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Nations Unies (ONU)  l'Union internationale des télécommunications  





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 Liste des orateurs du débat général

mercredi, 10 décembre 2003

Cérémonie d'ouverture , 14:00h-15:00h GMT+1

  • 1. Suisse
    Son Excellence M. Pascal Couchepin
    President of the Swiss Confederation
  • 2. Nations Unies
    Son Excellence M. Kofi Annan
  • 3. Tunisie
    Son Excellence M. Zine El Abidine Ben Ali
    President of the Republic of Tunisia
  • 4. Union internationale des télécommunications (UIT)
    Son Excellence M. Yoshio Utsumi
  • 5. World Blind Union
    Mme. Kicki Nordström
  • 6. Thuraya Satellite Telecommunications Company
    M. Mohammad Omran
    Chairman of the Board
  • 7. Comité Préparatoire du SMSI
    Son Excellence M. Adama Samassekou

Débat général: séance plénière 1 , 15:00h-21:00h GMT+1

  • 1. Finlande
    Son Excellence Mme. Tarja Halonen
    President of the Republic of Finland
  • 2. Azerbaïdjan
    Son Excellence M. Ilham Aliyev
    President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
  • 3. Mozambique
    Son Excellence M. Joaquim Alberto Chissano
    President of the Republic of Mozambique
  • 4. Pakistan
    Son Excellence M. Zafarullah Khan Jamali
    Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
  • 5. France
    Son Excellence M. Jean-Pierre Raffarin
    Prime Minister of the French Republic
  • 6. Egypte
    Son Excellence M. Mohamed Hosny Mubarak
    President of the Arab Republic of Egypt
  • 7. Cap-Vert
    Son Excellence M. Pedro Verona Rodrigues Pires
    President of the Republic of Cape Verde
  • 8. Rwanda
    Son Excellence M. Paul Kagame
    President of the Republic of Rwanda
  • 9. Iran (République islamique d')
    Son Excellence M. Mohammad Khatami
    President of the Islamic Republic of Iran
  • 10. Mali
    Son Excellence M. Amadou Toumani Toure
    President of the Republic of Mali
  • 11. Lesotho
    Sa Majesté King Letsie III
    King of the Kingdom of Lesotho
  • 12. Lettonie
    Son Excellence Mme. Vaira Vike-Freiberga
    President of the Republic of Latvia
  • 13. Gabon
    Son Excellence M. El Hadj Omar Bongo Ondimba
    President of the Gabonese Republic
  • 14. Kirghizistan
    Son Excellence M. Askar Akaev
    President of Kyrgyz Republic
  • 15. Botswana
    Son Excellence M. Festus Gontebanye Mogae
    President of the Republic of Botswana
  • 16. Zimbabwe
    Son Excellence Dr. Robert Gabriel Mugabe
    President of the Republic of Zimbabwe
  • 17. Liechtenstein
    Son Excellence M. Otmar Hasler
    Head of Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein
  • 18. Liban
    Son Excellence M. Emile Lahoud
    President of the Lebanese Republic
  • 19. Nigéria
    Son Excellence Chef Olusegun Obasanjo GCFR
    President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
  • 20. Croatie
    Son Excellence M. Stjepan Mesic
    President of the Republic of Croatia
  • 21. Kenya
    Son Excellence l'Honorable Moody Awori
    Vice-President and Minister for Home Affairs of the Republic of Kenya
  • 22. République tchèque
    Son Excellence M. Petr Mares
    Deputy Prime Minister of Office of the Government of the Czech Republic
  • 23. Koweït
    Son Excellence Sheikh Ahmed Abdullah Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah
    Minister of Communications, Minister of Planning and State Minister of Administrative Development Affairs of the State of Kuwait
  • 24. Russie
    Son Excellence M. Leonid Reiman
    Minister for Communications and Informatization of the Russian Federation
  • 25. Maurice
    Son Excellence l'Honorable Deechand Jeeha
    Minister of Information Technology and Telecommunications of the Republic of Mauritius
  • 26. Arabie saoudite
    Son Altesse Royale Prince Saud Al-Faisal
    Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • 27. République slovaque
    Son Excellence M. Pavol Prokopovic
    Minister of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications of the Slovak Republic
  • 28. Chine
    Son Excellence M. Xudong Wang
    Minister of Information Industry of the People’s Republic of China
  • 29. Italie
    Son Excellence Dr. Lucio Stanca
    Minister of Innovation and Technology of the Italian Republic
  • 30. Communauté Européenne
    Son Excellence M. Erkki Liikanen
    Commissioner of the European Community
  • 31. Norvège
    Son Excellence Mme. Torild Skogsholm
    Minister of Transport and Communications of the Kingdom of Norway
  • 32. Islande
    Son Excellence M. Tómas Ingi Olrich
    Minister of Education, Science and Culture of the Republic of Iceland
  • 33. Grèce
    Son Excellence M. George Papandreou
    Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece
  • 34. République Dominicaine
    Son Excellence M. Orlando Jorge Mera
    Minister, President of the Dominican Institute of Telecommunications of the Dominican Republic
  • 35. Syrie
    Son Excellence M. Bachir Al-Mounajed
    Minister of Communications and Technology of the Syrian Arab Republic
  • 36. Ukraine
    Son Excellence M. Oleh Yatsenko
    Minister for Communications and Informatisation of Ukraine
  • 37. Viet Nam
    Son Excellence Dr. Do Trung Ta
    Minister of Post and Telematics of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
  • 38. Qatar
    Son Excellence Sheikh Abdulla Bin Mohammed Bin Saoud Al-Thani
    Minister, Chief of the Diwan Amiri and Chairman of Qatar Telecommunication Company of the State of Qatar
  • 39. Bosnie-Herzégovine
    Son Excellence M. Branko Dokic
    Minister of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • 40. Espagne
    Son Excellence M. Juan Costa Climent
    Minister of Science and Technology of the Kingdom of Spain
  • 41. Maroc
    Son Excellence M. Nabil Ben Abdallah
    Minister of Communications, Spokesman of Government of the Kingdom of Morocco
  • 42. Brésil
    Son Excellence Ambassador Samuel Pinheiro Guimarães Neto
    Acting Minister of External Relations of the Federative Republic of Brazil
  • 43. Equateur
    Son Excellence Ambassador Hernán Escudero
    Head of the Delegation of the Republic of Ecuador
  • 44. United Nations ICT Task Force
    M. José Maria Figueres-Olsen
  • 45. African Women's Development and Communication Network (FEMNET)
    Mme. Lynne Muthoni Wanyeki
    Executive Director
  • 46. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
    Mme. Ms Brigita Schmögnerová
    Executive Secretary
  • 47. Molecular Diversity Preservation International
    M. Shu-Khun Lin
  • 48. Vodafone
    M. Vittorio Colao
    CEO SEMEA Region, member of the Board of Directors
  • 49. United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)
    M. K.Y. Amoako
    Executive Secretary
  • 50. Paradigm Initiative Nigeria
    Mme. Titilayo Akinsanmi
  • 51. Microsoft Corporation
    M. Jean-Philippe Courtois
    CEO EMEA - Senior Vice President
  • 52. World Bank
    M. Eduardo Doryan
    Special Representative
  • 53. Africa Online
    M. Ayisi Makatiani
  • 54. United Nations Volunteers (UNV)
    M. Ad de Raad
    Executive Coordinator a.i.

jeudi, 11 décembre 2003

Débat général: séance plénière 2 , 09:00h-13:00h GMT+1

  • 1. Roumanie
    Son Excellence M. Ion Iliescu
    President of Romania
  • 2. Sénégal
    Son Excellence M. Abdoulaye Wade
    President of the Republic of Senegal
  • 3. Ghana
    Son Excellence M. John A. Kufuor
    President of the Republic of Ghana
  • 4. Comores
    Son Excellence Colonel Azali Assoumani
    President of the Union of Comoros
  • 5. Arménie
    Son Excellence M. Robert Kocharyan
    President of the Republic of Armenia
  • 6. Bélarus
    Son Excellence M. Alyaksandr Lukashenka
    President of the Republic of Belarus
  • 7. Andorre
    Son Excellence M. Marc Forné
    Head of Government of the Principality of Andorra
  • 8. Estonie
    Son Excellence M. Arnold Rüütel
    President of the Republic of Estonia
  • 9. Bangladesh
    Son Excellence Begum Khaleda Zia
    Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
  • 10. République populaire démocratique de Corée
    Son Excellence M. Kim Yong Dae
    Vice President of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
  • 11. Cuba
    Son Excellence M. Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada
    President of the National Assembly of People’s Power of the Republic of Cuba
  • 12. Gambie
    Son Excellence Mme. Isatou Njie-Saidy
    Vice-President of the Republic of the Gambia
  • 13. Pays-Bas
    Son Excellence M. Laurens Jan Brinkhorst
    Minister of Economic Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
  • 14. Ethiopie
    Son Excellence M. Philippos W. Mariam
    Minister of Infrastructure of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
  • 15. Danemark
    Son Excellence Mme. Ulla Tørnæs
    Minister of Education of the Kingdom of Denmark
  • 16. Hongrie
    Son Excellence M. Kálmán Kovács
    Minister of Informatics and Communications of the Republic of Hungary
  • 17. Irlande
    Son Excellence M. Bertie Ahern, T. D.
    Prime Minister of Ireland
  • 18. Allemagne
    Son Excellence M. Rezzo Schlauch
    Secretary of State, Federal Ministry for Economics and Labour of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • 19. Oman
    Son Excellence M. Maqbool Ali Sultan
    Minister of Commerce and Industry of the Sultanate of Oman
  • 20. Malawi
    Son Excellence l'Honorable Bernard Chisale, M. P.
    Minister of Information of the Republic of Malawi
  • 21. Suède
    Son Excellence Mme. Carin Jämtin
    Minister for Development Cooperation of the Kingdom of Sweden
  • 22. El Salvador
    Son Excellence M. Eduardo Cálix
    Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of El Salvador
  • 23. Bahreïn
    Son Excellence M. Saeed Mohamed Al-Faihani
    Head of the Delegation of the Kingdom of Bahrain
  • 24. Australie
    Son Excellence M. John Rimmer
    Head of the Delegation of Australia
  • 25. Myanmar
    Son Excellence U Mya Than
    Head of the Delegation of the Union of Myanmar
  • 26. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
    M. Koïchiro Matsuura
  • 27. Union Network International
    M. Philip Jennings
    General Secretary
  • 28. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
    M. Mark Malloch Brown
  • 29. Fransabank Group
    M.  Adnan Kassar
    Chairman and CEO
  • 30. World Federation of United Cities (FMCU)
    Mme. Mercedes Bresso
  • 31. Siemens Information and Communication Networks
    M. Thomas Ganswindt
    Group President
  • 32. Union internationale des télécommunications (UIT)
    M. Roberto Blois
    Deputy Secretary-General
  • 33. Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
    M. Paul Twomey
  • 34. United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
    M. Marcel A. Boisard
    Executive Director

Débat général: séance plénière 3 , 14:00h-21:00h GMT+1

  • 1. Ouganda
    Son Excellence l'Honorable Prof. Apollo Nsibambi
    Prime Minister of the Republic of Uganda
  • 2. Tonga
    Son Altesse Royale Prince Ulukalala Lavaka Ata
    Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Tonga
  • 3. L'ex-République yougoslave de Macédoine
    Son Excellence M. Boris Trajkovski
    President of the Republic of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
  • 4. Nicaragua
    Son Excellence Dr. José Rizo Castellón
    Vice-President of the Republic of Nicaragua
  • 5. Panama
    Son Excellence M. Kayser Bazán
    Vice-President of the Republic of Panama
  • 6. Serbia and Montenegro
    Son Excellence Dr. Dragoljub Micunovic
    President of the Assembly of Serbia and Montenegro
  • 7. Ouzbékistan
    Son Excellence M. Aripov Abdulla
    Deputy Prime Minister, General Director of Communication and Information Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • 8. Mauritanie
    Son Excellence Mme. Fatimetou Mint M. Saleck
    Secretary of New Technology of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania
  • 9. Japon
    Son Excellence M. Taro Aso
    Minister of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications of Japan
  • 10. Pologne
    Son Excellence Professeur Michal Kleiber
    Minister of Scientific Research and Information of the Republic of Poland
  • 11. Etats-Unis d'Amérique
    Son Excellence Dr. John Marburger
    Science Advisor to the President of the United States of America
  • 12. Turquie
    Son Excellence M.  Binali Yildirim
    Minister of Transport and Communications of Turkey
  • 13. Honduras
    Son Excellence Dr. Roberto Emilio Argueta Reina
    Telecommunication Commissioner of the Republic of Honduras
  • 14. Afrique du Sud
    Son Excellence Mme. Ivy Matsepe-Casaburri
    Minister for Communications of the Republic of South Africa
  • 15. Slovénie
    Son Excellence Dr. Pavel Gantar
    Minister of Information Society of the Republic of Slovenia
  • 16. Belgique
    Son Excellence Mme. Joséphine Rebecca Moerman
    Minister for Economy, Energy, Foreign Trade and Science policy of the Kingdom of Belgium
  • 17. Guatemala
    Son Excellence Mme. Flora de Ramos
    Minister of Communications, Infrastructure and Housing of the Republic of Guatemala
  • 18. Chili
    Son Excellence M. Alvaro Díaz
    Minister of Economy of the Republic of Chile
  • 19. Luxembourg
    Son Excellence M. François Biltgen
    Minister of Labor and Employment of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
  • 20. Népal
    Son Excellence l'Honorable Kamal Thapa
    Minister for Information and Communication, Local Development and Health of the Kingdom of Nepal
  • 21. Saint-Siège
    Son Excellence Archevêque John Foley
    President of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications of the Holy See
  • 22. Argentine
    Son Excellence M. Daniel Filmus
    Minister of Education, Science and Technology of the Argentine Republic
  • 23. Jordanie
    Son Excellence Dr. Fawaz Zu’bi
    Minister of Communication and Information Technology, and Administrative Development of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
  • 24. Zambie
    Son Excellence l'Honorable Bates Namuyamba, MP
    Minister of Communication and Transport of the Republic of Zambia
  • 25. République démocratique populaire lao
    Son Excellence Dr. Bountiem Phissamay
    Minister to the Prime Minister’s Office and President of Science, Technology and the Environment of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic
  • 26. Emirats arabes unis
    Son Excellence M. Ahmed Humaid Al Tayer
    Minister of Communications of the United Arab Emirates
  • 27. Autriche
    Son Excellence M. Franz Morak
    Secretary of State of the Republic of Austria
  • 28. Suisse
    Son Excellence M. Moritz Leuenberger
    Federal Councillor and Head of the Federal Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications of the Swiss Confederation
  • 29. Swaziland
    Son Altesse Royale The Honourable Prince David Dlamini
    Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Kingdom of Swaziland
  • 30. Inde
    Son Excellence M. Arun Shourie
    Minister for Communications and Information Technology of the Republic of India
  • 31. Algérie
    Son Excellence M. Amar Tou
    Minister of Posts and Information and Communication Technologies of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria
  • 32. Portugal
    Son Excellence M. José Luís Arnault
    Minister to the Prime Minister of the Portuguese Republic
  • 33. Afghanistan
    Son Excellence M. Mohammad Masoom Stanekzai
    Minister of Communications of Afghanistan
  • 34. Sierra Leone
    Son Excellence M. Septimus Kaikai
    Minister of Information and Broadcasting of the Republic of Sierra Leone
  • 35. Samoa
    Son Excellence M. Palusalue Faapo II
    Minister of Communications and Information Technology of the Independent State of Samoa
  • 36. Libye
    Son Excellence M. Ben Lashhar Ali
    Minister of Information and Communication of the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
  • 37. Lituanie
    Son Excellence M. Virgilijus Vladislovas Bulovas
    Minister of Interior of the Republic of Lithuania
  • 38. République démocratique du Congo
    Son Excellence M. Vital Kamerhe
    Minister of Press and Information of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • 39. Philippines
    Son Excellence M. Virgilio L. Peña
    Undersecretary for Information and Communications Technology of the Republic of the Philippines
  • 40. Uruguay
    Son Excellence Dr. Daniel Bervejillo
    Vice-Minister of Education and Culture of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay
  • 41. Kazakhstan
    Son Excellence M. Alexei Volkov
    Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • 42. Niue
    Son Excellence M. John Tiakia
    Associate Minister for Post and Telecommunications of Niue
  • 43. Bhoutan
    Son Excellence M. Tashi Phuntsog
    Head of the Delegation of the Kingdom of Bhutan
  • 44. Sri Lanka
    Son Excellence M. Tilak Ranaviraja
    Head of the Delegation of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
  • 45. Chypre
    Son Excellence M. Panicos Pouros
    Head of the Delegation of the Republic of Cyprus
  • 46. Palestine
    Son Excellence M. Azzam Alahmad
    Observer of Palestine
  • 47. International Labour Organizations (ILO)
    M. Juan Somavía
  • 48. World Association of Newspapers
    M. Timothy Balding
    Director General
  • 49. STMicroelectronics
    M. Pasquale Pistrio
    President and CEO
  • 50. Universal Postal Union (UPU)
    M. Thomas Leavey
  • 51. International Council for Science (ICSU)
    Mme. Jane Lubichenco
  • 52. NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)
    M. Katsuji Ebisawa
  • 53. United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)
    M. Kim Hak-Su
    Executive Secretary
  • 54. International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE)
    Mme. Liz Burns
  • 55. Cognitive Technologies Companies
    Mme. Olga Uskova
  • 56. United Nations Economic Commission for Western Asia (UNESCWA)
    Mme. Mervat Tallawy
    Executive Secretary
  • 57. Agencia Latinoamericana de Información (ALAI)
    Mme. Sally Burch
  • 58. Sols Technologies
    M. Jorge Cassino
    CEO, Director General
  • 59. Inter-American Development Bank
    M. Paulo Paiva
  • 60. United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
    M. Bertrand Ramcharan
    Acting High Commissioner for Human Rights
  • 61. Organization of the Islamic Conference
    Dr. Abdelouahed Belkeziz

vendredi, 12 décembre 2003

Débat général: séance plénière 4 , 09:00h-13:00h GMT+1

  • 1. Mongolie
    Son Excellence M. Sanjbegz Tumur-Ochir
    Speaker of the Parliament of Mongolia
  • 2. Brunéi Darussalam
    Son Excellence l'Honorable Pehin Dato Haji Zakaria Haji Sulaiman
    Minister of Communication of Brunei Darussalam
  • 3. Thaïlande
    Son Excellence M. Surapong Suebwonglee
    Minister of Information and Communications Technology of the Kingdom of Thailand
  • 4. Jamaïque
    Son Excellence M. Phillip Paulwell
    Minister of Science, Commerce and Technology of Jamaica
  • 5. Mexique
    Son Excellence M. Pedro Cerisola y Weber
    Minister of Communications and Transportation of the United Mexican States
  • 6. Malaisie
    Son Excellence l'Honorable Datuk Amar Leo Moggie
    Minister of Energy, Communications and Multimedia of Malaysia
  • 7. Singapour
    Son Excellence Dr. Lee Boon Yang
    Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts of the Republic of Singapore
  • 8. Madagascar
    Son Excellence M. Haja Nirina Razafinjatovo
    Minister of Telecommunications, Posts and Communication of the Republic of Madagascar
  • 9. Angola
    Son Excellence M. Licínio Tavares Tibeiro
    Minister of Posts and Telecommunications of the Republic of Angola
  • 10. Colombie
    Son Excellence Dr. Martha Pinto de Hart
    Minister of Communications of the Republic of Colombia
  • 11. Indonésie
    Son Excellence M. Syamsul Mu’arif
    Minister for Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia
  • 12. Barbade
    Son Excellence l'Honorable Lynette Eastmond
    Minister of Commerce, Consumer Affairs and Business Development of Barbados
  • 13. Iraq
    Son Excellence M. Haider Al Abadi
    Minister of Communication of the Republic of Iraq
  • 14. République de Corée
    Son Excellence Dr. Chin Daeje
    Minister of Information and Communication of the Republic of Korea
  • 15. Burkina Faso
    Son Excellence M. Seydou Bouda
    Minister of Economy and Development of Burkina Faso
  • 16. Monaco
    Son Excellence M. Jean Pastorelli
    Plenipotentiary Minister, Permanent Representative of the Principality of Monaco
  • 17. Pérou
    Son Excellence M. Eduardo Iriarte Jimenez
    Minister of Transport and Communication of the Republic of Peru
  • 18. Bulgarie
    Son Excellence M. Igor Damianov
    Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria
  • 19. Nouvelle-Zélande
    Son Excellence M. David Cunliffe
    Associate Minister of Communications and Information Technology of New Zealand
  • 20. Cambodge
    Son Excellence M. Lar Narath
    Under-Secretary of Posts and Telecommunications of the Kingdom of Cambodia
  • 21. Trinité-et-Tobago
    Son Excellence M. Bernard Weston
    Head of the Delegation of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
  • 22. Malte
    Son Excellence l'Honorable Michael Frendo, M. P.
    Head of the Delegation of the Republic of Malta
  • 23. Canada
    Son Excellence M. Sergio Marchi
    Head of the Delegation of Canada
  • 24. Fidji
    M. Abel Caine
    Head of the Delegation of the Republic of the Fiji Islands
  • 25. Royaume-Uni
    Son Excellence M. Nicholas Thorne
    Head of the Delegation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • 26. Venezuela
    Son Excellence Mme. Blancanieve Portocarrero
    Head of the Delegation of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
  • 27. United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
    Mme. Imelda Henkin
    Deputy Executive Director
  • 28. World Federation of Engineering Organizations
    M. Kamel Ayadi
  • 29. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh & Co. International
    M.  Talal Abu-Ghazaleh
    Chairman and CEO
  • 30. United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNECLAC)
    Mme. Alicia Bárcena
    Deputy Executive Secretary
  • 31. United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
    Mme. Mililani Trask
    Pacific representative
  • 32. CrimsonLogic
    M. Velusamy Mathivanan
    Chairman and CEO
  • 33. Rede de Informações para o Terceiro Setor
    M. Carlos Afonso
  • 34. Axalto
    M. Olivier Piou
  • 35. CRIS Campaign
    M. Sean O’Siochru
    Spokesperson of CRIS Campaign
  • 36. World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
    M. Philippe Petit
    Deputy Director General
  • 37. World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
    M. Michel Jarraud
    Deputy Secretary-General

Débat général: séance plénière 5 , 14:00h-15:30h GMT+1

  • 1. Congo
    Son Excellence M. Jean Dello
    Minister of Posts and Telecommunications of the Republic of Congo
  • 2. République-Unie de Tanzanie
    Son Excellence l'Honorable Mark J. Mwandosya
    Minister for Communications and Transport of the United Republic of Tanzania
  • 3. Soudan
    Son Excellence Professeur El Zibeir Bashir Taha
    Minister of Sciences and Technology of the Republic of the Sudan
  • 4. Burundi
    Son Excellence M. Séverin Ndikumugongo
    Minister of Transport of the Republic of Burundi
  • 5. Yémen
    Son Excellence M. Abdulmalek Al-Moalemi
    Minister of Telecommunications and Information Technology of the Republic of Yemen
  • 6. Timor-Leste
    Son Excellence M. Ovidio de Jesus Amaral
    Minister of Transport, Minster of Transport, Communication and Public Work of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
  • 7. Géorgie
    Son Excellence M. Alexander Chikvaidze
    Head of the Delegation of Georgia
  • 8. Bolivie
    Son Excellence M. Alvaro Moscoso Blanco
    Head of the Delegation of the Republic of Bolivia
  • 9. Belize
    Son Excellence M. Nunzio Alfredo D'Angieri
    Head of the Delegation of Belize
  • 10. Israël
    Son Excellence M. Yaakov Levy
    Head of the Delegation of the State of Israel
  • 11. Costa Rica
    Son Excellence M. Manuel A. Gonzalez Sanz
    Head of the Delegation of the Repbulic of Costa Rica
  • 12. Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries
    M. João Augusto de Médicis
    Executive Secretary
  • 13. Sovereign Military Order of Malta
    Son Excellence M. Jean-Pierre Mazery
    President of Council for Communication
  • 14. The United States Virgin Islands
    Son Excellence M. Carlyle Corbin
    Observer of the United States Virgin Islands
  • 15. United Nations Fund for International Partnerships
    M. Amir A. Dossal
    Executive Director

Compte rendu des manifestations multipartenaires (Séance plénière 5), 15:30h-17:00h GMT+1

  • 1. Suisse
    Ambassadeur Daniel Stauffacher
    Delegate of the Swiss Federal Council for the World Summit on the Information Society
  • 2. ICT4D Platform
    M. Walter Fust
    Director-General, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
  • 3. ICT4D Forum
    Mme. Rinalia Abdul Rahim
    Executive Director, Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP)
  • 4. Cities and Local Authorities in the IS
    M. Gérald Collomb, Mayor of Lyon and
    Mr. Christian Ferrazino, Mayor of Geneva
  • 5. World Electronic Media Forum (WEMF)
    M. Jean Stock
    President, WEMF Association
  • 6. ITU High Level Dialogue and related events
    M. Roberto Blois
    Deputy Secretary-General, International Telecommunication Union
  • 7. CCBI Events
    M. Richard McCormick
    Past Chairman, International Chamber of Commerce
  • 8. UNESCO High Level Symposium and Roundtables
    M. Abdul Waheed Khan
    Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information, UNESCO
  • 9. WSIS Gender Caucus Events Programme
    Dr. Gillian Marcelle
    Coordinator, WSIS Gender Caucus
  • 10. The Role of Science in the Information Society
    Professeur Luciano Maiani
    Director-General, European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
  • 11. Global Forum on Disability in the IS
    Dr. Bernhard Heinser
    Managing Director, Swiss Library for the Visually Impaired
  • 12. Global School Networks Alliance
    M. Ulf Lundin
    Director, European Schoolnet
  • 13. Conference on Volunteering and Capacity Building in the IS
    Mme. Viola Krebs
    Director, International Conference Volunteers
  • 14. Youth Declaration from Telecom
    M. Sjoerd Nikkelen and Ms. Paula Musuva
    Representatives of ITU TELECOM WORLD 2003 Youth Forum
  • 15. Global Forum of Indigenous People in the Information Society
    M. Henrick Ole Magga
    Chair, Global Forum of Indigenous People in the Information Society
  • 16. Youth Day
    M. Alex Fielding
    WSIS Youth Liaison, TakingITGlobal
  • 17. International Trade Centre Workshops - The Changing Marketplace: Putting "e" to work
    Son Excellence M. Denis Belisle
    Executive Director, International Trade Centre
  • 18. Scientific Information and PCT Working Groups - Roundtables and Panels
    Dr. Francis Muguet
    Chairman of the Civil Society Scientific Information Working Group
  • 19. Executive Roundtables: Taking Responsibility in the Information Age
    M.  Talal Abu-Ghazale
    Chairman and CEO, Talal Abu-Ghazaleh & Co. International
  • 20. WSIS-ONLINE Networkshop
    M. Bertrand Lachapelle
    Co-convenor, Open WSIS Initiatives

Session finale (Séance plénière 5), 17:00h-17:30h GMT+1

Clôture (Séance plénière 5), 17:30h-18:30h GMT+1

  • 1. Union internationale des télécommunications (UIT)
    Son Excellence M. Yoshio Utsumi
    Secretary of the Summit
  • 2. Tunisie
    Son Excellence M. Habib Ben Yahia
    Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • 3. Suisse
    Son Excellence M. Pascal Couchepin
    President of the Swiss Confederation


information de base | première phase: Genève | deuxième phase: Tunis | inventaire | salle de presse | liens

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