Mr Satya N Gupta
Joint Secretary General, ITU-APT
Foundation of India

An International expert in NGN technologies, Regulation, Interconnection and Broadband, with 38 years' experience in all aspects of Telecom, including 25 years with Govt. and Regulator, Satya N. Gupta is publicly recognized as an Analyst, Author, Advocate and Advisor on ICT related Policies, Projects and Businesses. Globally known as “NGNguru” and the Author of "Everything over IP- All you want to know about NGN". He also authored a concept called “Job Factory- Converting Unemployment into Intraprenuership”. His recent research based work, “Extra Mile- Walking the Talk on Rural Broadband Business”, brings out the innovative business models. Presently, he is heading Bluetown’s, India and Asia operations and “Making It Happen” its Vision of ‘’Connecting the Unconnected people in Rural areas of World”.