Leave no one behind: a people-centered approach to achieve meaningful connectivity - 26/04/2021
Technical Community and Civil Society | International
In order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, we need to accelerate concerted action at all levels to close the digital divide, especially the gender digital gap. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the deep disparities in access to affordable and meaningful connectivity. At the 2021 High-Level Digital Debate of the General Assembly on Connectivity and Digital Cooperation, we encourage th (...)

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UN explores opportunities to accelerate Mongolia's digitalization agenda - 15/04/2021
Communications and Information Technology Authority (CITA)
TELECOM/ICT Policy Makers and Regulators | Asia & Pacific | Mongolia
Mongolia sets six goals to become a digital nation. This will start with the infrastructure that connects its people throughout the country as COVID-19 revealed the weaknesses of its network connectivity. Strengthening digital governance will be on high priority to improve public service delivery to citizens. The government offers more than 590 services, 330 of which are now available online. Dig (...)

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BEYOND THE PANDEMIC Building back better from crises in Asia and the Pacific - 31/03/2021
International and Regional Organizations | International
The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered unprecedented and globally synchronized health, social and economic crises, which threaten to roll back hard-won development gains. This report analyses the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic in the region, takes stock of actions so far, and offers recommendations for building back better – bolstering resilience to future wide-scale crises and setting the re (...)

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World Bank: Digital ID systems can help vaccination deployment, but should never be a barrier to access - 31/03/2021
World Bank
International and Regional Organizations | International
Plenty of practical learnings are coming from the countries that have launched their COVID-19 vaccination programs. An important one is that the availability of reliable and verifiable personal data — on demographics, employment, health status, and other metrics that might determine prioritization — makes the registration of beneficiaries much easier for both the public and government. Coupled wit (...)

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Coronavirus vaccine disinformation: new reports from online platforms to inform Code of Practice revamp - 26/03/2021
European Commission
International and Regional Organizations | International
The Commission has published the new reports by Twitter, TikTok, Google, and Microsoft on measures they took in February 2021 against vaccine disinformation as signatories of the Code of Practice on Disinformation. The reports show that Twitter updated its COVID-19 search prompts in the EU to include authoritative information on vaccines, and activated the hashtag #Vaccinated in 24 languages for (...)

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TELECOM/ICT Policy Makers and Regulators | Africa | South Africa
The Council of the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa ( ICASA/the Authority) has resolved to review the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) COVID-19 National Disaster Regulations (The Regulations) and extend the temporary radio frequency spectrum assignments issued to licensees for another two months (from 1 April 2021 to 31 May 2021). The temporary release of high d (...)

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