Mr Cristian Gomez
Director, Spectrum Policy and Regulatory Affairs, Asia-Pacific

Cristian is responsible for providing policy advice and regulatory best practice on spectrum matters across markets in Asia Pacific and leads the regional engagement with governments on spectrum issues. He has over 17 years of experience in national spectrum regulation, international allocation and assignment strategy.

Prior to joining the GSMA, Cristian worked at the New Zealand spectrum regulator (Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). He served within Radiocommunication Bureau (BR) of the ITU as senior spectrum regulation and policy officer, providing assistance to Member States on spectrum issues primarily in Asia-Pacific and the Americas.

Within the New Zealand spectrum regulator he served as principal policy advisor. He worked in areas of policy development, legislative review and spectrum allocation. He represented the government at the ITU World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC), ITU Radiocommunication Assembly and the forums of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT). Previously, he undertook other regulatory roles including spectrum planning, engineering and licensing and has a former engineering background in military communication systems and digital microwave communications.

He has authored publications on spectrum regulatory issues and has been a speaker at international regulatory forums in Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia Pacific.

Cristian’s academic background includes electronics and communications engineering (Chile, New Zealand), post-graduate studies in Public Policy (University of London) and an MBA (Massey University, New Zealand).