United Nations  International Telecommunication Union  




 CV of Mr. Karklins, President of WSIS Preparatory Committee for the Tunis Phase

Mr. Janis Karklins, President of WSIS PrepCom for the Tunis PhaseName
Janis Karklins

25-12-1962, Riga, Latvia

1969-1980: Secondary School Nr.39, Riga, Latvia
1980-1985: Riga Technical University, Faculty of Radio engineering, Riga, Latvia
1992: Training Program for Eastern European diplomats, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, USA


  • Past affiliations
    1991-1992: Chief of Administration, Department of Foreign Economic Relations, Riga, Latvia
    1992- until present: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia
    1992-1993 Undersecretary of State
    1993-1995 Counselor, Embassy of Latvia to Finland
    1995-1998 Counselor, Embassy of Latvia to France
    1998-2000 Undersecretary of State
    2000 - Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Latvia to the UN Office at Geneva
  • Other
    Vice-chair of the working Group of Constitutional Reform of the WIPO

    Vice-president of the Preparatory Committee of the World Summit of Information Society;
    First Vice-Chairman of the Council of the International Organization for Migration

    Chairman of the Council of the International Organization for Migration
  • Language skills
    Latvian – mother tongue
    English – proficient
    Russian – proficient
    French - good




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