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copyrightGroup of 77 High-level Conference on Science and Technology,
Dubai, 27 to 30 October 2002

The first ever South-South High-level Conference on Science and Technology of the Group of 77 took place in Dubai from 27 to 30 October 2002. The objective of the Conference was to formulate global strategies and clear policies within the South for the promotion of science and technology.

Mr Adama Samassékou, President of WSIS PrepCom, informed the participants about the preparatory process of the World Summit on Information Society and welcomed, with the G77 experts, the United Arab Emirates initiative to launch, through UNESCO, a South-South solidarity programme in the field of education, aimed at reducing illiteracy and improving education in the developing countries.

The final recommendations, called the Dubai Declaration, noted with deep concern the huge knowledge gap between the North and the South, which has contributed to the marginalisation of many developing countries, most already afflicted by poverty. The final text of the conference noted that in this interdependent world, the endemic poverty and deprivation in the South constitutes a threat to the security and prosperity of the global community.

The declaration highlights the fact that scientific knowledge and technological development are key aspects behind economic and social uplift, and that they not only influence all aspects of human endeavour but are also crucial conditions for global peace and stability. It also calls for further attention and resources to be devoted to traditional knowledge, its promotion, enrichment, advancement and mechanisms for its protection.

The experts recognised the fact that knowledge and technology has not reached the hundreds of millions of people who continue to live in absolute poverty. "We also recognise that information technology constitutes the pillars of technological revolution and represents one of the most powerful development tools of our time."

The declaration said there was a need to take full advantage of using science and technology for peace and development, and to ensure that it reaches all peoples in the South.

"We urge the developed countries to facilitate the transfer of technology, easing the costs and collateral conditions that presently stand in its way. We believe it is urgent to enhance our access to global information on networks and to improve the benefits derived from them."

The declaration also emphasises the need to preserve national and regional diversity of traditions, identities, languages and cultures, which may be affected by the globalisation process.

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