Elif Köksal-Oudot

Economist, Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation
Elif Köksal-Oudot is an Economist at the Economic Analysis and Statistics Division of the Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation (OECD) since 2006. She currently serves the Working Party on the Measurement and Analysis of the Digital Economy by developing new metrics and conducting analytical studies. Her main fields of expertise include skill composition of employment, productivity and ICT usage by households, individuals and by businesses. Ms Köksal-Oudot is also part of the team in charge of the measurement strand of the OECD’s horizontal project on “Going Digital: Making the Digital Transformation Work for Growth and Well-being”, which aims to give policymakers the tools they need to help their economies and societies prosper in a world that is increasingly digital and data-driven. In parallel, she represents her institution at relevant international bodies, such as steering and expert groups at the European Commission and ITU.

Over the past decade, Ms Köksal-Oudot has been co-authoring several flagship publications including the OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard, the OECD Digital Economy Outlook and the OECD Science, Technology and Innovation Outlook.

Ms Köksal-Oudot holds a M.Sc. in labour economics from the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (France) and is a member of the Centre for Strategic and Prospective Studies (CEPS).