Mr Roberto Scano

Web Accessibility Expert
Roberto Scano, Web Accessibility Expert – CEN-CENELEC-ETSI JWG Accessibility Group Member<> <>Roberto Scano works in accessibility field since 2002, when he joined inside W3C as AC Representative for IWA (International Web Association). He supported development of WCAG 2.0 and ATAG 2.0 as international guidelines and Italian accessibility law and technical rules (Stanca Act, 2004). Roberto participate in development of EN 301549 v. 2.1.2 and in fix of WCAG 2.1 issues (editorial issues). Roberto was nominated as Italian representative for Web Accessibility Directive Expert Group. He also coordinate the activities for localization into Italian language of WCAG 2.1 (first translation worldwide) and also EN 301549 v. 2.1.2. (first translation in Europe, also the first translation available free of charge for any user). Actually he is also president of e-Accessibility commission of national normative body for Italy (UNI) Twitter: personal: @rscano agency: @AgidGov