Mr Rolando Balsinde
Director Emeritus
McKinsey Company

Rolando Balsinde is Senior Partner Emeritus with McKinsey & Company, joining over 32 years ago. He has worked in Lisbon, Madrid, Mexico City, New York and Hong Kong (where he currently resides), serving clients in the Telecommunications and Technology sectors and presenting to Boards and Executive teams of dozens of players around the world.

For many years, he led McKinsey’s Global Telecommunications Practice. This is one of McKinsey’s largest and most vibrant industry practices serving most industry leaders. He is a regular participant in the Mobile World Congress, where he has been a keynote speaker and is part of the team that serves the GSMA. He has also participated and spoken at several ITU events over the years.

Additionally, he was a member of the Shareholders Council (McKinsey’s Board of Directors) for 10 years, chairing its Knowledge Committee. He has been part of the McKinsey delegation to the WEF in Davos for several years.

Rolando Balsinde is an Economist and holds an MBA degree from Columbia University. Before joining McKinsey, he worked at the OECD in Paris.