Annie Baldeo

Executive Officer, Economics
Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT)
Ms. Annie Baldeo is the Executive Officer, Economics at the Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT). She has served with TATT for over thirteen years where she is responsible for policy development, statistical indicators, competition analysis and strategic planning. She contributes to the publication of Trinidad and Tobago industry’s Market Reports and was previously appointed vice-chair of the International Telecommunications Union international expert group on benchmarking telecommunications and ICT indicators.

Prior to this position, Annie was employed with the National Information and Communication Technology Secretariat of the Ministry of Public Administration where she was involved in the development of Trinidad and Tobago’s first National ICT Plan.

Her academic qualifications include a Bachelor of Science Degree in Management, Economics and Finance from the University of the West Indies, and a Master’s degree in Strategic Planning from Heriot-Watt University.