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The OpenWSIS Initiative : Convening the Convenors for the success of the WSIS Process

Around the world, numerous public, private and non-profit Convenors will organize workshops, seminars and consultations in 2003 to prepare for WSIS and engage actors in their respective networks.

Unfortunately, strong uncertainties remain on the modalities of participation of civil society and the private sector in the summit. Most actors remain reluctant to mobilize with so little visibility.

In that context, to facilitate the involvement of and interaction between all stakeholders during the whole process, a coalition of the willing has emerged under the name : OpenWSIS Initiative.

Its goal is threefold :

  • Raise awareness on the importance of the WSIS process and the need to involve civil society and the private sector
  • Create and develop contacts between public, private and civil society convenors addressing similar issues during 2003
  • Manage within Palexpo in December a physical space for them to hold multi-stakeholder thematic workshops

This would guarantee a clear and previsible framework for all stakeholders to present their positions and a neutral space for debate on difficult issues. In particular, the workshops will gather the convenors that addressed separately a similar issue during 2003

This should allow common formulations of the key challenges to emerge and new multi-stakeholder mechanisms could then address each of them between Geneva and Tunis.

All convenors (be they public, private, non-profit or international organizations) who share these objectives and want to contribute to the creation and success of an Open WSIS are therefore invited to join this effort by describing themselves and the issues they intend to adress during 2003 at

A first discussion of this Initiative took place during the workshop on « Civil Society and the WSIS Process » that was held during PrepCom2.

For a more detailed presentation, see :

More information is available from : Bertrand de LA CHAPELLE (









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