Financial Inclusion-Friendly government-to-person payment programs (G2P): Recommendations for Stakeholders - 27/10/2022
Technical Community and Civil Society | International
The recent COVID-19 pandemic saw an unprecedented response to the expansion of government-to-person payment programs (G2P) as countries adopted new ways to quickly transfer funds to their citizens. The World Bank estimates that roughly 760 million people have received G2P payments digitally since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and that digital payment programs on average paid more quickly (...)

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The impact of COVID-19 on digital communication patterns - 24/05/2022
Technical Community and Civil Society | International
The COVID-19 global pandemic disrupted the way organizations function, just as it disrupted life more generally. As the number of infections increased, governments across the globe closed their borders and shut down physical work sites to reduce the spread of infection caused by the virus. By April 7, 2020, 95 percent of Americans were required to shelter-in-place within their homes, similar to th (...)

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Digital Innovation in Pandemic Control (DIPC) - 11/04/2022
German Development Cooperation
Technical Community and Civil Society | Europe | Germany
The COVID-19 pandemic can only be brought under control through a joint global commitment. Vaccines are central to this, as they reduce the severity of the course and the further spread of the virus. In developing and emerging countries in particular, quite few people have yet been vaccinated against the coronavirus. With the delivery of vaccines, medicines and tests at national ports and airports (...)

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Connectivity and Access in the Era of COVID-19 - IEEE Virtual Salon - 27/10/2021
Engineering for change
Technical Community and Civil Society | International
COVID-19 has highlighted the universal need for equitable connectivity, particularly the challenges faced on the African continent. This virtual salon will explore the demands in broadband connectivity, including challenges and opportunities in light of the ongoing pandemic. Panelists representing a variety of sectors discussed on examples across Africa and related regions such as: If COVID-19 (...)

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Leave no one behind: a people-centered approach to achieve meaningful connectivity - 26/04/2021
Technical Community and Civil Society | International
In order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, we need to accelerate concerted action at all levels to close the digital divide, especially the gender digital gap. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the deep disparities in access to affordable and meaningful connectivity. At the 2021 High-Level Digital Debate of the General Assembly on Connectivity and Digital Cooperation, we encourage th (...)

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Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication
Technical Community and Civil Society | Asia & Pacific | Bangladesh
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) has been mobilizing all community radios for developing and broadcasting awareness building programs on COVID-19: contamination to protect lives and livelihoods since March 1, 2020 to 31 May 2020. During March 1, 2020 to 31 May 2020 BNNRC has been working on COVID-19 covering the following issues: 1. Animate CSOs, Government, health servi (...)

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