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Juan Carlos Solines Moreno
Executive Director, Gobierno Digital (Quito)
Mikhail Yakushev
Director of legal support department, Ministry of Information Technology and
Communications of the Russian Federation (Moscow)
Peter Zangl
Deputy Director-General, Directorate General Information Society and Media,
European Commission (Brussels)
Jean-Paul Zens
First Counsellor, Director of the Media and Telecom Department, Ministry of State of
Luxembourg (Luxembourg City)
Markus Kummer, Executive Coordinator
Frank March, Senior Programme Adviser 
Tarek Cheniti, Consultant
Hind Eltayeb, Administrative Assistant 
Robert Shaw, part-time, seconded by ITU 
Howard Williams, part-time, seconded by the University of Strathclyde
David Satola, World Bank (part-time in his personal capacity)
Chengetai Masango, Intern (April-July 2005)
Chango Mawaki, Fellow, in association with DiploFoundation (June 2005)
Seiiti Arata, Fellow, in association with DiploFoundation (June 2005)
Dhrupad Mathur, Fellow, in association with DiploFoundation (June 2005)
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