary-satellite orbit.

Yasuhiko Ito, Chairman of the Assembly, with Valery Timofeev, Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau, after receiving a silver medal from ITU Secretary-General

ITU 030094/Images de marque

In his opening remarks to the Assembly, ITU Secretary-General, Yoshio Utsumi, reminded delegates that “radiocommunication issues are becoming more and more complex and that diverse and technical solutions will require even more intuition and skill”. He cited as an example, the growing convergence between certain services for which the generic term “wireless access” is commonly used. Indeed, one of the themes that ran through the work of the Assembly concerned compatibility between systems and services.

Yasuhiko Ito (Japan), who was acclaimed as Chairman of the Assembly, reinforced this theme by saying, “the environment in which ITU operates has changed dramatically in the past ten years due to the expansion of the Internet and wireless communications.” He believes this was reflected in the unprecedented number of items that the Assembly was to deal with. “We are being asked to move quickly. We must show evidence that we are aware of this request and respond accordingly.”

Valery Timofeev, Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau, said that this Assembly marked a transition in the life of the Radiocommunication Sector and was a suitable opportunity to review the ITU–R Resolutions. These Resolutions are key to the work of the seven study groups. “It is important the Resolutions provide clear guidance upon which the study groups can pursue their activities, but without imposing unnecessary bureaucracy.” He added that the need to reach agreement on these “would be a clear demonstration of the continuing strength of the Sector, even when faced with increasingly complex scenarios”.


Study groups

Study Group 1 — Spectrum management
T. Jeacock (United Kingdom)
R. Haines (United States), J. Verduijn (Netherlands), B. Chaudhuri (India),
N. Vasekho (Russian Federation) and Jian Wang (China)

Study Group 3 — Radiowave propagation
D.G. Cole (Australia)
Vice-Chairmen: B. Arbesser-Rastburg (European Space Agency — ESA), D. V. Rogers (Canada) and J. Wang (United States)

Study Group 4 — Fixed-satellite service
Ms V. Rawat (Canada)
Vice-Chairmen: J. Seseña Navarro (Spain), M. Abe (Japan), M. Guimarães Castello Branco (Brazil), Ms HyangSuk Seong (Republic of Korea) and Tariq Abdulkarim Al-Awadhi (United Arab Emirates)

Study Group 6 — Broadcasting services
A. Magenta (Italy)
Vice-Chairmen: J. A. Flaherty (North American Broadcasters Association — NABA), S. Glotov (Ukraine), J. Kumada (Japan), R. K. Najm (Arab States Broadcasting Union— ASBU), L.Olson (United States), K. M. Paul (India), V. Stepanian (Islamic Republic of Iran), C. Dosch (Germany) and G. Rossi (Vatican)

Study Group 7 — Science services
R. M. Taylor (United States)
Vice-Chairmen: R. Jacobsen (Australia), V. Meens (France) and M. Vasiliev (Russia Federation)

Study Group 8 — Mobile, radiodetermination, amateur and related satellite services
C. van Diepenbeek (Netherlands)
Vice-Chairmen: T. Mizuike (Japan), V. Strelets (Russian Federation), J. Costa (Canada),
Ms D. Drazenovich (United States), T. Ewers (Germany) and Jassem Nasser (United Arab Emirates)

Study Group 9 — Fixed service
V. Minkin (Russian Federation)
Vice-Chairmen: A. Hashimoto (Japan), H. Mazar (Israel), Ms K.Medley (United States)
and Ms L. Soussi (Tunisia)

Coordination Committee for Vocabulary (CCV)
J.-P. Huynh (France)
Vice-Chairmen: L. W. Barclay (United Kingdom) and D. Celestino Menéndez Argüelles (Spain)

Radiocommunication Advisory Group (RAG)
B. A. Gracie (Canada)
Vice-Chairmen: W. Luther (United States), I. Samake (Mali), A. Pavliouk (Russian Federation) and 
N. Kisrawi (Syria)

Conference Preparatory Meeting (CPM)
K. Arasteh (Islamic Republic of Iran)
Vice-Chairmen: M. Ghazal (WorldSpace Corporation) and A. Nalbandian (Armenia)

Special Committee on Regulatory/Procedural Matters (SC)
F. Rancy (France)
Vice-Chairmen: F. Williams (United States) and P. K. Garg (India)

Working methods

A new feature has been incorporated into Resolution ITU–R1, which describes the working methods of ITU–R study groups. It offers a new method by which, under certain conditions, the process for the adoption and approval of ITU–R Recommendations may be applied simultaneously. This will shorten the time needed to approve a Recommendation.

The Assembly decided to retain the existing Conference preparatory process by which the results of study groups are consolidated and presented to a world radiocommunication conference (WRC). This decision was influenced by the needs of developing countries in acknowledgement of the economic and human resource challenges they face in participating fully throughout the preparatory phase of a WRC. The important role of the Special Committee for regulatory/procedural matters was also recognized, and as a consequence this body is retained as a major feature of the WRC preparatory process.

Approval of Recommendations

The Assembly approved more than 30 Recommendations, most of which were needed at this year’s World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-03), held in Geneva from 9 June to 4 July 2003. These Recommendations cover areas such as IMT-2000, digital broadcasting below 30 MHz, wireless local area networks (WLAN) and the protection of passive services such as the Earth-exploration satellite service and radio astronomy.

A mobile phone with a colour television function. This handset receives television broadcasts over public access channels

ITU 030093/Samsung

The reality of the increased convergence and complexity of radiocommunication services was recognized by the Assembly in its acceptance of a revised Resolution ITU–R 9, which concerns collaboration of ITU–R with other organizations. This is considered necessary for the progress and development of Recommendations in various fields such as broadcasting, personal mobile systems and WLANs. The newly revised Resolution will facilitate collaboration and dialogue with these organizations and provide greater flexibility in the use of their material.

One of the Recommendations approved outlines the framework and overall objectives of the future development of IMT-2000 systems and systems beyond IMT-2000, including the need for services to appear as seamless and as common as possible from the user’s perspective.

The Recommendation also calls for a review of user trends. It states that once mobile multimedia data services have been widely deployed and sufficient user experience is gained, such experience should be considered in re-evaluating the potential market requirements for future development. Such reviews of user trends are to be undertaken as required and reflected in the development of future revisions of the Recommendation. Global cooperation of various wireless research forums will be encouraged to make this research possible.



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Updated : 2003-07-23