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  Домашний : МСЭ-R : Конференции и собрания : : [Display software for input data and results including tools for generating administrative declarations and performing planning calculations (30/03/2006)]
Сектор радиосвязи (МСЭ-R)  
[Display software for input data and results including tools for generating administrative declarations and performing planning calculations (30/03/2006)]

[The RRC Display software allows an operator to consult the input data and calculated results. The operator can perform basic queries on the input data and results for specific investigation purposes and additionally export the selected data in a number of predetermined data formats.
The software also incorporates a tool which assists in the generation of administrative declarations. It is also possible to perform planning calculations on selected data.
Requirements for using the software include a standard personal computer (PC) with Windows NT, 2000 or XP operating system, with screen resolution of 1 024 by 768 pixels or higher, MS Access 2000 or more recent, MDAC 2.6 (2.7 recommended) and .NET Framework 1.1. The latter two items will be installed automatically if not present already. ]

  • [Download the latest version of the software]
  • [or ftp it using your TIES account and user name from ties.itu.int and an ftp client (do not try to use your browser!) in the directory:
  • [The package is distributed in one file called rrc_display.zip. It is suggested to create a specific sub-directory (i.e. ...\RRCDisplay\) and unzip the setup files therein. The next step consists of running the program Setup.exe following the instructions on the screen until the setup process is successfully completed (by default the software will be installed in subdirectory C:\RRC06\Display).]
  • [It will be necessary to download and install the databases, containing the input data and calculated results, separately. These databases may be saved in the directory C:\RRC06\Display\data. Using a CDROM installation procedure the required databases are installed by default.]
  • [The additional databases can also be downloaded from the:] - [RRC-04 - Draft Plan - First synthesis] - [RRC-04 - Draft Plan - Second synthesis]
  • [The additional databases can also be downloaded from the TIES ftp server in the directories /u/itu-r/ede/rrc/rrc_draft_plan]

[The software is available in English and partly in Arabic, French, Russian and Spanish.]

[Version History]
  • [Version 1.6.4]
    • [Released 16 June 2006]
    • [Planning Exercise Tool]
[Resolved issue with preparation of results database.]

  • [Version 1.6.3]
    • [Released 13 June 2006]
    • [Plan Results Display]
[The label and sorting function for tv channel have been fixed]

  • [Version 1.6.2]
  • [Version 1.5.2]
    • [Released 11 June 2006]
    • [Plan Results Display]
[A corrected Draft Plan database is released. The previous one did not have indexes and had a wrong rrc_sub_area table which prevented allotments to be correctly displayed. Plan entries in the range 186 MHz-230 MHz had incorrect assigned frequencies (the TV channel or frequency block was correct).The remark fields in the Detail Form for digital equirements have been corrected. The same fields are now displayed also in the Summary Table.]

  • [Version 1.6.1]
    • [Released 10 June 2006, with the results of the 4th iteration.]
    • [Plan Results Display]
[A specially prepared database is available, showing the plan entries with new or updated digital requirements data fields:
- 3 remarks fields
- assigned frequency
- TV channel (for DVB-T)
- frequency block (for T-DAB)]

  • [General Analysis Results/Compatibility Status]
[The administrative declarations column may show "CAD" in the case of a conditional administrative declaration as seen from the point of view of the affected party]

  • [Complementary Analysis]
[Detailed complementary analysis results can now be calculated from the complementary analysis screen for the affected analogue assignment.
Incompatibilities between plan entries and analogue assignmentswhere the analogue assignment was identified in a BC6 notice as per the latest interpretation, are marked as "BC6" in the column used for administrative declarations. Such incompatibilities will not cause the affected administration to appear in the list of administrations in the first remarks column.
Conditional declarations are identified with the code "CAD".]

  • [Version 1.6.0]
    • [Released 6 June 2006, with the results of the 3rd iteration]
    • [General Analysis Results/Compatibility Status]
[The "Administrative Declaration" Yes/No column in tables with analysis results for digital-to-digital compatibility has been renamed to "Administrative Declaration or Acceptance Margin Declaration". The existence of an acceptance margin declaration for a given incompatibility is indicated in by the code "AM", while an administrative declaration is shown as "AD". If there is neither, the value is "No".
In this iteration, a certain number of requirements are shown as having no available channels and no incompatibilities. This is not a defect in the Planning Interface.]

  • [Complementary Analysis]
[The "Selected records for complementary analysis results" table now has two additional fields showing the number of assignments and the list of administrations for which coordination is required. (Note: Administrative declarations were not applied to complementary analysis results in the third iteration)
Complementary analysis results can now be investigated looking from the point of view of analogue assignments. (Note: Detailed complementary analysis results are not yet available in this mode.) ]

  • [Exporting Images]
[The vertical toolbar to left side of the map display now shows a "diskette" button allowing for saving the image as a JPEG or BMP file]

  • [Version 1.5.9]
    • [Released 2 June 2006]
    • [Input Data Display]
[When viewing antenna pattern diagrams, the screen can now be resized to enlarge each antenna pattern individually, if needed.
Note: As a reminder, the input data details for requirements and analogue or other services assignments, such as antenna patterns, may be viewed from the Planning Exercise tool or the Administrative Declarations tool, at the point when lists of requirements/assignments are displayed as the result of a selection from a database. Double-clicking on the row in the table will open the corresponding input data screen]

  • [Resolved issues]
[Planning Exercise Tool - Planning exercises where the analogue reference situation was not needed were failing.
Planning Exercise Tool - Administrative declarations were not being properly applied in the synthesis. There was a problem with converting file formats, not a problem with the synthesis itself.]

  • [Version 1.5.8]
    • [Released 1 June 2006]
    • [Complementary Analysis Results]
[Resolved issues with producing detailed complementary analysis results. The uncompressed size of the installation files has increased by 200 MB because the digital requirements binaryfiles are now also included, since they are required for the detailed complementary analysis results.
Administrative declarations can now be generated from the complementary analysis results screen.
The margin is now shown in the table below the map.]

  • [Input Data Display]
[Long administrative declarations remarks can now be viewed properly by widening the respective table using the vertical splitter in the middle of the screen. ]

  • [Version 1.5.7]
    • [Complementary Analysis Results]
    • [Released 30 May 2006 with the results of the second iteration,including complementary analysis results. ]
[The complementary analysis results menu item is available from any menu that offers the general analysis results menu item.]

  • [Planning Exercise Tool]
[The planning exercise tool has been modified to minimize the size of the files created in each planning exercise directory.
The selection of the reference situation folder is now more user friendly]

  • [Service Areas/General Analysis/Complementary Analysis]
[The right-click menu in the map now shows "Identify area" as the fist option for each requirement/assignment. Clicking on this menu entry flashes the respective area/transmitter briefly.The menu labels for digital requirements now include the notice type. ]

  • [Resolved Issues]
  • [General analysis results - Resolved issue with incorrect starting display for requirements in Band III (not all requirements were shown when the form was first shown).]
  • [Version 1.5.6]
    • [Released 29 May 2006 with the results of the second iteration]
    • [Complementary Analysis Results]
[A new option is available from the View menu, to investigatecomplementary analysis results from the point of view of digital requirements. Detailed complementary analysis results can be produced similarly to the detailed compatibility analysis results in the General Analysis Results screen.
Note: Complementary analysis results are not included with the first release of the results of the second iteration, but they will be made available as soon as possible.]

  • [Planning Exercise Tool]
[The new reference situation MDB and binary files are included with this installation.]

  • [Distance and Bearings Measurement Tool]
[After clicking on the first point, the distance and bearing now are shown in real-time while the cross-hair pointer is moving.]

  • [Version 1.5.5]
    • [Released 24 May 2006]
    • [Planning Exercise Tool]
[The version of the EBU planning software included with the planning exercise tool has been updated.
The ability to select a subset and/or to modify the analogue TV assignments´ or the other primary services assignments´ reference situation has been removed. Please use the respective pre-calculated reference situation binary files provided with the CD-ROM installation for version 1.5.4. Updated binary files will be provided with the next CD-ROM on 27 May 2006.
Reminder: For those administrations with requirements marked as conversions from existing analogue assignments, the planning software requires the presence of the analogue reference situation pre-calculated binary files.
It is no longer mandatory to run the analogue-to-digital and digital-to-analogue analysis when selection the option to run the synthesis.
When specifying the CSV file to use for administrative declarations,it is no longer necessary to click the "Add" button to indicate that the file whose name is shown first in the drop-down list is to be used, if it is the only CSV file to be used in the planning exercise. ]

  • [Channel Distribution Statistics]
[The previously displayed count of unsuccessful requirements is now subdivided into the number of requirements without any available channels (for which incompatibilities with other services assignments should be investigated and resolved), and the number of requirements with available channel(s) but with no assigned channel. ]

  • [Distance and Bearings Measurement Tool]
[A new mode of operation is available when working with the map. In addition to zoom and pan buttons, a measurement tool buttonis shown just below these buttons. When pressed, the cursor changes to a hand with crosshairs, and allows the user to click on two points in order to obtain the distance between them and the bearing from point A to point B, as well as the bearing from point B to point A. All this data is shown in a pop-up window from where it can be copied to the operating system´s clipboard.
Note: In order to make space for the new button, the "Show input data" button in General Analysis Results has been removed. To show input data for the requirement under investigation, use the active link for the administration unique identified (in the upper left corner of the window).]

  • [CNG Geographical Area Selection]
[Default behaviour has been modified to show active CNG selection checkboxes, even if some geographic areas for the particular CNG have no requirements present in the database (example: AZR in CNG2). ]

  • [Resolved Issues]
  • [Resolved problem with deleting administrative declarations in Administrative Declarations tool]
  • [Resolved problem with the General Analysis menu option that was failing on certain computers]
  • [Resolved problem with file selection drop-down list for the planning exercise tool administrative declarations database and CSV file selector (copying and pasting a file name had no effect)]
  • [Resolved issue 5.2.4 from the CEPT document "SUGGESTIONS FOR THE SOFTWARE FOR THE DISPLAY AND ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS OF PLANNING EXERCISES/PLANS" dated 20 May 2006 (problem with selecting the administrative declarations file when generating declarations from analysis results)]
  • [Service Areas map now properly displays service areas selectedusing the geographic coordinates (rectangle)]
  • [Version 1.5.4]
    • [Released with the results of the first RRC-06 planning iteration, 22 May 2006]
    • [MIG Analysis]
[Please see help page for this new option (View->MIG Analysis).]

  • [Geographic Coordinates]
[The selection criteria for geographic coordinates has been changed to a rectangle (two pairs of coordinates). There is the option to select the coordinates of the rectangular area from a map, by pressing the mouse button and dragging, in a diagonal motion toward the left or right lower corner of the rectangle. The map will zoom in to the rectangle, and a red outline will be visible.
When the option to display coordinates in any map is active, the cursor now changes to a cross-hair, to allow for better precision when reading coordinates off the map]

  • [Service Areas/General Analysis]
[Reintroducing default behavior on clicking on a row in a table -the corresponding contour will flash briefly. (Except when the clicked cell is the one with the "Generate Administrative Declaration" checkbox.) ]

  • [Planning Exercise Tool]
  • [The planning exercise tool has been updated to include the most recent version of the EBU planning software.]
  • [Version 1.5.3]
[Released for the first day of RRC-06, 15 May 2006. Please also see the notes for version 1.5.2 below (this version was not made available on the ITU website).]

  • [Linked Requirements Support]
[Support for investigating incompatibilities involving linked sets of requirements has been improved, as follows: ]

  • [Input Data Display]
[When viewing input data details for a requirement that is part of an SFN, the tables where all the parts of the SFN are listed have been enhanced to offer viewing of general analysis results of the individual requirements as an option from the context menu (right-click menu).]

  • [Compatibility Status]
[New columns have been added to display the administration unique identifier of the allotment to which a given assignmentis linked (in cases where the two are not notified as a single frequency network), for both the affected and the interfering requirements.
The context menu now offers options to view either input data details or general analysis results for either the affected or the interfering requirement.]

  • [General Analysis Results]
[If the requirement under investigation is part of an SFN, theSFN identifier text becomes an active link. Clicking on the link opens the window with the list of all parts of that SFN, as described above.
If the requirement under investigation is an assignment linked to an allotment, or vice versa, the active link will show the related requirement´s administration unique identifier.
Clicking on the link will show the general analysis results for the related requirement.
If the requirement is a stand-alone assignment or allotment,the text will read "Not linked" and will not be clickable. ]

  • [Administrative Declarations]
[Support for the new format of administrative declarations (see CR/254 addendum 1) has been added throughout the RRC06 Planning Interface, as follows:]

  • [Administrative Declarations Tool]
[Administrative declarations files in the format for the draft plan can still be opened and edited, but they are saved to disk in the new format.
Declarations may be marked as intended to be suppressed or asconditional, by clicking the corresponding checkboxes in the table. Internal declarations (self-declarations) may not be marked as conditional.
If the declaration is to be deleted from the table/file, the rows to be deleted first have to be selected/highlighted using the mouse or the keyboard, after which they can be deleted using the Delete key on the keyboard, or from the Edit menu, or from the pop-up context menu in the table.
Columns may not be rearranged but the column widths will be preserved if the columns are resized.
Sorting is available. Click on the column headings to open the sorting preferences window.
In-place editing of remarks is available. Click in the table cell to edit. A tiny pencil icon will appear in the row heading during editing. Please make sure to click somewhere else in the table and make the pencil icon disappear before saving the file, otherwise your last change may not be saved. ]

  • [Planning Exercise Tool]
[If administrative declarations are used for a planning exercise, an additional informational window will appear, showing the list of declarations. The declarations in the list are those that have been validated against the input data for the planning exercise. ]

  • [Input Data Display]
[When viewing input details for digital requirements, the administrative declarations table now shows whether the declaration is conditional and the remarks, if any.]

  • [General Analysis Results]
[When viewing digital-to-digital general analysis results, the first column of the table is a new checkbox which is used to mark incompatibilities to be declared as compatible.Right-clicking in the table will show a new command to generate administrative declarations corresponding to the marked analysis results. The declarations are always created from the point of view of the requirement under investigation,even if it is the interferer.
Note: The previous default action on clicking on a row in the table, to highlight the corresponding area in the map, is now available as the first command in the context menu, since it conflicted with the presence of checkboxes. ]

  • [Compatibility Status]
[Selection Criteria]

[Administrative declarations are generated in the same way asabove in the compatibility status window. The button that was available for that purpose has been removed to save screen space. In this window, declarations are created fromthe point of view of the administration on the left, which is always the affected party.]

  • [Selection Criteria]
[It is now possible to select administrations and/or geographic areas from a map by double clicking within the respective area.The map window is launched by clicking on new button next to the list of administrations or geographic areas.
Easy access to group selection of CNG primary members is available from the map. This only applies to selection by geographical areas, not by administration]

  • [Detailed Analysis Results]
[Digital-to-Analogue TV detailed analysis is now also available.For this particular type of analysis, it is necessary to provide the location of the binary files produced during the original calculation. If the calculation was done as part of a planning exercise, the binary files will be automatically detected if the database is still in the same directory as the other outputs of the planning exercise. If the calculation was done for the entire planning area, the directory to be specified is the one with the analogue reference situation binary files, such as in C:\RRC06 \Display\planningExercise\analogue_ref_sit_draft_plan.
The latest analogue reference situation binary files will be included in the next version of the planning interface for the second week of the conference. ]

  • [Planning Exercise Tool]
  • [Temporary Limitation]
[The version of the planning software installed with the planning exercise tool is the one for the draft plan. Therefore, any calculations performed within the planning exercise tool may not match the results of the first iteration for the conference. The most recent version of the planning software will be installed with the next version of the planning interface for the second week of the conference.
Note: The definitions for allotments where the allotment area is the entire geographic area have been updated to include changes for the first iteration. ]

  • [Help System]
[Help pages are available in 5 languages.]

  • [Version 1.5.2]
    • [Input Data Display]
    • [Coord_a and coord_o fields are no longer shown]
    • [Self-coordination is shown as yes/no instead of a checkbox]
    • [When connecting to the online database, information about the version of the input data is displayed after connecting]
    • [Detailed Analysis Results]
[When right-clicking on a data table row in the General Analysisscreen, a new option is available, to calculate the details of that particular incompatibility.]

  • [Temporary Limitation]
[Digital-to-Analogue TV Broadcasting incompatibility details are not yet obtainable.]

  • [Compatibility Analysis]
[The compatibility analysis functionality has been completed to include options for Analogue TV Broadcasting and Other Primary Services. In addition, the column headings in the data tables have been slightly changed after comments from CEPT members. ]

  • [Data Tables with Analysis Results]
[The sorting functionality has been improved in order to remove the limitation when sorting by Site/Allotment Name. Now the Site Names and Allotment Names are sorted as one column, and not as two separate columns. (Note: This in no way means that the format of the DT/DS notices will change.
These data fields remain separate in the input requirements database.)
If your preferred sort order included the Site Name and/or Allotment Name, it will be reset to default. This is a one-time inconvenience.]

  • [Export to HTML/Excel/CSV]
[Along with the improvements to the data grid above, the export functionality has been slightly modified to ensure consistency between column headings in the data tables and the export output. As a consequence, some column headings in the export output have changed. This concerns only the label, not the order of columns.]

  • [Digital Requirement Notice Type Data in Analysis Results]
[Where necessary, the notice type of the digital requirements is now also displayed in data tables. This impacts the order of columns in the export output.
When viewed on screen, the new columns will appear at the far right of the data tables, in order not to affect the existing preferred column positions and widths. ]

  • [Installation]
[The Setup program no longer requires administrator privileges.(Except the first time, and then only if the .NET framework is not already present on the PC). This should allow users to install updates with much less trouble.]

  • [Automatic Alert When New Version is Available]
[If a new version of the application is available from the ITU-R website, there will be a notification when the application is launched.]

  • [Planning Exercise Tool]
[A known problem when preparing the results of calculations involving Other Primary Services has been resolved.]

  • [Resolved Issues]
[As listed in ERO document "Suggestions for the Software for the Display and Analysis of the Results of Planning Exercises/Plans" dated 28 April 2006, the following issues have been resolved:
- 5.2.1 Site Name and Allot Name sort preferences now appear as a single choice (Site/Allot Name), and other column sorting preferences are now exactly the same as column headings
- 5.2.2 Column headings have been revised and included in the help
- 5.2.3 (see 5.2.1 above)]

  • [Version 1.5.1]
    • [Released for the publication if the second run of the synthesis for the Draft Plan, March 31, 2006]
    • [Planning Exercise Tool]
    • [Other Primary Services are now supported]
    • [Administrative Declarations can be provided in one or more CSV file(s)]
The installation package for the RRC06 Planning Interface 1.5.1shipped on the CD-ROM annex to CR/253 will also install updated reference situation databases and binary files for the analogue broadcasting and other primary services reference situations for the draft plan. These are respectively found in directories:
Running a planning exercise reusing older versions of the files in these directories is not supported.]

  • [Coverage Analysis]
[- Added support for displaying areas without assigned channels,without available channels, or with available channels.
- Added two buttons allowing to choose whether to show the coverages as shaded areas, as contours, or both at the same time.]

  • [Resolved Issues]
[As listed in ERO document "Suggestions for the Software for the Display and Analysis of the Results of Planning Exercises/Plans"dated March 28, 2006, the following issues have been resolved:
- 2.1.2 Feature request (see above under Coverage Analysis)
- 2.1.3 (idem)
- 2.2.1 Zooming on click is now working. In addition, when the user clicks in the geographic display in order to get rid of the pop-up menu, the display will NOT zoom.
- 4.2.1 Some index entries have been added.
- 4.2.2 Fixed]

  • [Version 1.5.0]
    • [Released in advance of the deadline for submitting additionaladministrative declarations for the second run of the synthesis of the Draft Plan, March 13, 2006]
    • [The application name is now "RRC06 Planning Interface" to better reflect its features]
    • [Planning Exercise Tool]
[The planning exercise tool now supports administrative declarations, which can be copied from a results database. The planning software has been updated to correspond to the :]

- [RRC-04 - Planning software]

  • [Creating Additional Administrative Declarations]
[The View->Compatibility Analysis screen can now be used to create (additional) administrative declarations based on the actual analysis results. The output format of the declarations file is CSV, and files created this way can be further edited using the Tools->Administrative Declarations Tool utility.
The View->Compatibility Analysis data table now provides many additional columns to better identify the nature of the incompatible requirements, and rearranging/hiding and sortingare now also supported.]

  • [Coverage Analysis]
[The menu item View->Input Data Analysis has been replaced with View->Coverage Analysis. The existing behaviour of the input data analysis has been improved as follows:
- The maximum value for colouring is now user-configurable.
- The colouring is more precise.
The main new functionality is the ability to compare input data coverages (red) with draft plan results (dark blue) just by clicking on the corresponding radio button.
- Resolved known issues with the planning exercise tool and administrative declarations tool.
- Limitations]

  • [Planning Exercise Tool]
[In the near future, support will be added for using declarations from CSV files, either in addition to those in a database or as the only declarations to be used.
Cannot yet treat other primary services. ]

  • [General Analysis Results]
[As the consequence of resolving an issue with column order and column widths preferences in the General Analysis screen, any existing preferences for the Digital Affected and Digital Interferers tables will be reset to default when this version is installed. New changes to these preferences will be preserved as expected. The new behaviour is to have separate preferences depending on whether the requirement under investigation is in Band III or Bands IV/V.]

  • [Version 1.4.7]
    • [Released for the fourth day of the second meeting of the IPG,February 23, 2006]
    • [The File->Open menu now shows up to 8 most recently used databases]
    • [The Input Data Analysis now distinguishes between SFNs whichconsist of only one allotment, and SFNs consisting of an allotment and one or more assignments. This change only affects the code that is displayed in the pop-up menu. The coverage count remains unchanged]
    • [The Planning Exercise Tool has been updated with the latest version of the planning software executables and files]
    • [Installation on a PC where the end user is not the same user that installed the software (or there are multiple users using the software) is now correctly supported]
    • [Resolved known issues in the display functionality and in the planning exercise tool]
  • [Version 1.4.4]
    • [Released for the second day of the second meeting of the IPG,February 20, 2006]
    • [Input Data Analysis]
[A new menu entry in the View menu allows for the display of the number of coverages for a given administration or set ofadministrations. A help page is available in the help system.]

  • [Resolved known issues with service areas display and channel allocation statistics display]
  • [Version 1.4.3]
    • [Released for the second meeting of the IPG, February 17, 2006]
    • [Planning Exercise Tool]
[The planning exercise tool now allows performing calculations using the planning software for the draft plan. The latest analogue broadcasting reference situation is also includedwith the planning exercise tool, in the directory C:\RRC06\Display\planningExercise\analogue_ref_sit_draft_plan]

  • [Temporary limitations]
  • [Analysis of interference to/from other services is not yet supported in the planning exercise tool]
  • [Administrative declarations are not yet supported in the planning exercise tool]
  • [Resolved known issues with identifying items on the graphical display]
  • [Version 1.4.2]
[Correction of several bugs
Re-introduction of the functionality to perform calculations using the planning software. (Calculations regarding incompatibilities between digital broadcasting requirements and assignments to other primary services are not yet supported.)]

  • [Version 1.4.0]
    • [Released for the online publication of the Draft Plan results,February 14, 2006]
    • [Support for administrative declarations as part of input data]
    • [Input data display screens for digital requirements now show administrative declaration details per requirement]
    • [Display of the Draft Plan results]
[- Results can be displayed by available channels or by assigned channel. This functionality is presently available in the service areas screen and the general analysis screen.In the near future, selection by available channels or assigned channel will be added to other parts of the display tool.
- Other Services´ notified and calculated service areas are now displayed both in the Service/Coverage Areas screen and in the General Analysis results screen.
- Transmitter locations are shown for digital requirements, analogue TV assignments and other services assignments. This functionality is presently available in the service areas screen and the general analysis screen. In the near future, it will be available in the input data display screens.
- Transmitter areas are shown for digital allotments that are either stand-alone or part of an SFN.
- Transmitter areas are shown for other services´ assignments where applicable - Other services´ visual information also includes the display of zones (either geographic areas or multi-point), receiver locations, and the line of sight between transmitters and receivers, where applicable.
- New functions in the service areas screen and the general analysis screen allow the user to display receiver areas/locations or transmitter areas/locations independently.]

  • [Version 1.3.1]
    • [Released for the online publication of the input data for the Draft Plan, January 27, 2006]
    • [Resolved known issues in the administrative declaration tool]
  • [Version 1.3.0]
    • [Multilanguage support for screens related to input data]
    • [Multi-language support will be added to other screens in the near future.]
  • [Version 1.2.3]
    • [Released for the online publication of the input data for the Draft Plan, January 24, 2006]
    • [Resolved known issues in the administrative declaration tool]
    • [Resolved temporary limitation]
    • [Contours for allotments where the administration has notified the geo_area as the allotment area are now shown]
  • [Version 1.2.2]
    • [Released for the online publication of the input data for the Draft Plan, January 23, 2006]
    • [Resolved known issues with selection criteria for administration and geographical area codes]
  • [Version 1.2.1]
    • [Released for the online publication of the input data for the Draft Plan, January 16, 2006]
    • [Display of Input Data for the Draft Plan]
[- Allows for viewing of input data for the Draft Plan, including the coord_self, coord_a and coord_o data, as well as remarks. These data items are shown on a new tab in the input data display screen for digital requirements.
- Display of Other Services assignments has been improved to show a table of service type codes.
- Only those Other Services assignments that are in the reference situation are provided in the reference database.
The display screens have been modified to allow querying/ displaying only those assignments.
- Geographical areas shown are as per the latest available data in the IDWM database -
Screens feature tool-tip (pop-up) descriptive phrases for labels and other screen elements. Some abbreviated screen labels have been expanded. ]

  • [Administrative Declarations Tool]
[A new entry under the Tools menu launches the Administrative Declarations Tool, intended for user friendly creation of administrative declaration files in the format for the Draft Plan. Please refer to the help system for details on using the tool.]

[Information on administrative declarations may be found in Circular Letter CR 246 and on the ITU-R website]

  • [Usability improvements for data tables]
[- Right-clicking on a cell in the table offers the option to copy the contents of the cell to the clipboard
- Right-clicking on a cell offers the option to search for a value in the column. Clicking on Find... shows a Search toolbar at the top of the data table, with the corresponding column already pre-selected as the search field. The ´*´ and/or ´%´ characters can be used as a wild-card character at the beginning and/or at the end of the search text.
- Clicking on column headers shows the column preferences screen, where in addition to previously available sorting settings, a new tab allows for selection of columns to be displayed/hidden, and changing the order of visible columns
- Column width settings changed by the user (by dragging or right-clicking the column boundaries) are remembered the next time the data table is displayed.]

  • [Display of results]
[- Frequency/channel filtering in the Service/Coverage Areas display now supports the option to not show service/ coverage areas on adjacent channels to those selected explicitly. Previously, service/coverage areas on adjacent channels were always shown. As far as service/coverage areas on overlapping channels are concerned, they are always displayed, as previously.
- Resolved known issues with filtering and colouring of service areas by frequency/channel.]

  • [Temporary limitations for RRC06Display2]
[- The Planning Exercise Tool has been temporarily disabled, pending availability of planning software for the Draft Plan.
- Contours for allotments where the administration has notified the geo_area as the allotment area are not shown. The contour points used for compatibility analysis will be determined by the EBU Technical Department based on the latest available data from the IDWM database, and included in a later issue of the input data for the Draft Plan.
- Both these limitations will be resolved as soon as possible.]

  • [Version 1.1.3]
    • [Released after feedback from members of EBU EPS team, on November 9, 2005]
    • [Resolved known issues with running the planning software tool]
  • [Version 1.1.2]
    • [Released after feedback from the Accra workshop and the EBU EPS group meeting on October 20-21, 2005]
    • [Improvements to usability and robustness of the Planning Exercise Tool]
    • [HTML Help available from the main application window and from the Planning Exercise Tool windows]
    • [Support for Other Primary Services in the Planning Exercise Tool]
    • [Support for reusing previously calculated reference situations for analogue TV broadcasting and/or other primary services for new Planning Exercise Tool runs]
    • [Support for exporting administrative declarations files is temporarily removed. This functionality will be improved significantly in the near future, at which time it will support the new file format for administrative declarations]
    • [Users can now set preferences for application behaviour from the Tools->Options... menu. More preferences will be added in future releases ]
    • [Resolved minor issues]
  • [Version 1.1.0]
    • [Released for the Accra workshop, October 10, 2005]
    • [Planning Exercise Tool available under the Tools menu]
[the explanation on how to use the Planning Exercise Tool has been included in the Help system starting from version 1.1.1]

  • [Performance improvements for the Service/Coverage Areas and General Analysis Results screens]
  • [Sorting support in General Analysis Results data tables]
  • [Zoom/Pan improvements]
[The geographical displays have been modified with the following improvements to the zoom/pan functionality:
- Clicking on the map with the left mouse button zooms in
- Right-clicking shows a pop-up menu in which the first option is "Zoom out"
- Rolling the mouse wheel towards your hand zooms in (if this does not appear to work, you must click on the map before using the mouse wheel)
- Rolling the mouse wheel away from your hand zooms out(if this does not appear to work, you must click on the map before using the mouse wheel)
- Toggling the zoom/pan mode is possible also from the right-click pop-up menu.]

[Pan mode (hand icon):.
- Dragging the mouse in pan mode moves the map.
Zoom mode (magnifying glass icon):
- Dragging the mouse in zoom mode from upper left to lower right zooms in.
- Dragging the mouse in zoom mode from lower right to upper left zooms out, in such a way that the selected area represents the size of the current view in relation to the desired zoomed out view.
- Identify feature support in Service/Coverage Areas and General Analysis Results screen.
To identify the digital requirements and/or analogue assignments whose service areas cover a particular point on the map, use the right mouse button. The list of digital requirements and analogue assignments will appear at the bottom of the pop-up menu. This feature is always active, regardless of the zoom/pan mode.
- Coordinate display improvements: If the coordinate display mode is selected, the coordinates are always displayed, regardless of the zoom/pan mode
- Resolved minor issues.]

  • [Version 1.0.4]
    • [Released for WPIPG, September 26, 2005 together with the results of the additional run of the Planning Exercise]
    • [Minor bug fixes]
  • [Version 1.0.3]
    • [Released for PXT5, September 9, 2005 together with the results of the second run of the Planning Exercise]
    • [Incremental improvements in sorting]
    • [Minor bug fixes]
  • [Version 1.0.2]
    • [Released for PXT5, September 7, 2005]
    • [Sorting is supported in a number of selection criteria and data tables]
    • [Sorting preferences can be saved and will be reused when the application is restarted]
    • [Robustness improvements:]
[- Does not crash when the previous database is no longer present.
- Can open any database without crashing.
- Can open database with input data only.
- Can open results database even if no graphical data is present]

  • [Support for online mode for input data]
  • [Minor bug fixes]
  • [Version 1.0.1 (02/08/2005)]
    • [Enable the Compatibility Status menu option from the View menu]
    • [Enable preparing administrative declarations in the format required for the 1st Planning Exercise]
    • [To prepare an administrative declaration file:]
[1) Open the View->Compatibility Status... window
2) Select the affected and interfering administrations and the band
3) Clicking on OK will display the list of incompatible pairs of requirements as per the 1st Planning Exercise calculations
4) Open the File->Export Current(All) Page(s)->Export as CSV or the File->Export Current(All) Page(s)->Export as Excel window
5) The option to export an administrative declaration file is the default choice.
If exported to CSV format, the files can be easily concatenated outside the display application and submitted to the ITU.]

  • [Initial version 1.0.0 (15/07/2005]


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