David Harmon

Vice-President Global Public Affairs
Huawei Technologies
David Harmon is the Vice-President for Global Public Affairs at Huawei Technologies. He has been based at the company’s headquarters in Shenzhen in China since November 2014. David is responsible for putting in place strategies within the ICT and digital agenda policy areas that enhance relations between Huawei Technologies and governments around the world. He is a regular speaker at conferences around the world on issues related to the best global practices in the field of the governance of the ICT sector and on future ICT trends.

Between 2010-2014, he worked in Brussels as a member of the cabinet of the European Commissioner for research, innovation and science. In this capacity, he advised the European Commission on the best strategies that it should put in place within an international context concerning research, innovation and science matters. He was also the sherpa for the European Union at G8 summit meetings that dealt with these important policy issues.

Between 1998-2010, David worked in Brussels as a political advisor in the European Parliament. He covered a diverse range of policy issues including in the areas of trade, the digital agenda, foreign affairs and industry. He was also director of press and communications for the main government party in Ireland for three referenda campaigns that dealt with the ratification of different European Union treaties in the years 2002, 2008 and 2009. David is a qualified lawyer, having graduated from the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland in 1998.