Mr Talant Kalykov

State Communication Agency under the Ministry of Digital Development

He holds a degree in law from the Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University and degree in public and municipal administration from the Public Administration Academy under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Mr.Kalykov has working experience with some legal companies, as well as with the State Service of Regulation and Supervision of the Financial Market of the Kyrgyz Republic and national enterprise State Lottery Company.

Since 2020, first in the capacity of the Head of Legal Support Department, and afterwards in the capacity of the Director of State Communication Agency, Mr. Kalykov developed a number of laws and regulations in the field of communications, including the issues of efficient use of the limited public resource.

Mr. Kalykov makes efforts to establish a civilized dialogue between the state and business aimed at economic recovery and provision the remote settlements with communication services.