*A/ Political chapeau.*

-> *from WG PCT group* (http://www.wsis-pct.org)

Notice should be taken in the chapeau that on October 4, 2004, the General Assembly of the World Intellectual Property Organization agreed

(http://www.wipo.int/edocs/prdocs/en/2004/wipo_pr_2004_396.html) to adopt a proposal offered by Argentina and Brazil, the "Proposal for

the Establishment of a Development Agenda for WIPO".


Since the WIPO is a specialized agency of the UN, it may rightfully receive input from the WSIS, a general UN summit, and in particular the WSIS should contribute to the "initiative for a development agenda".

The WSIS shall recommend that the WIPO should adopt patent & copyright policies and positions that would concur with the WSIS declaration

and that would facilitate the implementation of the WSIS plan of action.

It has been also noted that ''Taking into account activities already carried out by WIPO in the area of development, the General Assembly decided "to convene inter-sessional intergovernmental meetings to examine the proposals contained" in the Brazil/Argentina proposal, "as well as additional proposals of member states." The meetings would also be open to WIPO accredited inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs)." ''

Towards this purpose, we suggest that the WSIS should recommend to the WIPO that all WSIS accredited NGOs & Business entities be automatically acredited to participate those WIPO "Development Agenda" meetings.


*B/ Follow-up and implementation*

-> *from the WG-SI group* (http://www.wsis-si.org)

In order to move towards a Society of Shared Knowledge, specific funding should be planned concerning Open Access journals as well as Open Archives (articles & fundamental data)in the domain of Science (Science in a broad sense: Hard science, Human & Social sciences ) and Technology. It is suggested that implementation strategies towards

Open Access should be discussed in dedicated workshops in the WSIS Regional Conferences, and above all in the UNESCO thematic meetings :

- Empower Citizens through Knowledge, 2005, Paris (France)

- Multilingualism: 2005, Bamako (Mali)

- Cultural Diversity: 2005, Saint-Petersburg (Russia)

as well as the WSIS events organized by the Government of Brazil :

- Knowledge Sharing and Free Flow of Information, 2005, Brazil ;

by the Government of Japan/ITU/UNU:

- Towards the Realization of the Ubiquitous Network Society, May 2005, Tokyo (Japan) ;

by the United Nations University:

- Innovations to Bridge the Digital Divide: April 2005, Tokyo (Japan)

with invited speakers from the Civil Society.


-> from Divina Frau-Meigs (*Academia & Education & Research family*)

In order to move towards a Society of Shared Knowledge, specific funding would be awarded to OpenCourseWare projects. (OCW ie freely available online educational courses) and other online learning initiatives in all fields (Science, Humanities, Litterature, etc...)

Workshop on OCW should be organized at the UNESCO event - ICT-enhanced Learning, 2005 as well as aforementionned meetings.


-> *from the WG-PCT group* (http://www.wsis-pct.org)

All implementations should comply with the recommendation to increase "awareness among all stakeholders of the possibilities offered by different software models, including proprietary, opensource and free software".

In order to raise awareness, Workshops concerning "Free Software"

issues should also be organized in the WSIS Regional Conferences and most WSIS-related events (see aforementionned events)

-> *from the WTIS initiative* (http://www.wtis.org)

Suggestion that the (World Tour of the Information) WTIS a civil society initiative, should be encouraged to contribute to the stocktaking process, while promoting a pro-active, "meet the people" strategy.

Instead of waiting people to send their inputs, the goal of this itinerant effort is to meet people and to collect their inputs.

A request for a short presentation, by Bruno Salgues (15 minutes max),

of the WTIS proposal at the next GFC meeting is hereby being made.


-> *from the UNMSP initiative* (http://www.unmsp.org)

Multi-Stakeholders Partnerships (MSPs)(as well as Private/Public Partnerships a subset of MSPs) are mentionned almost everywhere in the plan of action as tools to the implement the WSIS plan of action,

but there is not yet any international legal framework for MSP.

The goal of the UNSP proposal is to create a new UN specialized agency that would provide such a legal framework, and also to promote the creation of MSPs within a constructive and structured dialog between all stakeholders.

The main UNMSP document, the charter of the proposed agency is not yet online, but should be ready by November 15.