United Nations  International Telecommunication Union  





 Statement from Timor-Leste


STATEMENT FROM Democratic Republic of Timor - Leste

Eng. OVIDIO DE JESUS AMARAL, Minister of Transport and Communication


Your Excellencies Mr. Kofi Annan , Secretary General United Nations

Your Excellencies Mr. Ben Ali, President Republic of Tunisia,

Mr. Chairman

Honorable Delegation

Ladies and Gentlemen

First of all, on behalf of the Government of Democratic Republic of East-Timor I would like to appreciate the Republic of Tunisia for hosting this conference.

The final decade of twentieth century has witnessed significant advances in information and communication technologies and services.

For East-Timor absolutely essential in this context to first comprehend and recognize the necessities of this new age, and then move towards adapting to it.

East-Timor occupying 24,000 square kilometers on the eastern half of an island in the Timor Sea between Indonesia and Australia. East-Timor has a population of approximately 800,000 people living in 13 District Capitals.

Since the referendum held on September 1999 all ICT Services were destroyed in Dilly Capital and other district in East - Timor. East Timor Public Administration with support International Telecommunication Union / ITU and Asian Development Bank -ADB provided some consultant for tender preparation for BOT (Built Operate and Transfer) that means the new operator will Install Telecommunication Network Service in East-Timor. And on 19 July 2002 the Concession Contract was signed between PTI (Portugal Telecom International) as a winner of this International Tender and the Democratic Republic of East-Timor, create National Company Timor Telecom who have responsibility for achieving the main objective of Concession:

1. Establish, management and operation of fixed telephone network,

2. Establish, management and operation of mobile telephone network,

3. Provide following services of telecommunication:

a. Local National and International fixed telephone services,

b. National mobile telecommunication service,

c. Data transfer service,

d. Transport of telecommunication signal for broadcasting carrier

Mr. Chairman,

Telecommunication Network Infrastructure for East-Timor is crucial elements. National Development Planning/NDP objective are to establish and develop of the communication service, bringing telephone, Internet, radio, television and postal services for all people around the country.

The big challenges of medium term are to achieve the NDP objective to provide basic services for all districts to secure the realistic access of telecommunication for all citizens. This objective will be achieved, when our national network for communication will completed until the end of 2007. Development is a continuing process; we can start and no meet the end. Until now the on going projects are:

1. The extension of basic service for telecommunication for all districts,

2. Institutional Frame work development.

3. Capacity of regulatory body for telecommunication, ARCOM as a regulator and ITC department.

4. Government IT Infrastructure

• 3 Government data centers located in Dili and interconnected using 1 GB Ps Fiber link

• Over 21 Radio Wireless Clients within Government network

• More than 20 Servers

To achieve the objective of National Development Plan/NDP, Government has identified on SIP/Sector Investment Program for ICT/Information Communication Technology the following program:

1. Capacity development of ARCOM / Regulatory body for Communication, through technical assistance (during 3 years) will be assist by International Telecommunication Union /ITU with aim, ARCOM can manage and regulate the Communication sector in East-Timor. The principal outputs are: Basic Law of telecommunication, Law for broadcasting. Elaboration of national planning for frequencies and guide lines to control spectrum for radio frequencies. Introduction of the program for management spectrum WinBASMS,

2. The important aspect for medium term program is how to organize the integration system for radio communication system. All radio communication networks own by each Department will be integrated on National Communication Network.

3. Implementation of two 2 project; First is Increase the quality of telephone services for the state and second is increase quality and quantity of Internet service for the state, including the viability study to implemented E-Government/ Electronic Government.

4. Program medium term for rural communication, Pilot project to providing Internet service for rural and isolate village that pretends to providing internet service for schools, agriculture information, health information, commerce and trade.

In summary, Timor-Leste is moving aggressively towards achieving the goals of WSIS. However, capacity to deliver as well as to assimilate technology and the related process changes continue to be challenging.

I will conclude by reiterating Timor-Leste commitment to the WSIS process. Our objective is the success of Tunis Summit and we will therefore continue to play our role in promoting consensus on all issues in whatever way possible.






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