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ITU Telecom World 2015 in Budapest to prioritize economic
development and expanding global connectivity

Forum to focus on accelerating ICT innovation for social impact

Geneva, 6 July 2015 – A range of hot topics, including the Internet of Things (IoT); 5G mobile technologies; fostering ICT start-ups, entrepreneurs and innovation; developing cloud infrastructure; attracting investment; and tackling questions around the creation of the European digital market, will feature at ITU Telecom World 2015, taking place in Budapest, Hungary, 12-15 October 2015.

ITU Telecom World 2015, the global ICT innovation event, is an Exhibition for digital solutions, a Forum for sharing knowledge and a Networking hub for governments, industry and academia. Its aim is to help ideas go further, faster and to promote the innovative, transformative ICT-enabled solutions that will make the world better, sooner.

Through an interactive programme of debates, the Forum will tackle central issues affecting the ICT ecosystem today, opening with a top-level Leadership Summit on accelerating digital innovation for social impact. Discussions comprise panel debates, workshops, high-level round tables and keynotes, grouped around three main tracks:

  • Expanding access to digital opportunity – overcoming the digital divide in access, content and data through innovative connectivity solutions, new regulatory approaches, monetizing big data, creating the infrastructure for cloud and attracting investment.
  • Building trust for a connected future – establishing trust between consumers, industry and government to realize the potential of the digital economy, from the technological possibilities of security applications to consumer trust in services and applications, international collaboration to protect against cyber threats and innovative trust and security hubs.
  • Accelerating digital transformation – from new developments in 5G mobile or international standards and regulation in the Internet of Things to exploring how to bridge the innovation divide, how emerging markets can work to foster digital entrepreneurship, and establishing regional single digital markets.

“The Forum’s world-class debate programme highlights new partnerships, new solutions and new approaches to innovation, as well as exploring the critical role of small and medium businesses (SMEs), start-ups, entrepreneurs, technology hubs and accelerators in driving innovation and ensuring sustainable, inclusive economic growth throughout the ICT ecosystem,” said ITU Secretary-General Houlin Zhao. “Through the influential and diverse audience it convenes, and an inspirational debate agenda, the Forum at ITU Telecom World 2015 promises to be the pre-eminent platform for leaders to inspire and be inspired, and for innovative solutions to be shared.”

Alongside the Forum, the event also comprises an Exhibition for digital solutions from emerging and developed markets, showcasing the smartest ideas and entrepreneurial spirit of start-ups from countries, regions and top industry names from across the world, plus a host of key networking opportunities.

To view the Forum programme please click here

For full details of opportunities at ITU Telecom World 2015, please click here

Event registration is now open. To register today to join the event click here

For more information, please contact:

Sanjay Acharya
Chief, Media Relations and Public Information, ITU
telephone +41 22 730 5046
mobile +41 79 249 4861
email sanjay.acharya@itu.int


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