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  Página principal : UIT-R : WP5B : Contribuciones : 820 Nuevo -  Busque los documentos de la reunión
[820]  Proposed amendments to Annex 6 to WD PDN Report ITU-R M.[UAS-FSS] - Annex 6 to WD PDN Report ITU-R M.[UAS-FSS] - Effects of emissions from incumbent services into earth stations on-board unmanned aircraft intended to communicate with a satellite network in frequency bands allocated to the fixed satellite service (link 2)



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11576093 octetos 2015-06-24 [820] 

Documento :

UIT-R WP5B  Contribución  820

Título :

Proposed amendments to Annex 6 to WD PDN Report ITU-R M.[UAS-FSS] - Annex 6 to WD PDN Report ITU-R M.[UAS-FSS] - Effects of emissions from incumbent services into earth stations on-board unmanned aircraft intended to communicate with a satellite network in frequency bands allocated to the fixed satellite service (link 2)

Recibido en :


Origen :

Germany (Federal Republic of)

Disponibilidad :

Restringido a usuarios de TIES [UIT-R]

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Actualizado el : 2015-06-26