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 vendredi, 12 décembre 2003: Débat général: séance plénière 5, 14:00h-15:30h GMT+1
Session complète
video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
audio only [anglais] [espagnol] [français] [original]
Son Excellence M. Jean Dello
Minister of Posts and Telecommunications of the Republic of Congo
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video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
République-Unie de Tanzanie
Son Excellence l'Honorable Mark J. Mwandosya
Minister for Communications and Transport of the United Republic of Tanzania
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video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
Son Excellence Professeur El Zibeir Bashir Taha
Minister of Sciences and Technology of the Republic of the Sudan
video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
Son Excellence M. Séverin Ndikumugongo
Minister of Transport of the Republic of Burundi
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video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
Son Excellence M. Abdulmalek Al-Moalemi
Minister of Telecommunications and Information Technology of the Republic of Yemen
video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
Son Excellence M. Ovidio de Jesus Amaral
Minister of Transport, Communication and Public Work of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
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video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
Son Excellence M. Alexander Chikvaidze
Head of the Delegation of Georgia
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video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
Son Excellence M. Alvaro Moscoso Blanco
Head of the Delegation of the Republic of Bolivia
video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
Son Excellence M. Nunzio Alfredo D'Angieri
Head of the Delegation of Belize
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video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
Son Excellence M. Yaakov Levy
Head of the Delegation of the State of Israel
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video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
Costa Rica
Son Excellence M. Manuel A. Gonzalez Sanz
Head of the Delegation of the Republic of Costa Rica
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video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries
M. João Augusto de Médicis
Executive Secretary
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video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
Sovereign Military Order of Malta
Son Excellence M. Jean-Pierre Mazery
President of Council for Communication
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MS Word Document [français]
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video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
The United States Virgin Islands
Son Excellence M. Carlyle Corbin
Observer of the United States Virgin Islands
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video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
United Nations Fund for International Partnerships
M. Amir A. Dossal
Executive Director
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video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]


 vendredi, 12 décembre 2003: Compte rendu des manifestations multipartenaires, 15:30h-17:00h GMT+1
Session complète
video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
audio only [anglais] [espagnol] [français] [original]
Ambassadeur Daniel Stauffacher
Delegate of the Swiss Federal Council for the World Summit on the Information Society
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video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
ICT4D Platform
M. Walter Fust
Director-General, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
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video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
ICT4D Forum
Mme. Rinalia Abdul Rahim
Executive Director, Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP)
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video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
Cities and Local Authorities in the IS
M. Gérald Collomb, Mayor of Lyon and
Mr. Christian Ferrazino, Mayor of Geneva
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video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
World Electronic Media Forum (WEMF)
M. Jean Stock
President, WEMF Association
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MS Word Document [anglais] [français]
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video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
ITU High Level Dialogue and related events
M. Roberto Blois
Deputy Secretary-General, International Telecommunication Union
video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
CCBI Events
M. Richard McCormick
Past Chairman, International Chamber of Commerce
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video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
UNESCO High Level Symposium and Roundtables
M. Abdul Waheed Khan
Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information, UNESCO
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video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
WSIS Gender Caucus Events Programme
Dr. Gillian Marcelle
Coordinator, WSIS Gender Caucus
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video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
The Role of Science in the Information Society
Professeur Luciano Maiani
Director-General, European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
Global Forum on Disability in the IS
Dr. Bernhard Heinser
Managing Director, Swiss Library for the Visually Impaired
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MS Word Document [français]
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video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
Global School Networks Alliance
M. Ulf Lundin
Director, European Schoolnet
video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
Conference on Volunteering and Capacity Building in the IS
Mme. Viola Krebs
Director, International Conference Volunteers
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video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
Youth Declaration from Telecom
M. Sjoerd Nikkelen and Ms. Paula Musuva
Representatives of ITU TELECOM WORLD 2003 Youth Forum
video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
Global Forum of Indigenous People in the Information Society
M. Henrick Ole Magga
Chair, Global Forum of Indigenous People in the Information Society
video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
Youth Day
M. Alex Fielding
WSIS Youth Liaison, TakingITGlobal
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video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
International Trade Centre Workshops - The Changing Marketplace: Putting "e" to work
Son Excellence M. Denis Belisle
Executive Director, International Trade Centre
video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
Scientific Information and PCT Working Groups - Roundtables and Panels
Dr. Francis Muguet
Chairman of the Civil Society Scientific Information Working Group
video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
Executive Roundtables: Taking Responsibility in the Information Age
M.  Talal Abu-Ghazale
Chairman and CEO, Talal Abu-Ghazaleh & Co. International
video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]
WSIS-ONLINE Networkshop
M. Bertrand de La Chapelle
Co-convenor, Open WSIS Initiatives
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video [anglais] [arabe] [chinois] [espagnol] [français] [russe] [original]



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