United Nations  International Telecommunication Union  





 Statement from KDDI Corporation (Japan)



Tadashi ONODERA, President and Chairman

16 November 2005

Your Excellency, Mr. President, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen: May I begin today by expressing my gratitude for the opportunity to address this important meeting.

Japan is in the forefront of efforts to realize a truly Ubiquitous Network Society. This paradigm defines the state where connectivity is readily available "anytime, anywhere, by anything and anyone," thus enabling users to enjoy whatever services or applications they need whenever and wherever they choose.

In the drive towards such a Ubiquitous Network Society, KDDI, as a fully-fledged telecommunications carrier in Japan, is aggressively evolving an advanced infrastructure for mobile and broadband communications. As a leader in the 3G mobile market, KDDI now has more than 20 million signed-up 3G subscribers, double that at the time of the WSIS Geneva summit in December 2003.

In terms of our fixed network, we have already announced that by March 2008, we will become the first carrier in the world to complete an all-IP fixed network.

Furthermore KDDI is promoting the concept of "Ultra 3G". Under this concept, an all-IP fixed/mobile converged network system (FMC system) will support users with seamless connectivity to ubiquitous services across any environment. This Ultra 3G network really is the key to achieving a Ubiquitous Network Society.

Simultaneously, the creation of a "Digital Opportunity" for developing countries is one of our most important missions if we are to fulfill the "Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)".

For example, we have developed a long-distance wireless IP communication system for rural areas, and conducted field trials in such forms as e-learning in Indonesia and transmission of medical data including images in Peru and Vietnam.

In another aspect, human capacity is of great importance. For last several decades, we have been providing technical assistance to developing countries by dispatching technical experts and providing human resource development programs in cooperation with international organizations, such as the ITU and APT.

I would like to continue sharing the principles of WSIS to bridge the digital divide and pledge to do my utmost to fulfill the Millennium Development Goals in ICT.

Both in developed and developing countries, we believe that the evolution of ICT should be based upon the following principles;

- fully meeting social needs,

- adoption of a customer- and market-oriented approach,

- ensuring all stakeholders recognize their roles.

These principles are also addressed in a context of a proposal for WSIS by Nippon Keidanren, the Japan Business Federation.

Our mission is to provide such a ubiquitous communication environment in which people can benefit from a rich ICT life from the user’s perspective. Part of the remit for that mission is to maintain the security, integrity and reliability of such systems, fundamental as they are to the social ICT infrastructure.

Finally, may I express my sincere respect for all stakeholders, the High-Level Summit Organizing Committee (HLSOC) under the patronage of UN Secretary-General Mr. Kofi Annan, the Executive Secretariat under the strong leadership of Mr. Yoshio Utsumi, Secretary-General of both ITU and WSIS, and the host country, Tunisia, for focusing our hearts and minds on the fruitful outcome of WSIS. Thank you all for your kind attention.







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