The first pillar, bringing virtual worlds to life, focuses on strategic aspects of the initiative such as developing guidance, building awareness and creating evaluation and awareness frameworks.

Pillar 1 on Bringing Virtual Worlds to Life consists of 6 tracks: 

  • Track 1 – Strategic Guidance
  • Track 2 – Security and Trust
  • Track 3 – Digital Inclusion and Accessibility
  • Track 4 – Methodology for Financing
  • Track 5 – Evaluation and Assessment
  • Track 6 – Awareness Building

Track 1

Strategic Guidance

This track is dedicated to producing high-quality reports, guidelines, and best practices that serve as a knowledge repository for the development and implementation of virtual worlds. Topics included are policy and regulatory matters including governance, security and trust. This track aims to provide actionable insights and practical guidance to cities, governments, organizations, and stakeholders seeking to navigate, monitor and evaluate the complex landscape of virtual worlds, given the technological advances underway.

Track 2

Security and Trust

This track focuses explicitly on security and trust in the CitiVerse and virtual worlds. As the virtual worlds involving, a range of security and trust issues emerge. Addressing these concerns is critical to fostering a safe and reliable virtual worlds and CitiVerse.

Track 3

Digital Inclusion and Accessibility

This track focuses explicitly on digital inclusion and accessibility in the CitiVerse and virtual worlds. The creation of new digital brings a range of accessibility question in terms of digital skills, visual impairment and neuro-divergence that needs to be addressed.

Track 4

Methodology for Financing

This track focuses on developing practical frameworks and tools for financing virtual world projects, particularly within the CitiVerse. It addresses the financial challenges that cities, governments, and organizations face when implementing large-scale digital transformation initiatives. By exploring innovative financing models, public-private partnerships, and investment strategies, this track provides stakeholders with a roadmap for securing sustainable funding.

Track 5

Evaluation and Assessment

This track focuses on the development and implementation of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) measuring and evaluating various aspects of this evolving urban-digital landscape, to provide insights into the commercial viability on of different immersive technologies in cities and to measure progress, impact, and sustainability in alignment with the New Urban Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Track 6

Awareness Building

This track organizes a set of regular events including forums and webinars that educate stakeholders about leveraging emerging technologies, such as AR, VR and AI to deliver on opportunities between the virtual and real-worlds, relevant best practices, and successful case studies contributing to lay the foundation for the CitiVerse. By disseminating relevant knowledge, the Initiative provides trainings that empowers cities and communities to make informed decisions.

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