
WSIS Executive Secretariat


+ 41 22 730 55 11


+ 41 22 730 63 93


Invitation to the second "special meeting" of the Group of Friends of the Chair (GFC) of the PrepCom of WSIS, Tunis Phase

Geneva, 910 November 2004

Dear Madam/SirExcellency,

I have the honor to invite you to the "special meeting" of the Group of Friends of the Chair (GFC) of the PrepCom of WSIS, Tunis phase, which will take place on

Monday, 15 November 2004,

from 1500 to 1800 hours,

Room XVII, Door 40, First Floor, Palais des Nations

This "special meeting" of the Group of Friends of the Chair will be open, in addition to the nominated members of the GFC, also to governmental observers, as well as to representatives of the other stakeholders of the WSIS, i.e. the international organizations, the private sector and the civil society.


Draft Agenda:


Discussion and drafting of the political part of the Draft Final Document(s)

Discussion of proposals concerning the operational part of the Draft Final Document(s)

1. Political Chapeau

2. Implementation of WSIS Geneva Declaration of Principles and the Plan of Action

3. Follow-up to the WSIS (after Tunis)

4. Any other questions related to the Final Document(s)

Interpretation in the six UN languages will be available for this meeting. A UNOG badge is required to access the Palais des Nations. For those who do not have a UNOG badge, a special badge will be issued for the GFC meetings. The same badge is valid also for the consultation meeting of the TFFM on 16 November in the morning. More information about how to obtain this badge is available at

In the morning of 16 November, Task Force on Financial Mechanisms (TFFM) will hold an informal open-ended consultation with all stakeholders in the WSIS process. For more information, please see a separate announcement made by UNDP or visit The badge for the GFC meeting is also valid for this informal consultation.

Yours sincerely,


H. E. Ambassador Janis Karklins
Chair President of the Preparatory Committee