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 Documents : Geneva Phase: PrepCom-2 : Statement/Presentation : Roundtable
 Statements are published in the submitted language(s).
 Title   Available languages and formats 
Roundtable 1 on ICT Infrastructure and financing: presentation by Mr. Artur Serra
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english]
Roundtable 1 on ICT Infrastructure and financing: presentation by Mr. Hamadoun Touré
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Roundtable 1 on ICT Infrastructure and financing: presentation by Mr. Yann Brenner
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Roundtable 2 on Access to knowledge, open access, cultural and linguistic diversity, local content: presentation by Mr. Abdul Waheed Khan
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Roundtable 2 on Access to knowledge, open access, cultural and linguistic diversity, local content: presentation by Mr. Alan Alegre
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Roundtable 2 on Access to knowledge, open access, cultural and linguistic diversity, local content: presentation by Mr. Francis Tusubira
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Roundtable 2 on Access to knowledge, open access, cultural and linguistic diversity, local content: presentation by Mr. Latif Ladid
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Roundtable 2 on Access to knowledge, open access, cultural and linguistic diversity, local content: presentation by Mr. Michel Peissik
MS Word Document [french]
Roundtable 2 on Access to knowledge, open access, cultural and linguistic diversity, local content: presentation by Mr. Niv Ahituv
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Roundtable 3 on ICT and Security: presentation by Mr. Eduardo Gelbstein
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Roundtable 3 on ICT and Security: presentation by Mr. Stuart Hotchkiss
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Roundtable 3 on ICT and Security: presentation by Ms. Olivia Bosch
MS Word Document [english]
Roundtable 4 on The needs of special groups: presentation by Mr. Abel Caine
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Roundtable 4 on The needs of special groups: presentation by Mr. Bruno Tardieu
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Roundtable 4 on The needs of special groups: presentation by Mr. Raymond Noel
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Roundtable 4 on The needs of special groups: presentation by Mr.José Manuel Morán
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Roundtable 4 on The needs of special groups: summary of presentation - Mr.José Manuel Morán
MS Word Document [spanish]
Roundtable 5 on Capacity building: presentation by Mr. Arthur Reilly
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Roundtable 5 on Capacity building: presentation by Mr. Marcel Boisard
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Roundtable 5 on Capacity building: presentation by Mr. Pierre Dandjinou
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Roundtable 5 on Capacity building: presentation by Mr. Tony Zeitoun
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Roundtable 6 on Enabling environment (legal and regulatory framework): presentation by Mr. Amadeu Abril part1
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Roundtable 6 on Enabling environment (legal and regulatory framework): presentation by Mr. Amadeu Abril part2
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Roundtable 6 on Enabling environment (legal and regulatory framework): presentation by Mr. Chris Kuner
MS Word Document [english]
Roundtable 6 on Enabling environment (legal and regulatory framework): presentation by Mr. Manuel Lezertua
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Roundtable 7 on ICT applications and services: presentation by Mr. Malcolm Bryant
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Roundtable 7 on ICT applications and services: presentation by Mr. Michael Scholtz
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Roundtable 7 on ICT applications and services: presentation by Mr. T.H. Chowdary
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Roundtable 7 on ICT applications and services: presentation by Mr. Toshihiko Hayashi
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Roundtable 7 on ICT applications and services: presentation by Mr. Zhong Zhou Li
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Roundtable 8 on The role of the different stakeholders in the Information society: presentation by Mr. Goncalves on behalf of Mr. Robert Rogers
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Roundtable 8 on The role of the different stakeholders in the Information society: presentation by Mr. Roberto Zachmann
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Roundtable 8 on The role of the different stakeholders in the Information society: presentation by Ms. Thérèse Gastaut
MS Word Document [french]



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