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The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women urges inclusion of a gender dimension in The World Summit on the Information Society

The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) held its annual meeting 3-14 march 2003.  For the first time ICTs and Gender was put on the Agenda. The topic chosen was “Participation and access of women to the media, and information and communication technologies and their impact on and use as an instrument for the advancement and empowerment of women”.

In choosing this topic for consideration at its forty-seventh session, the Commission intended to provide an input to the World Summit on the Information Society. The commission emphasized the importance of focusing on the gender dimension of information and communication technologies to prevent and combat an adverse impact of the digital revolution on gender equality.

The work of the Commission was based on a report of the Secretary-General, and was facilitated by a panel discussion (report and moderators summary available on : 

Participants of the panel discussion noted that the emergence of ICTs  and the profound changes in global media and communication system posed opportunities and challenges for the promotion of gender equality. They emphasized the role of ICT and the media as tools for development and as central to the empowerment of women. These new medias and ICT were increasingly used to share knowledge, enhance participation of all members of society, increase networking, give voice to marginalized groups, organize political action, empower people, fight poverty and enhance economic development. It was therefore particularly important to address gender-based discrimination and inequalities that undermined women’s access to opportunities in the emerging knowledge and information society.

A human rights approach framed the debate as participants placed emphasis on women’s rights in the information society, with enhanced opportunities for democratic governance, the exercise of citizenship and full participation in development for all, based on the right to information and communication. Participants also made reference to the call in the UN Millennium Declaration that ICT become available to all. As these technologies were seen as tools for the achievement of all the millennium development goals, their gender perspectives had to be addressed in their use.

The role of ICT was underlined as a crucial opportunity for enhancing attention to gender perspectives in the ongoing preparations for the WSIS and for ensuring that gender equality was at the center of global discussions on the future of the information society. While the draft declaration that had emanated from PrepCom 2 paid some attention to gender perspectives and the priorities and needs of women, participants were very concerned about the absence of relevant actions from the draft plan of action. It would therefore be especially important for participants in the Commission to work with their national delegations to the Summit to strengthen attention to gender perspectives in the process and the outcome documents. Steps were also needed to increase the number of women, as well as of gender experts, in governmental, business and civil society delegations in all activities to the Summit and its preparations.

The Commissions agreed conclusions, as well as relevant reports before the Commission, would be important instruments in ensuring the success of those efforts.

The agreed conclusions from the CSW were submitted to the President of the WSIS preparatory Committee. In order to ensure that girls and women benefit from the information age the Commission adopted the following recommendations:

  1. Creation of a gender sensitive enabling environment and integration of gender perspectives in the development and implementation of national policies and strategies in the area of information and communication technologies and media and communication policies.

  2. Promotion of women’s participation and employment in the information society.

  3. Mobilization of resources to promote gender equality in the media and in the information and communication technologies.

  4. Inclusiveness and participation in the promotion of gender equality in the information society.

  5. World Summit on the Information Society.

All participants and in particular the decision makers involved are urged to :

  • Include gender perspective in every facet of the Summit
  • Ensure active participation of gender equality advocates in the preparatory process and the Summit

  • Include women as leaders and decision makers in all Summit planning process

  • Facilitate and encourage the participation of women as members of national delegations by setting targets for delegations to include at least 30 percent

  • Implement an information dissemination campaign that includes a wide range of media on ICT as a tool for the empowerment of women.           



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